(Formerly CG-5212, CG-3PSE-2 and G-MSE-2)
The Naval Architecture Division (CG-ENG-2) is a division of the Office of Design & Engineering Standards (CG-ENG).
The mission of the Division is to provide technical expertise in the areas of vessel stability, load lines, structures, and OPA 90 double hull issues, and to enhance marine safety and environmental protection through development of standards and regulations.
The Division serves as the Coast Guard's primary office for standards and regulations (national and international) regarding stability, load lines, and structures. In this capacity, the Division develops regulations as appropriate, and provides policy guidance, technical clarifications, resolves appeals, etc.
The Division also represents the United States at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on the U.S. delegation to the IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) (formerly the Sub-Committee on Stability and Load Lines and on Fishing Vessels Safety (SLF)).
In support of SDC's agenda item, Finalization of Second-Generation Intact Stability Criteria, the Coast Guard sponsored research performed by the Simulations and Analysis Branch of the Surface Ship Hydromechanics Division (formerly the Seakeeping Division) of the U.S. Naval Ship Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Naval Architecture and Engineering Department (also known as the David Taylor Model Basin). This research work resulted in the issuance of two reports: the latest (2019) report is available from the following link: dtmb-2ndgen-is-rpt2019 and the 2011 initial report is available from the following link: dtmb-2ndgen-is-rpt2011.
In 2017, the Naval Architecture Division requested that the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Marine Board conduct a review of Coast Guard stability regulations (found in 46 CFR Subchapter S), with a view towards better alignment with international standards, and improving their consistency, clarity, and usability. The TRB has completed its review and published its report. In addition to identifying a series of promising options for these purposes, the report makes recommendations to the Coast Guard on coordinating with industry advisory groups and collecting, managing, and analyzing data to inform regulatory decisions.
The final PDF version of the report is available from the National Academies Press at:
Other Division activities and program responsibilities include:
- Technical review of classification society rules and proposed rule changes associated with structures and stability.
- Updates of the Assumed Average Weight Per Person, (AAWPP)
- Fishing vessel safety (stability and load line issues)
- OPA 90 double hull issues and alternatives
- Executive direction to the Ship Structure Committee (SSC) (you're leaving a federal government web site)
Commandant (CG-ENG-2)
Attn: Naval Architecture Division
U.S. Coast Guard Stop 7509
2703 Martin Luther King Jr Ave S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20593-7509
(202) 372-1370
This page last reviewed/updated: 21 May 2024