Foreign Passenger Vessel Examiner Course
The Cruise Ship NCOE holds 3 courses per year underway on a cruise ship. While our course is designed for training and certification of Coast Guard Port State Control Officers, we also enroll industry representatives as a bilateral training opportunity. Our courses are generally held in the autumn (Nov-Dec), winter (Jan-Feb), and spring (Mar-Apr) seasons. Industry participants (i.e., cruise line staff, Classification Society surveyors, Flag Administration inspectors, Port State inspectors) are invited to attend our course. We typically enroll 8 students in addition to the 16 Coast Guard students, per class.
All interested parties may email our Course Coordinator Mr. Jesionowski at
Interested Coast Guard members should submit an Electronic Training Request through their training officer. The pre-requisites for this course are: 1) Certified Port State Control Examiner, 2) Rank of E5 or above, and 3) 80% completion on the FPVE PQS.