ASME Workshop on Marine Technology


2020 Workshop on Marine Technology & Standards

Oct 21-22, 2020, Washington D.C.

This event is jointly sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers & United States Coast Guard and is open to the public through advanced registration. The purpose of the workshop is to provide a technical exchange on areas of technology that impact the marine industry with corresponding coverage in related codes and standards and government regulations. This public workshop will provide a unique opportunity for classification societies, industry groups, standards development organizations, governments and interested members of the public to come together for a professional exchange on topics ranging from technological impacts to the marine industry, corresponding coverage in related codes and standards, and government regulations. The workshop is comprised of a series of panel sessions carried over a two-day period covering a variety of topics.

About USCG

The Coast Guard is the principal Federal agency responsible for maritime safety, security, and environmental stewardship in U.S. ports and waterways. In this capacity, the Coast Guard protects and defends more than 100,000 miles of U.S. coastline and inland waterways, and safeguards an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) encompassing 4.5 million square miles stretching from North of the Arctic Circle to South of the equator, from Puerto Rico to Guam, encompassing nine time zones –– the largest EEZ in the world. As one of the five Armed Services of the United States, the Coast Guard is the only military branch within the Department of Homeland Security. In addition to its role as an Armed Service, the Coast Guard is a first responder and humanitarian service that provides aid to people in distress or impacted by natural and man-made disasters whether at sea or ashore. The Coast Guard is a member of the Intelligence Community, and is a law enforcement and regulatory agency with broad legal authorities associated with maritime transportation, hazardous materials shipping, bridge administration, oil spill response, pilotage, and vessel construction and operation.

The over 56,000 members of the Coast Guard operate a multi-mission, interoperable fleet of 240+ Cutters, 200+ fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, and over 1,600 boats. Operational control of surface and air assets is vested in two Coast Guard geographical Areas (Pacific and Atlantic), nine Coast Guard Districts, and 35 Sectors located at strategic ports throughout the country. Six Mission Support Logistics and Service Centers provide services for operational assets and shore facilities. Coast Guard program oversight, policy development, and personnel administration are carried out at Coast Guard Headquarters located on the St. Elizabeth's campus in Washington, DC.

About ASME

ASME is a not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods. Founded in 1880 by a small group of leading industrialists, ASME has grown through the decades to include more than 140,000 members in 151 countries.

For more than 100 years, ASME has successfully enhanced performance and safety worldwide through its renowned codes and standards, conformity assessment programs, training courses, and journals.

ASME also produces nearly 40 international conferences. These industry-leading events feature advanced research and technical content spanning a range of industries impacted by mechanical engineering, including energy production, energy sources, advanced manufacturing, and engineering sciences. View all ASME Conferences.

This program aims to facilitate acquisition, transport and use of energy resources in areas such as the Arctic, Gulf of Mexico, and Outer Continental Shelf while protecting the marine environment and ensuring safe operation of marine transportation systems.

Panel Topics:

1. Developments in Automation & Autonomous Shipping

Considers issues/advancements regarding ship automation and autonomous ship technology.

2. Cyber Risk Management

Considers issues/scope of managing cyber risk on ships and in port facilities, and understanding the expansion of risk with the increasing use of automation.

3. MARPOL and Sulfur2020

Considers environmental protection issues under the Annexes of the MARPOL Convention, including oil pollution, garbage, sewage, and ballast water, as well as the impact of the new 2020 global fuel sulfur limit in MARPOL Annex VI, with regard to fuel quality, safety, and management.

4. Alternative Propulsion Systems

Considers alternative propulsion systems (including fuels, technologies, and best practices) for improving energy efficiency in the design and operation of ship equipment and systems, as well as cleaner emissions.  Will also consider recent international and domestic requirements, including environmental considerations.

5. Offshore Technology

Considers technological advancements in a variety of subjects affecting the offshore industry and the marine transportation system.  This includes systems and standards for ensuring safe and effective offshore exploration and extraction of energy resources, including dynamic positioning, hazardous areas, and safety systems.

6. Regulatory, Classification Society and Standards Developments

Considers the latest international and domestic regulatory developments and requirements regarding safety and environmental protection impacting the maritime community.  Also considers recent developments regarding standards and classification society directives.

More Information:

For more information on submitting abstracts or registering, please visit

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