OCSNCOE Unit Emblem (silhouettes of a self-elevating MODU, an OSV and an offshore wind turbine over a silhouette of the United States with the U.S. Coast Guard mark (i.e., racing stripe) in the background).Outer Continental Shelf National Center of Expertise (OCSNCOE)

JACK ST. MALO during offshore construction with attending OSV and Floatel VICTORY. C-ENFORCER underway with water cannons flowing. SEVAN LOUISIANA underway when initially entering the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Platform GINA off the California coast. Block Island windfarm with attending CTV. SPARTAN 151 dockside in Seward, AK.



Additional OCS & Coast Guard-Related Info Menu

Accidents, Investigations and Safety Information

OCS-Related Accidents, Investigations and Safety Alerts

Note: Page tabs may appear collapsed or as a menu near the top of the page on mobile devices or lower screen resolutions.

This page consolidates information pertaining to OCS-related accidents, investigations and safety alerts/lessons learned. Use the tabs above to view the following categories:

1) U.S. Coast Guard Investigations;

2) National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Marine Accident Reports and Marine Accident Briefings;

3) USCG Safety Alerts and Lessons Learned (with access to additional USCG and Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) alerts);

4) USCG Findings of Concern;

5) OCS-related Marine Safety Information Bulletins (MSIBs); and

6) Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Investigations.

Additional information is also available on dedicated pages for the following incidents:


U.S. Coast Guard Investigation Reports for OCS-Related Casualties

The U.S. Coast Guard prepares and publishes reports of investigation that present the findings of fact, results of analysis, conclusions, and recommendations of the Coast Guard's investigation of marine casualties, outer continental shelf (OCS) casualties, and commercial diving casualties. This page lists USCG reports that are OCS-related, ordered from newest to oldest (by accident date). Additional investigation and casualty analysis reports are available on the Office of Investigations & Casualty Analysis (CG-INV) Marine Casualty Reports page.

Click on the accident date to open the document (opens in a new window).

Accident Date Vessel/Unit Type Subject and Summary
OSV: Liftboat

Capsizing of the Liftboat SEACOR POWER approximately 7 nautical miles south of Port Fourchon, LA in the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in the loss of 13 lives.

View the Seacor Power page for information related to this incident.

See also the following information related to this investigation:

(w/Final Actions dated 02Oct2023)
Floating OCS Facility

Shell AUGER TLP Lifeboat No. 6 Inadvertent Hook Opening with Loss of Life and Injury at Garden Banks 426 on the U.S. OCS in the Gulf of Mexico.

The Coast Guard publicized the release of the report via Maritime Commons blog post.

View the AUGER LB 6 page for information related to this incident.

See also the following information related to this investigation:

  • Enclosure (2) to the report for USCG testing that was conducted during the course of the investigation.
  • Safety Alert 03-20: Check Your Lifeboat Cables: Damaged Control Cables can Contribute to the Unintended Opening of a Hook
  • Findings of Concern 17-23: Unsafe Lifeboat Conditions and Practices
31Dec2012 MODU Multiple Related Marine Casualties and Grounding of the MODU KULLUK
MODU Explosion, Fire, Sinking and Loss of Eleven Crewmembers aboard the MODU DEEPWATER HORIZON at Mississippi Canyon Block 252 in the Gulf of Mexico
View the DWH - Macondo page for additional information.
07Apr2004 OSV Vessel Fire on the OSV SEABULK NEW JERSEY in the Gulf of Mexico
30Jun2003 OSV: Liftboat Sinking of L/B SUPERIOR CHALLENGE at Eugene Island Block 193-A in the Gulf of Mexico
04Mar1996 MODU Commercial Diving Accident aboard CLIFF'S DRILLING RIG NO. 12 with Loss of Life
15Dec1988 MODU Capsizing and Sinking of MODU ROWAN GORILLA I in the North Atlantic Ocean
15Feb1982 MODU Capsizing and Sinking of MODU OCEAN RANGER in the Atlantic Ocean with Loss of Life
10May1979 MODU Collapse and Sinking of MODU RANGER I at Block 189L offshore Galveston, TX with Loss of Life
15Apr1976 MODU Capsizing and Sinking of the OCEAN EXPRESS (Drilling Unit) in the Gulf of Mexico (under tow) with Loss of Life
28May1970 Platform Explosion and Fire on the CHAMBERS and KENNEDY PLATFORM 189-L, southeast of Galveston, TX in the Gulf of Mexico, with damage to the M/V CARRYBACK and Loss of Life
13Mar1968 MODU Capsizing and Sinking of Drill Rig DIXILYN 8, JULIE ANN at Eugene Island Block 276 in the Gulf of Mexico
24Oct1967 Platform Explosion and Fire on CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY PLATFORM 43-A, Grand Isle Block in the Gulf of Mexico
21Sep1960 MODU: Drill Tender Explosion and Fire onboard the M/V S-21 at Grand Isle Block 26 in the Gulf of Mexico with Loss of Life
26Jul1959 Platform Explosion and Fire onboard OFFSHORE PLATFORM SOUTH TIMBALIER BLOCK 134-D1, Gulf of Mexico, with Loss of Life
15Oct1958 Platform Fire on OFFSHORE DRILLING PLATFORM 45-E, West Delta Block in the Gulf of Mexico, with Loss of Life
17Apr1957 MODU Capsizing of DRILLING BARGE MR. K in the Gulf of Mexico with Loss of Life
10Aug1956 MODU Capsizing of SEDCO NO. 8 - RIG 22 at Avondale, LA with Loss of Life (under construction, afloat and nearing completion)


NTSB Marine Investigation Reports (MIRs), Marine Accident Reports (MARs) and Marine Accident Briefs (MABs)

National Transportation Safety Board Accident Reports "provide details about the accident, analysis of the factual data, conclusions and the probable cause of the accident, and the related safety recommendations". This page lists NTSB Marine Accident Reports that are OCS-related, ordered from newest to oldest (by accident report number). Additional accident reports and information are available on the NTSB's Accidents Reports page.

Click on the report number to open the document (opens in a new window).

Report Number Accident Date Vessel/Unit Type Subject and Summary
MIR-24-01 01Oct2021 Platform

Anchor Strike of Underwater Pipeline and Eventual Crude Oil Release

This report discusses the October 1, 2021, crude oil release resulting from contact of ships’ anchors with an underwater pipeline in San Pedro Bay near Huntington Beach, California. Safety issues identified in this report include insufficient distance between anchorage locations and the pipeline, need for notification of potential pipeline damage to the pipeline operator, need for improvements to Vessel Traffic Service vessel monitoring systems, incorrect response by pipeline controllers to leak alarms, lack of postaccident alcohol and other drug testing for pipeline controllers, and the need for pipeline operators to implement pipeline safety management systems. As a result of this investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board makes six new safety recommendations to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Coast Guard, and the Marine Exchange of Southern California.

See NTSB's DCA22FM001​ docket page for supporting information gathered during the investigation.

MIR-23-28 20Nov2022 OSV: Liftboat

Tilting of Liftboat L/B Robert

On November 20, 2022, at 1256 local time, the liftboat L/B Robert was reported to be listing (tilting) alongside a stationary oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico near South Marsh Island Block 137, about 80 miles southeast of Lake Charles, Louisiana. The crew had evacuated 2 days prior due to forecasted adverse weather in the area, leaving the vessel elevated out of the water and unattended. Following the casualty, vessel crewmembers, salvors, and personnel from the operating company assessed the damage and facilitated the tow of the vessel into port. No pollution or injuries were reported. Damage to the vessel and cargo was estimated at $6.9 million.

See NTSB's DCA23FM007​ docket page for supporting information gathered during the investigation.

MIR 23-09 23Jul2022 OSV

Collision between Bulk Carrier Bunun Queen and Offshore Supply Vessel Thunder

​​On July 23, 2022, about 1314 local time, the bulk carrier Bunun Queen, transiting eastbound in the Gulf of Mexico with 20 crewmembers on board, and the northbound offshore supply vessel Thunder collided about 66 miles south of Port Fourchon, Louisiana. The Thunder sustained substantial damage to its port side, which resulted in the flooding of one of its propulsion rooms and three other spaces. Eleven of Thunder’s 18 crew were evacuated to a Good Samaritan vessel, and the remaining crew stayed with the vessel to control the flooding while it was towed back to port. There were no injuries, and no pollution was reported. Damage to both vessels was estimated at $12.3 million.

See NTSB's DCA22FM030​ docket page for supporting information gathered during the investigation.

MIR-23-08 27May2022 OSV

Diesel Generator Engine Failure on board Offshore Supply Vessel Ocean Guardian

On May 27, 2022, about 1435, the offshore supply vessel Ocean Guardian was conducting sea trials in Shilshole Bay near Seattle, Washington, when its no. 3 main diesel generator engine suffered a mechanical failure that resulted in a fire in the engine room. The crew extinguished the fire before it could spread throughout the vessel. There were no injuries reported for the 22 crewmembers and contractors on board, and there was no pollution reported. Damage to the Ocean Guardian totaled an estimated $1.1 million.

See NTSB's DCA22FM021​ docket page for supporting information gathered during the investigation.

MIR-23/05 12Mar2022 MODU

Breakaway of Moored Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit VALARIS DS-16 and Subsequent Collision with Cargo Vessel Akti

On March 12, 2022, about 0020 local time, the mobile offshore drilling unit VALARIS DS-16 was in layup status at the ST Engineering Halter Marine and Offshore Shipyard in Pascagoula, Mississippi, when it broke away from the dock, drifted across the Bayou Casotte channel, and collided with the bulk cargo vessel Akti moored at the Chevron Refinery dock no.6. There were no injuries reported for the 164 crewmembers and personnel on board the VALARIS DS-16 or the 22 crewmembers on board the Akti, and there was no pollution reported. The total damage resulting from the breakaway was estimated at $5 million.

See NTSB's DCA22FM013​​​ docket page for supporting information gathered during the investigation.

MIR-23-01 25Jun2021 OSV, Platform

Contact of Offshore Supply Vessel Elliot Cheramie with Oil and Gas Production Platform EI-259A

On June 25, 2021, about 0245 local time, the offshore supply vessel Elliot Cheramie was transiting in the Gulf of Mexico with four crew and five offshore workers aboard when it struck the uncrewed/shut-in oil and gas production platform EI-259A (Eugene Island Block 259 ‘A’ platform) 77 miles southwest of Port Fourchon, Louisiana. Four minor injuries were reported. Damage to the vessel, platform and pipelines was $362,814.

See NTSB's DCA21FM031​​ docket page for supporting information gathered during the investigation.

MIR-22/26 13Apr2021 OSV: Liftboat

Capsizing of the Liftboat SEACOR Power

On April 13, 2021, about 1537 local time, the U.S.-flagged liftboat SEACOR Power capsized about 7 miles off the coast of Port Fourchon, Louisiana, in a severe thunderstorm. Eleven crew and eight offshore workers were aboard the liftboat. Vessel operators in the area reported heavy rain, winds exceeding 80 knots, and 2-to-4-foot seas at the time of the capsizing. Search and rescue efforts were hampered by 30-to-40-knot winds and seas that quickly built to 10-to-12 feet and persisted throughout the evening and into the next day. Six personnel were rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard and Good Samaritan vessels, and the bodies of six fatally injured personnel were recovered. Seven personnel were never found and are presumed dead. The vessel, valued at $25 million, was a total constructive loss.

Additional information can be accessed through NTSB's SEACOR Power investigation page.

  • The Preliminary Report report was released 18May2021.
  • A public meeting (virtual) was held 18Oct2022. The Report Abstract (consisting of the executive summary, probable cause, findings and recommendations was made available.
  • NTSB's DCA21MM024 docket page for the marine investigation contains supporting information gathered during the investigation.
MIR-22/18 07Jan2021 Platform

Contact of Bulk Carrier Ocean Princess with Oil and Gas Production Platform SP-83A

On January 7, 2021, at 0122 local time, the bulk carrier Ocean Princess, with a crew of 24, struck the uncrewed/out-of-service oil and gas production platform SP-83A while operating in the Gulf of Mexico, 24 miles south of Pilottown, Louisiana.1 No pollution or injuries were reported. Damage to the vessel and platform was estimated at $1.5 million.

MIR-22/04 11Oct2020 OSV

Collision between Offshore Supply Vessel Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 33 and U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Harry Claiborne

On October 11, 2020, at 1544 local time, the offshore supply vessel Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 33 was traveling with a crew of five outbound for sea in Sabine Pass when it collided with the US Coast Guard Cutter Harry Claiborne, which was servicing a buoy near Texas Point, TX. The Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 33 subsequently ran aground. The crew attempted to refloat the vessel, and as it broke free, the current set the offshore supply vessel into the stationary cutter, resulting in a second collision. Three of the 24 crewmembers aboard the Harry Claiborne suffered minor injuries; none of the Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 33 crewmembers were injured. No pollution was reported. The estimated damage to the Cheramie Bo-Truc No. 33 ($65,072) and the Harry Claiborne ($440,879) totaled $505,951.

MAB-21/26 19Dec2020 OSV

Diesel Generator Engine Failure aboard Offshore Supply Vessel OCEAN INTERVENTION

At 1303 local time on December 19, 2020, the no. 3 diesel generator engine aboard the Ocean Intervention suffered a mechanical failure while the offshore supply vessel was anchored off Honolulu, Hawaii. The failure led to the ejection of components from the engine and resulted in a fire in the engine room. The crew isolated the fire before it could spread throughout the vessel. No pollution or injury to the 16 crewmembers on board was reported. Damage to the Ocean Intervention totaled $3,046,624.

MAB-20/36 08Sep2019 OSV: Liftboat

Overturning of the Liftboat KRISTIN FAYE

Summary: On September 8, 2019, about 1015 local time, the liftboat Kristin Faye overturned while preparing to conduct work alongside a platform in the Gulf of Mexico, in Main Pass Block 64, located about 18 miles east of Venice, Louisiana. All three crewmembers abandoned the vessel and were rescued. One person suffered minor injuries during the evacuation. An estimated 120 gallons of diesel fuel were released. The vessel was declared a constructive total loss at an estimated $750,000.

MAB-19/36 08Oct2018 OSV: Crewboat

Fire aboard OSV GRAND SUN

Summary: On October 8, 2018, about 0215 local time, the offshore supply vessel Grand Sun was transiting the Chandeleur Sound in the Gulf of Mexico, about 15 miles from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, when the vessel caught on fire. The four crewmembers aboard attempted to fight the fire but were unsuccessful. They remained on the stern of the vessel until they were rescued by the US Coast Guard. The fire burned itself out, and the vessel was later towed to port. No pollution or injuries were reported. The vessel, valued at $1.6 million, was deemed a constructive total loss.

MAB-19/27 18Nov2018 OSV: Liftboat

Overturning of the Liftboat RAM XVIII

Summary: On November 18, 2018, about 0200 local time, the liftboat Ram XVIII overturned in the Gulf of Mexico, in West Delta block 68, located about 15 miles south-southeast of Grand Isle, Louisiana. Five crewmembers and ten offshore workers abandoned the vessel and were rescued. Three personnel suffered minor injuries during the evacuation. An estimated 1,000 gallons of hydraulic oil were released. The vessel was declared a constructive total loss at an estimated $1,140,000.

MAB-15/16 24Aug2014 OSV

Collision of OSV GLORIA MAY and Fishing Vessel CAPT LE

Summary: The offshore supply vessel Gloria May collided with the uninspected fishing vessel Capt Le in the Gulf of Mexico about 2040 on the evening of August 24, 2014. As a result of the collision, the hull of the Capt Le was breached and the vessel flooded and sank; the bow of the Gloria May suffered minor damage. Three crewmembers from the Capt Le abandoned their sinking vessel into a liferaft and were recovered by the crew of the Gloria May. No injuries resulted from the accident. Total damage was estimated at $225,000.

MAB-16/06 02Mar2015 OSV: Crewboat, Liftboat

Collision between Passenger Vessel DIAMOND EDGE and Liftboat B.W. HALEY

Summary: On March 2, 2015, at 1027 local time, the passenger vessel Diamond Edge and the liftboat-configured offshore supply vessel B.W. Haley collided while under way in dense fog about 55 miles south-southwest of Lafayette, Louisiana. As a result of the collision, the hull of the Diamond Edge was breached and the vessel partially sank. There were no significant injuries or pollution reported. Estimated damage exceeded $1.75 million for both vessels combined.

MAB-16/03 23Jan2015 OSV

Allision of OSV CONNOR BORDELON with Unmanned Platform South Timbalier 271A

Summary: On January 23, 2015, at 0432 central standard time, the offshore supply vessel Connor Bordelon struck the unmanned natural gas platform South Timbalier 271A, which was located about 5.25 miles south of the jetty channel entrance at the vessel’s home port of Port Fourchon, Louisiana. The allision caused the pipelines attached to the platform to rupture and the natural gas and oil inside the pipelines to ignite. After the allision, the pipelines were shut down, and three good Samaritan vessels in the area applied water to put out the fire. The allision also caused a breach in the Connor Bordelon’s hull below the waterline, and the vessel began taking on water. The captain contacted the US Coast Guard to report the accident, and the Coast Guard released the Connor Bordelon from the accident area and allowed it to continue to Port Fourchon while the crew addressed the flooding. None of the 24 persons aboard the vessel were injured.

MAB-15/18 18Feb2014 OSV

Allision of OSV TRISTAN JANICE with Natural Gas Platform

Summary: About 0712 local time on February 18, 2014, the US-registered offshore supply vessel Tristan Janice allided with a natural gas production platform in the northern Gulf of Mexico, about 54 miles south-southwest of Houma, Louisiana. No one was injured and no water pollution resulted from the allision. However, the vessel and the platform sustained about $545,000 in total damage, and a substantial amount of natural gas escaped into the atmosphere from a ruptured supply pipe.

MAB-15/15 17Nov2014 Platform, Pipeline

Subsea Pipeline Damage by Tug and Barge VALIANT/EVERGLADES

Summary: The articulated tug and barge (ATB) unit Valiant/Everglades lost propulsion and drifted to within about 20 yards of the East Cameron (EC) 321A production platform in the Gulf of Mexico, forcing the shutdown of the platform and evacuation of its 35 crewmembers about 0600 on November 17, 2014. The captain of the Valiant ordered the anchor dropped to slow the vessel until propulsion was restored, and in the process of backing away, the anchor ruptured a subsea pipeline, causing an estimated $2 million in damage and the release of a total of about 249,800 mcf of natural gas. Neither the platform nor the vessel was damaged, and no one was injured.

MAB-15/02 28Nov2013 OSV: Dive Support

Fire on Board Saturation Diving Support Vessel OCEAN PATRIOT

Summary: A fire that broke out in the forward machinery space of the saturation diving support vessel Ocean Patriot while under way in the Gulf of Mexico on the evening of November 28, 2013, was brought under control by the vessel’s fixed fire suppression system without serious injury, and no pollution resulted from the accident. Damage to the Ocean Patriot was estimated to be $9.8 million.

MAB-15/01 14Jun2013 OSV: Crewboat

Allision and Sinking of Offshore Supply Vessel CELESTE ANN

Summary: The offshore supply vessel Celeste Ann was receiving passengers from West Delta oil platform 73 about 20 nautical miles southeast of Grand Isle, Louisiana, when the vessel allided with the platform about 0836 on June 14, 2013. The allision punctured the hull, and the Celeste Ann subsequently flooded and sank. All passengers and crew evacuated to another vessel, and no one was injured.

MAB-14/01 30May2013 OSV

Sinking of Offshore Supply Vessel RICKY B

Summary: On May 30, 2013, at 0702 central daylight time, the offshore supply vessel Ricky B sank in the Gulf of Mexico about 24 nm south of Marsh Island, Louisiana, while being towed. The three crewmembers had abandoned the Ricky B earlier and boarded a good samaritan vessel, from which they were subsequently transferred to a nearby manned oil platform. No one was injured. The Ricky B was later refloated. Its damage was estimated to be $520,000.

MAB-13/14 16Jan2012 OSV: Liftboat

Fire On Board and Sinking of Liftboat MAKO

Summary: About 0503 on January 16, 2012, the US liftboat Mako caught fire while supporting oil drilling operations about 6 miles off the coast of Nigeria, Africa. No one on board was injured, but the Mako was a total loss in the accident.

MAB-13/13 02May2012 MODU

Collision of Oil Tanker FR8 PRIDE with MODU ROWAN EXL I

Summary: On May 2, 2012, at 0718, the oil tanker FR8 Pride collided with the mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) Rowan EXL I in Aransas Pass, Corpus Christi, Texas. No one was injured in the collision, but the two vessels sustained an estimated $16–17 million in damage.

MAR-13/01 08Sep2011 OSV: Liftboat

Liftboat TRINITY II, Personnel Abandonment and Loss of Life

Excerpt from abstract: This report discusses the September 8, 2011, accident involving the U.S. Liftboat Trinity II. Ten persons were on board. Because of severe weather and boarding seas associated with Hurricane Nate, the elevated liftboat’s stern jacking leg failed and the onboard personnel abandoned the vessel. Four of them died.

MAR-89/06 15Dec1988 MODU

ROWAN GORILLA I, Capsizing and Sinking

Excerpt from abstract: This report explains the sinking of the mobile offshore drilling unit ROWAN GORILLA I on December 15, 1988, in the North Atlantic Ocean. The safety issues discussed are the vessel's design and stability, vessel towing, weather, lifesaving equipment stowage, survival capsule design, survival training, and manning and licensing requirements.

MAR-86/03 15Jan1985 MODU

GLOMAR ARCTIC II, Explosion and Fire

Excerpt from abstract: On January 15, 1985, the U.S. semi-submersible mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) GLOMAR ARCTIC II was conducting well testing operations 130 nautical miles east-southeast of Aberdeen, Scotland, in the North Sea. About 2030, the drilling unit experienced an explosion in the port pontoon pump room. The chief engineer and third assistant engineer were killed in the blast. Damage to the drilling vessel was estimated to be $2.3 million dollars.

MAR-85/11 14Sep1984 MODU

ZAPATA LEXINGTON, Explosion and Fire

Excerpt from abstract: About 1230 on September 14, 1984, the U.S.-flag mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) ZAPATA LEXINGTON suffered an explosion and fire while moored and conducting drilling operations in 1,465 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico. The accident occurred while procedures were being employed to evacuate a gas bubble from the subsea blowout preventer stack on the sea floor. Instead, gas trapped in the blowout preventer entered the base of the marine riser, rose to the surface, and escaped into the atmosphere, expelling a large volume of drilling mud out of the riser. The gas infiltrated the areas above and below the drill floor at the base of the derrick and was ignited. The explosion and fire that followed resulted in the deaths of four persons and severe injuries to three persons. Sixty-four persons abandoned the MODU using two survival capsules and three inflatable liferafts. The gas fire burned itself out about 30 minutes after the rig was evacuated. The cost of repairs was estimated at $12 million.

MAR-87/02 25Oct1983 MODU: Drillship

GLOMAR JAVA SEA, Capsizing and Sinking

Excerpt from abstract: About 2355 on October 25, 1983, the 400-foot-long United Stated drillship GLOMAR JAVA SEA capsized and sank during Typhoon LEX in the South China Sea about 65 nautical miles south-southwest of Hainan Island, People's Republic of China.  Of the 81 persons who were aboard, 35 bodies have been located, and the remaining 46 persons are missing and presumed dead.  The GLOMAR JAVA SEA currently is resting on the bottom of the sea in an inverted position in about 315 feet of water; its estimated value was $35 million.

MAR-83-2 15Feb1982 MODU

OCEAN RANGER, Capsizing and Sinking

Excerpt from abstract: About 0300 on February 15, 1982, the U.S. mobile offshore drilling unit OCEAN RANGER capsized and sank during a severe storm about 166 nautical miles east of St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada; 84 persons were aboard.  Twenty-two bodies have been recovered, and the remaining 62 persons are missing and presumed dead.  The OCEAN RANGER currently is resting in an inverted position in about 260 feet of water; its value was estimated at $125 million.

MAR-79-5 15Apr1976 MODU

OCEAN EXPRESS, Capsizing and Sinking

Excerpt from abstract: About 1100 c.s.t. on April 14, 1976, the self-elevating drilling unit OCEAN EXPRESS departed a drilling site in the Gulf of Mexico under tow for a new drilling site about 33 nm away.  The OCEAN EXPRESS arrived at the new drilling site about 2330, but was not set in place because of adverse seas.  Three tugs held the OCEAN EXPRESS in position awaiting better weather, but the seas continued to increase.  On April 15, 1976, one tug's starboard reduction gear failed, and another tug's towline broke.  With only one effective tug remaining, the OCEAN EXPRESS turned broadside to the wind and seas, drifted, grounded, capsized, and sank about 2115.  Thirteen persons drowned in a capsized survival capsule.


Safety Alerts and Lessons Learned

This page lists U.S. Coast Guard Safety Alerts and Lessons Learned that are OCS-related or pertain to systems that are onboard vessels and units that are conducting OCS activities, ordered from newest to oldest (by date). Additional safety alerts from the USCG and BSEE can be viewed at the following pages:

Office of Investigations and Casualty Analysis (CG-INV) Safety Alerts and Lessons Learned

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Safety Alerts

Click on the safety alert number to open the document (opens in a new window).

Number Date Released Vessel/Unit Type Subject and Summary
05-25 08Jan2025 All Importance of Adhering to Hot Work Procedures & Implementing Robust Lockout/Tagout Programs
04-25 08Jan2025 All Importance of Hazardous Zone Markings and Safety Protocol Awareness
08-24 28Oct2024 All Corrosion of Lifeboat Self-Contained Air Support System Cylinders can be Dangerous
01-24 20Feb2024 All You May Not Receive AIS Broadcasts whenever a VHF Maritime Radio is Keyed
11-23 05Dec2023 All Shipboard Crane Wire Rope Hazard Mitigation
04-23 17Mar2023 All Inflatable Boat Safety: Do Not Over-Pressurize!
03-23 02Mar2023 All Ensure Proper Configuration of Digital Selective Calling (DSC)-Equipped Radios
12-22 25Nov2022 All Ensuring Proper Operation and Detection of Radar Search and Rescue Transponders (SARTs)
11-22 01Nov2022 DP Vessels Dynamic Positioning Systems: Don't overestimate their capabilities!
07-22 20May2022 All Unexpected Dangers: Lifeboat Remote Control Wires
06-22 19May2022 All Prevention of Water and Contaminants in Marine Fuel Systems
05-22 16May2022 MODU BSEE/USCG Joint Safety Alert: BSEE & USCG Identify Delayed T-Time Execution, Poor Operational Decisions and Equipment Breakdowns as Contributors to a Drillship's Unsuccessful Attempt to Avoid Hurricane Ida
03-22 29Mar2022 All Verify [Lifesaving] Launching Appliance Winch Component Rating: Exceeding Electrical Duty Rating Can Lead to Failure
08-21 09Nov2021 All Verify Products from Southwest Wire Rope Company, Incorrect Terminations Can Lead to Catastrophic Failure
Related presentation to the American Petroleum Institute webinar audience on 10Nov2021 can be viewed here.
07-21 26Oct2021 All Unexpected Heavy Weather Dangers: Weather will Change, Whether You are Ready or Not!
04-21 08Jul2021 All Verify Your Wire Rope Terminations: Incorrect Terminations Can Lead to Catastrophic Failure
Related presentation to the American Petroleum Institute webinar audience on 10Nov2021 can be viewed here.
05-20 06Jul2020 All Electrical Issues Spark Major Concern - Addressing Hazardous Area Electrical Installations Knowledge Gaps
03-20 05Feb2020 All Check Your Lifeboat Cables: Damaged Control Cables can Contribute to the Unintended Opening of a Hook
View the Auger LB6 tab (above) for additional/related information.
Related presentation to the National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee on 30Sep2020 can be viewed here.
13-17 19Dec2017 All Fixed CO2 Fire Extinguishing Systems: When your hoses aren't right you might lose the fight.
10-16 16Aug2016 All Iron Mike will steer straight but you control your fate! Avoid Auto-Pilot Induced Casualties
02-16 04Apr2016 All Worn Thin: Vibration Abrasion, a "Short" Summation
11-15 09Nov2015 All Dried not Fried; Laundering Safety Issues
06-15 27May2015 All Fire Extinguishing Systems Ready: Are you sure?
01-15 24Feb2015 OSV; DP Vessels BSEE/USCG Joint Safety Alert: Dynamic Positioning System Failures on Offshore Supply Vessels Engaged in Oil and Gas Operations in the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf
15-14 12Nov2014 All Accidental Release of CO2 System! Importance of Design and Testing of Emergency System Controls
LL-02-14 09Jul2014 All Battery Weight Varies: Use proper replacement parts on all Emergency Equipment
LL 01-14 09Jul2014 OSV; All It's the Seemingly Minor Items... that sometimes can create a catastrophe
08-14 20May2014 OSV; DP Vessels BSEE/USCG Joint Safety Alert: Dynamic Positioning System Failures on Vessels other than Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (Vessels)
08-13 30Aug2013 All Confined Space Entry Dangers: Understanding Hazards
05-13 17Jun2013 MODU  Recent Failures of Dynamic Positioning (DP) Systems on Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
03-13b 30Apr2013 All Surge Protective Devices onboard Vessels
01-13 21Mar2013 All Counterfeit Portable Fire Extinguishers
04-11 01Sep2011 All Mariner's Safety Endangered when VHF Radio Distress Alerts by Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Lack Location and Identification Information
02-11 14Feb2011 All Air Receivers and Relief Valves: A reminder that shouldn't be necessary!
01-11 31Jan2011 All Inspection of Quick-Closing Valves [Fuel Valves]
10(b)-10 21Dec2010 All Simple Failures Render CO2 System Inoperative [Fixed CO2 Fire Suppression System]
10(a)-10 21Dec2010 All Wrong Directions: A Recipe for Failure [Fixed CO2 Fire Suppression Systems]
02-03 23Mar2003 Fixed Platforms; FOFs Joint MMS/USCG Safety Alert: Deck Openings
02-98 16Jun1998 All Wire Rope Failures


Findings of Concern

This page lists U.S. Coast Guard Findings of Concern (FOC) that are OCS-related or pertain to systems that are onboard vessels and units that are conducting OCS activities, ordered from newest to oldest (by date). Additional FOCs from the USCG can be viewed at Office of Investigations and Casualty Analysis (CG-INV) Findings of Concern.

Click on the safety alert number to open the document (opens in a new window).

Number Date Released Vessel/Unit Type Subject and Summary
17-23, Corr.1 13Oct2023 All Unsafe Lifeboat Conditions and Practices [FPS Auger Lifeboat No. 6 Casualty]
15-23 26Jun2023 All Seacor Power Casualty: Dispatcher Training, Draft Readings and Weather Forecasting for All Commercial Vessels
14-23 26Jun2022 OSV; Liftboat Seacor Power Casualty: Findings of Concern Regarding Liftboats
13-23 26Jun2022 All Seacor Power Casualty: Findings of Concern Regarding the National Weather Service


Marine Safety Information Bulletins (MSIBs)

This page lists U.S. Coast Guard MSIBs that are OCS-related or pertain to systems that are onboard vessels and units that are conducting OCS activities, ordered from newest to oldest (by date).

USCG District Eight OCS MSIBs are located here.

Click on the MSIB number to open the document (opens in a new window).

Number Date Released Vessel/Unit Type Subject and Summary
05-24 08May2024 All Reporting Anchoring Activities in the Vicinity of Submerged Pipelines
03-24 25Mar2024 All Amendment to MARPOL Annex V/10: Update to Garbage Record Book Requirements
01-24 26Feb2024 All Merchant Mariner Credential Passport Book Replacement
20-20, CH-1 29Oct2020 All Performing a VHF Marine Radio Check


BSEE Investigations

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) provides reports of incidents investigated for operations and systems regulated under their purview that may also be of interest. The following links (open in new windows) provide information on BSEE's investigation program and access to reports for incident investigations conducted at the National and District levels.

BSEE Safety and Incident Investigations - National Investigations Program and Safety and Incident Investigations Division (SIID) information

Incident Reporting - Incident reporting requirements, guidance and National, Region and District contact information

Offshore Incident Investigations - Authority, overview, how an investigation is commenced and scope of investigations

  • Panel Investigation Reports 
    BSEE typically convenes a "panel" to investigate incidents that result in death, serious injury or significant pollution


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