OCSNCOE Unit Emblem (silhouettes of a self-elevating MODU, an OSV and an offshore wind turbine over a silhouette of the United States with the U.S. Coast Guard mark (i.e., racing stripe) in the background).Outer Continental Shelf National Center of Expertise (OCSNCOE)

JACK ST. MALO during offshore construction with attending OSV and Floatel VICTORY. C-ENFORCER underway with water cannons flowing. SEVAN LOUISIANA underway when initially entering the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Platform GINA off the California coast. Block Island windfarm with attending CTV. SPARTAN 151 dockside in Seward, AK.



Additional OCS & Coast Guard-Related Info Menu


Policy and Guidance applicable to Fixed OCS Facilities (Fixed Platforms)

Note: Page tabs may appear collapsed or as a menu near the top of the page on mobile devices or lower screen resolutions.

The content listed below is available on this page. Use the tabs above to view the following categories:

  1) COMDTINST 16000.76, Marine Safety: OCS Inspections (previously MSM Volume II, Section G);

  2) Self-Inspection Form;

  3) Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs);

  4) National Policy;

  5) District Eight (Gulf of Mexico) Policy;

  6) Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVICs);

  7) Marine Safety Information Bulletins (MSIBs);

  8) Production Facility Applicability Flowchart; and

  9) Job Aid.


COMDTINST 16000.76, Marine Safety: OCS Inspections (previously Section G of the Marine Safety Manual, Volume II)

The following chapters of COMDTINST 16000.76, Marine Safety: Outer Continental Shelf Inspections are applicable to Fixed OCS Facilities (also referred to as Fixed Platforms):

  • Chapter 1, Regulations, Policy and Guidance for a Unit Conducting an OCS Activity, and
  • Chapter 5, Procedures Applicable to Fixed OCS Facilities or Platforms.

This Commandant Instruction replaced Marine Safety Manual (MSM), Volume II: Section G - OCS Activities (cancelled 20Sep2021 and listed here for historical reference only). Note that there was no content change with the republishing of MSM Vol II Section G as a separate Commandant Instruction on 20Sep2021, but future content revisions are planned.


Self-Inspection Report

The Fixed OCS Facility Inspection Report, CG-5432 (Rev 04/20), can be downloaded as a fillable pdf by clicking on the form number.


Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs)

CFRs that pertain to fixed platforms are as follows:

Primary subchapter -
  ○  33 CFR Subchapter N - Outer Continental Shelf Activities

Additional subchapters that apply (not all will apply to every facility) -
  ○  46 CFR Subchapter Q - Equipment, Construction and Materials: Specifications and Approval
  ○  33 CFR Subchapter C - Aids to Navigation (Parts 66 and 67)
  ○  33 CFR Subchapter H - Maritime Security (Parts 101, 103 and 106; only applies to facilities that fall into the categories listed at §106.105(a))
  ○  33 CFR Subchapter O - Pollution (Parts 151, 153 and 155)

Note that 33 CFR Subchapter A also has applicability in regards to administration and legal actions.

CFRs can be viewed at ecfr.gov (regularly updated online version) or govinfo.gov (annual editions).


National Policy

National policy letters that apply to fixed platforms are listed in the table below, grouped by issuing authority and ordered from newest to oldest (by policy number/original issue date). Click on the policy number to open the document (opens in a new window).

Office Policy Number Date Issued Subject
Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVC; formerly CG-543, G-3PCV, G-PCV, and G-MOC)
CG-CVC 18-04 03Apr2018 Guidance on Implementation of New Standards for Fire Protection, Detection and Extinguishing Equipment
CG-CVC Change Notice 24Jun2014 Policy Cancellations – COMDTCHANGENOTE 16000, CH-1 to MSM Vol II
CG-543 11-04 13Apr2011 Compliance Verification of Alternative Security Program for MTSA Regulated Vessels and Facilities
G-MOC 02-02 15Feb2002 Fixed Platform Inspection Program
G-MOC 02-01 08Feb2002 Regular Compliment Crew Determinations for Vessels Engaged in OCS Activities
(CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
Office of Design and Engineering Standards (CG-ENG; formerly CG-521, G-3PSE, G-PSE, and G-MSE)
CG-ENG 02-21 01Aug2021 Adoption of ANSI/CAN/UL 12402-4 (Level 100 lifejackets deemed equivalent to 46 CFR 160.055 life preservers)
CG-ENG 01-16 29Apr2016 Portable Accommodations Module (PAM) Guidance
Office of Operating and Environmental Standards (CG-OESformerly CG-522, G-3PSO, G-PSO, and G-MSO)
CG-OES 02-20 14Oct2020 Commercial Diving Operations - Equivalent Levels of Safety


District Eight Policy

D8 policy letters that apply to fixed platforms are listed in the table below, grouped by issuing authority and ordered from newest to oldest (by policy number/original issue date). Click on the policy number to open the document (opens in a new window).

Note that policy letter numbers for all policies listed from 1999 and earlier do NOT have a policy number referenced on the letter itself, but the policy number listed was assigned by D8 for tracking purposes.

Policy Number Date Issued Subject
Cancellation Notice 26Feb2024 Cancellation of D8(ocs) Policy Letter 01-2020 (Emergency Evacuation Drills on Manned Facilities with Lifeboats)
01-2020 19May2020 Emergency Evacuation Drills on Manned Facilities with Lifeboats
(CANCELLED 26Feb2024 by D8(do) Memo OCS-24010 dated 26Feb2024; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
01-2017 23May2017 Means of Escape on Fixed Platforms
Rev 1
07May2018 Lifesaving Inspection and Emergency Evacuation Drills on Manned Facilities (Including Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) 
(CANCELLED 19May2020 by D8(ocs) Policy Letter 01-2020; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)

PL 04-2016 is also available for historical reference purposes
03-2016 02Jun2016 Interim Coast Guard Eighth District Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Risk-Based Inspection Resource Allocation Methodology
01-2015 14Sep2015 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Emergency Evacuation Plan (EEP) Approvals
Cancellation Notice 11Jul2014 Policy Cancellations - Memo detailing the cancellation of D8(m) Policy Letters
05-2003 03Dec2003 Means of Escape on Manned & Unmanned Fixed Platforms 
(CANCELLED 11Jul2014 by D8 OCS Memo (linked in this table), incorporated into MSM Vol II, Sec G; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
04-2003 30Sep2003 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Emergency Evacuation Plan (EEP) Approvals 
(CANCELLED 11Jul2014 by D8 OCS Memo (linked in this table), incorporated into MSM Vol II, Sec G; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
99-19 16Sep1999 MODU Lifeboat Release Gear Overload Tests (alternate testing apparatus)
CCGD8INST 16711.1 14Mar1997 Fixed Platform Inspection Program


Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVICs)

NVICs that apply to fixed platforms are listed in the table below, ordered from newest to oldest (by NVIC number). Click on the NVIC number to open the document (opens in a new window). ALL NVICs can be found on the Official NVIC Page.

NVIC Number Date Issued Subject
02-24 21Feb2024 Reporting Breaches of Security, Suspicious Activity, Transportation Security Incidents and Cyber Incidents
01-24 20Feb2024 Guidelines for Qualification for National Endorsements for Lifeboatman and Lifeboatman-Limited and STCW Endorsements for Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats and Proficiency in Survival Craft-Limited
Provided for reference for those that choose to voluntarily maintain Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) LB /PSC endorsements.
01-20 26Feb2020 Guidelines for Addressing Cyber Risks at Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) Regulated Facilities
02-19, CH-2 22Jul2024 CH-2 to Guide to Marine Equipment Approvals Covered by a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) (NVIC 02-19 superseded NVIC 08-04, CH-1)
01-15 21Jul2015 Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 4 Marine Casualty Reporting Procedures Guide with Associated Standard Interpretations
Note: 46 CFR Part 4 is not specifically applicable but referenced through 33 CFR 140.203 and 146.35.
10-04 20Aug2004 Guidelines for Handling of Sensitive Security Information (SSI)
05-03 15Dec2003 Implementation Guidance for the Maritime Security Regulations Mandated by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 for Outer Continental Shelf Facilities
10Feb2005 CH-1 to NVIC 09-00; Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing System Safety
1-94 21Jan1994 Marking of Life Preservers and PFDs
13-92 15Dec1992 Captain of the Port Zone Boundaries 
(CANCELLED 15Jul2021, see 
86 FR 37238included here for historical reference purposes only)
6-87 21Sep1987 Recommended Procedures for Control of Asbestos and Other Respiratory Hazards on board Merchant Vessels, Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Facilities and Deepwater Ports
4-86 28Mar1986 Hydraulic Release Units for Liferafts, Life Floats and Buoyant Apparatus and Alternate Float-Free Arrangements
4-85 incl Ch-1 and 2 09Oct1986 Recalls and Other Corrective Measures for Lifesaving Equipment
7-84 07Aug1984 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Citizenship Requirements; Exemptions from
1-84 03Apr1984 Lack of Topstitching on Some Type I Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)
1-83 10Feb1983 Painters for Life Floats and Buoyant Apparatus
7-82 13Apr1982 Sample Format of Vessel or Facility Station Bill
6-81 18Jun1981 Lifeboat Weight Tests
7-80 02Apr1980 Use of Fire Detection Systems which are Not approved under 46 CFR 161.002
2-80 07Feb1980 Poured-Metal Socket Connections for Lifeboat Falls
1-80 14Jan1980 Inspection of Viking On-Load Release Gear on Watercraft America
5-77 20Dec1977 Inspection of Hydraulic Starting Systems for Lifeboats and Survival Capsules
2-63 24Jan1963 Guide for Inspection and Repair of Lifesaving Equipment


Marine Safety Information Bulletins (MSIBs)

MSIBs that apply to fixed platforms are listed in the table below, grouped by issuing authority and ordered from newest to oldest (by MSIB number/original issue date). Click on the MSIB number to open the document (opens in a new window).

Additional MSIBs issued by USCG Headquarters offices can be found here.

Office MSIB Number Date Issued Subject
Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVC)
CG-CVC 03-24 25Mar2024 Amendment to MARPOL Annex V/10: Update to Garbage Record Book Requirements
Office of Design and Engineering Standards (CG-ENG)
CG-ENG 07-22 14Nov2022 Changes to Survival Craft Equipment Requirements for U.S. Vessels
Note: While fixed platforms are not the target audience, this MSIB discusses how certain previously type-approved equipment will no longer be type approved.
CG-ENG 06-22 18Oct2022 FM-200 Fire Extinguishing Agent Phasedown


Production Facility Applicability Flowchart

For a pdf version of the applicability flowchart displayed below, click here.

Flowchart detailing the regulatory applicability for inspection of production facilities on the U.S. OCS

Inspection Job Aid

The following Job Aid pertains to Fixed Platforms on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf. Job Aids replaced the replaced the legacy CG-840 Books and can be a valuable tool for owners and operators to maintain regulatory compliance on their facilities.


Job Aids are developed for use by the CG Marine Inspector, following internal CG procedures, and are provided as a convenience (and transparency) to industry. The Pre-Inspection/Pre-Exam and Follow-Up sections mainly pertain to administrative tasks of the Marine Inspector. While "if applicable" is NOT annotated within the Job Aid, there are inspection/exam items listed that may not apply to a particular facility.

Additional Job Aids and Marine Inspector Performance Qualification Standards (PQS) are available on CVC's MI Resources page.


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