Laws and Regulations

Governing Aids to Navigation

Code of Federal Regulations

United States Aids to Navigation System
33 CFR 62

Marking of Structures, Sunken Vessels, and Other Obstructions
33 CFR 64

Private Aids to Navigation
33 CFR 66

Aids to Navigation on Artificial Islands and Fixed Structures
33 CFR 67

Interference With or Damage to Aids to Navigation
33 CFR 70

United States Code

Preserving Coast Guard Mission Performance

6 USC 468

Savings Provisions
6 USC 552

Aids to Navigation Authorized
14 USC 81

Unauthorized Aids to Maritime Navigation; Penalty
14 USC 83

Interference with Aids to Navigation; Penalty
14 USC 84

Aids to Maritime Navigation; Penalty
14 USC 85

Marking of Obstructions
14 USC 86