Third Party Laboratories


Third party laboratories that are in the business of independently evaluating, inspecting, and testing equipment, may act on behalf of the Coast Guard during the approval process for selected equipment approval categories ensuring that the equipment meets appropriate standards. Independent Laboratories conduct initial (approval) and follow-up (production) testing of equipment and materials that require Coast Guard Approval. An Independent Laboratory will be approved for a specific equipment approval category. CG-ENG-4 can only accept and recognize laboratories that are engaged in the testing of lifesaving and fire protection equipment and materials.


Gaining Acceptance

For independent laboratories seeking approval as an Independent Laboratory, please follow the guidance information found on below. NOTE* To become a Recognized Laboratory, you must first be an Accepted Laboratory.

Once a laboratory has been accepted, we can accept test reports (with regards to scope of the acceptance) from the laboratory in an application for Coast Guard type approvals.  The laboratory does not issue the approvals and this office does not accept certificates in lieu of test reports.  When the client identifies that the testing is for Coast Guard, then it is the laboratory's responsibility to ensure that the testing is carried out in such a manner acceptable to the Coast Guard.  Should the laboratory have a question, they are encouraged to contact us prior to testing.  Where a recognized (U.S. accepted) laboratory is required by the relevant equipment or material regulations, the laboratory must meet the requirements for recognition in addition to the requirements for acceptance.


Finding an Independent Laboratory

To find a Recognized Laboratory or Accepted Laboratory, please visit the Coast Guard Marine Information Exchange (CGMIX)


Acceptance for testing under the IMO FTP Code requires ISO 17025 accreditation from an accreditation body who is a full member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) or a recognized accreditation body by the National Cooperation for Laboratory Accreditation (NACLA). This requires an audited quality control system.
Expand List item 2030Collapse List item 2030  159.010 - INDEPENDENT LABORATORY ACCEPTANCE


The general requirements for Acceptance of an independent laboratory are listed in Title 46 CFR § 159.010-3, with additional product-specific requirements found in the applicable subparts. 


(a) To be accepted by the Coast Guard as an independent laboratory, a laboratory must—


(1)  Be engaged, as a regular part of its business, in performing inspections and tests that are the same as or similar to the inspections and tests required in the applicable subpart;

(2)  Possess or have access to the apparatus, facilities, personnel, and calibrated instruments that are necessary to inspect and test the equipment or material under the applicable subpart;  In addition, for testing under the FTP Code, have ISO 17025 accreditation from accreditation body who is a full member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) or a recognized accreditation body by the National Cooperation for Laboratory Accreditation (NACLA).

(3)  Not be owned or controlled by—
(i)     The manufacturer of the equipment or material to be inspected or tested under this subchapter or any manufacturer of similar equipment or material;
(ii)   A vendor of the equipment or material to be inspected or tested under this subchapter or a vendor of similar equipment or material; or
(iii)  A supplier of materials to the manufacturer;

(4)  Not be dependent on Coast Guard acceptance under this subchapter to remain in business; and

(5)  Not advertise or promote the manufacturer’s equipment or material that the laboratory inspects and tests under this subchapter.


The process is initiated when the independent laboratory applies for Acceptance, according to 46 CFR 159.010-5.  As part of the application, the laboratory must specify which equipment or material it wishes to test, and submit evidence that it meets the requirements for that equipment or material, as specified in the applicable subpart.  If the laboratory is not government-owned or a classification society, they must also provide details of their business structure, including any owners or officers, to demonstrate independence.

(a) Each application for acceptance of an organization as an independent laboratory must contain the following:

(1)  The name and address of the organization.

(2)  A list of the equipment or material that the organization would inspect, or test, or both, under this subchapter.

(3)  A description of the organization’s experience and its qualifications for conducting the inspections and tests required in the applicable subpart.  Often, laboratories send in resumes while the application is aimed at the ability of the laboratory to meet the requirements for the positions.  The information should reflect what the lab would require when filling the position, not the current occupant. However, the current occupant is expected to at least meet or exceed the requirements given in the application.
(4)  A description of the apparatus and facilities available to the organization for conducting those inspections and tests.

(5)  If instruments are used in the required tests and inspections, a description of the instrument calibration program applying to those instruments

(6)  The position titles of personnel who are to perform, supervise, or witness those inspections or tests, along with the training and experience required for personnel in those positions.
(Position titles and qualifications for these positions should be identified rather than identifying individuals.)

(7)  A statement signed by the chief officer of the organization or the chief officer’s representative, that an official representative of the Coast Guard is allowed access upon request to the place where tests and inspections take place, to verify the information submitted in the application, or to witness tests and inspections.

(b) Each application for acceptance as an independent laboratory that is not submitted by an agency of a state or another national government, or by a classification society, must also contain the following:

(1)  The name and address of each subsidiary and division of the organization, or a statement that none are involved in the testing or manufacturing of equipment approved under this subchapter.

(2)  The name, title, address, and principal business activity of each of the organization’s officers and directors, and the name, address, and principal business activity of each person, company, or corporation that owns at least three percent interest in the organization or in a company or corporation that controls the organization.


Please send the Submittal Package and other related information to

After we have completed a review of the submittal package, we will contact the laboratory to arrange on site inspection of the testing facility.  For laboratories located outside the United States, the laboratory is required to pay travel expenses for the facility inspection.

Once the laboratory has been accepted, it will be issued an acceptance letter, and its name will be listed under the U. S. Coast Guard Accepted Independent Laboratory Database.

Expand List item 2031Collapse List item 2031  159.010-7 - INDEPENDENT LABORATORY RECOGNITION


For a laboratory to become a Recognized Independent Laboratory, it must meet all the requirements for acceptance, and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Coast Guard in accordance with 46 CFR 159.010-7.

Please send the request to become a Recognized Independent Laboratory to

Once the laboratory has been recognized, it will execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Coast Guard, and its name will be listed under the U. S. Coast Guard Accepted Independent Laboratory Database as recognized for the appropriate subpart(s).

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