OCSNCOE Unit Emblem (silhouettes of a self-elevating MODU, an OSV and an offshore wind turbine over a silhouette of the United States with the U.S. Coast Guard mark (i.e., racing stripe) in the background).Outer Continental Shelf National Center of Expertise (OCSNCOE)

JACK ST. MALO during offshore construction with attending OSV and Floatel VICTORY. C-ENFORCER underway with water cannons flowing. SEVAN LOUISIANA underway when initially entering the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Platform GINA off the California coast. Block Island windfarm with attending CTV. SPARTAN 151 dockside in Seward, AK.



Additional OCS & Coast Guard-Related Info Menu


Dynamic Positioning Systems Information and Guidance

The table below lists U.S. Coast Guard Federal Register Notices, policy and guidance related to Dynamic Positioning (DP) Systems on units or vessels subject to USCG oversight.

Use the tabs above to view additional guidance from the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and guidelines from the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Click on the document number to open the document (opens in a new window).

Document Number Date Issued Subject
Federal Register (FR) Notices

79 FR 70943


Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM):
Requirements for MODUs and Other Vessels Conducting Outer Continental Shelf Activities with Dynamic Positioning Systems

Related notices include:
   • 80 FR 6679 published 06Feb2015 (comment period extended);
   • 80 FR 12784 published 11Mar2015 (notice of public meeting and request for comments); and
   • 81 FR 49908 published 29Jul2016 (notice of availability).

NPRM and related notices were withdrawn by 87 FR 30849 on 20May2022. All notices are included here for historic reference only.
[Docket No. USCG-2014-0063]

77 FR 62247 12Oct2012 Notice:
Dynamic positioning Operations Guidance for Vessels other than MODUs Operating on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (Recommended Interim Voluntary Guidance)
[Docket No. USCG-2011-1106]
77 FR 26562 04May2012

Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Dynamic Positioning Guidance (Recommended Interim Voluntary Guidance)
[Docket No. USCG-2011-1106]

76 FR 81957 29Dec2011

Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Guidance Policy (notice of availability of draft policy letter “Dynamically Positioned Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) Critical Systems, Personnel and Training”, request for comments and public meeting)
[Docket No. USCG-2011-1106]

Inspections and Compliance Directorate (CG-5PC)
PL 77 FR 26562 19Jun2013 CG-5PC Policy Letter:
Voluntary Reporting of Dynamic Positioning (DP) Incidents on Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs)
Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVC)
77 FR 26562 Checklist 06Sep2012 MODU DP Guidance Inspector Checklist (initially utilized for metrics and awareness; no longer used and included as a historical reference only)
Marine Safety Center (MSC)
PRG E2-24 14Dec2021 MSC Plan Review Guideline:
Review of Dynamic Positioning Systems (initial version was released 10Nov2011 and is available here for historical reference only)
MTN 02-11, CH-1 11Dec2020 MSC Technical Note:
Review of Vital System Automation and Dynamic Positioning System Plans


Marine Technology Society (MTS) Guidance

The table below lists MTS guidance related to Dynamic Positioning Systems on units or vessels subject to USCG oversight.

Please note that the guidance below was referenced in FR Notices 77 FR 26562 (MODUs) and 77 FR 62247 (non-MODU vessels). Updated guidance is available on MTS' Dynamic Positioning Committee website.

While the recommended interim voluntary guidance in 77 FR 26562 and 77 FR 62247 reference MTS guidance, CG-ENG and the responsible OCMI are willing to discuss the voluntary application of other standards that provide for a similar level of safety.

Click on the document name to open the document (opens in a new window).

Marine Technology Society Guidance
MTS DP Vessel Design Philosophy Guidelines, Part 1
MTS DP Vessel Design Philosophy Guidelines, Part 2
MTS DP Operations Guidance, Part 1
MTS DP Operations Guidance, Part 2, Appendix 1 (DP MODUs)
MTS DP Operations Guidance, Part 2, Appendix 2, (DP Project/Construction Vessels)
MTS DP Operations Guidance, Part 2, Appendix 3 (DP Logistics Vessels)
MTS DP Technical and Operational Guidance (TECHOP; Power Plant Common Cause Failures)
MTS DP Technical and Operational Guidance (TECHOP; Defining Critical Activities Requiring Selection of Critical Activity Mode)


IMO Guidelines for Vessel Operations with DP Systems

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has developed guidance for vessels operating with DP Systems that is detailed in IMO Circulars MSC/Circ. 645, MSC.1/Circ. 1580 and MSC.1/Circ. 738 Rev.2.

Although the USCG has not developed regulations requiring compliance with these IMO DP Circulars, these circulars have been used as the standard guidance for plan review and approval, and are used by industry, ACS/RO’s and even the Marine Safety Center (see USCG MSC MTN 02-11, CH-1) for DP systems.

IMO MSC/Circ.645 (issued 06Jun1994):

  • Approved by the IMO’s MSC 63 in May of 1994 to provide an international standard for dynamic positioning systems on all types of vessels.
  • Applies to dynamically positioned units or vessels, the keel of which is laid, or which is at a similar stage of construction on or after 01Jul1994.
  • Recommends design criteria, necessary equipment, operating requirements and testing and recommended documentation system for dynamic positioning systems to reduce the risk to personnel, equipment and the environment, while performing operations under dynamic positioning control.

IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1580 (issued 16Jun2017):

  • This circular recommends the design criteria, equipment, operating provisions and testing as well as a documentation regime for DP systems in order to reduce the risk to personnel, equipment and the environment, while performing operations under dynamic positioning control.
  • IMO recommends that the current guidelines in this circular be applied to vessels and units constructed on or after 09Jun2017.
  • It was developed for new vessels and units constructed after 09Jun2017 with dynamic positioning systems to provide an amended standard reflecting the current industry practice and DP technology advancements since 1994.
  • For vessels and units constructed on or after 01Jul1994 but before 09Jun2017, the previous version of the Guidelines (IMO MSC.1/Circ.645) may continue to be applied, however it is recommended that section 4 (Operational Requirements) of the present Guidelines be applied to all new and existing vessels and units, as appropriate.

IMO MSC.1/Circ. 738, Rev. 2 (issued 16Jun2017):

  • The IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee noted that the IMCA M 117 Rev. 1 Training and Experience of Key DP Personnel was updated to IMCA M 117 Rev. 2.
  • The IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee also approved the revised circular and requested Member States to bring it to the attention of all parties concerned.
  • Other than those changes, everything in MSC.1/Circ.738, Rev.1 remains the same.
  • IMO MSC.1/Circ. 738 Rev. 2 revokes MSC.1/Circ.738, Rev. 1.


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