OCSNCOE Unit Emblem (silhouettes of a self-elevating MODU, an OSV and an offshore wind turbine over a silhouette of the United States with the U.S. Coast Guard mark (i.e., racing stripe) in the background).Outer Continental Shelf National Center of Expertise (OCSNCOE)

JACK ST. MALO during offshore construction with attending OSV and Floatel VICTORY. C-ENFORCER underway with water cannons flowing. SEVAN LOUISIANA underway when initially entering the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Platform GINA off the California coast. Block Island windfarm with attending CTV. SPARTAN 151 dockside in Seward, AK.


National Policy

National policy letters that apply to OCS units are listed in the table below, grouped by issuing authority and ordered from newest to oldest (by policy number/original issue date). Click on the policy number to open the document (opens in a new window).

Applies to: Office Policy Number Date Issued Subject
Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVCformerly CG-543, G-3PCV, G-PCV, and G-MOC)
OSV CG-CVC 23-23 26Oct2023 "Covered Small Passenger Vessel" Fire Safety Interim Rule Implementation
OSV CG-CVC 23-01 29Aug2023 Guidance for Vessel Requests to Participate in Hurricane Relief Operations (policy expires 31Jan2024)
OSV CG-CVC 22-03 29Sep2022 Guidance for Vessel Requests to Participate in Hurricane Relief Operations (EXPIRED 31Jan2023; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV CG-CVC 18-04 03Apr2018 Guidance on Implementation of New Standards for Fire Protection, Detection and Extinguishing Equipment
MODU, OSV CG-CVC 17-09 27Nov2017 Issuance and Acceptance of Electronic Certificates
OSV CG-CVC 17-08 19Oct2017 Inspection of Machinery Alarms on Small Passenger Vessels
OSV CG-CVC 17-07 19Oct2017 Required Plan Review and Design Verification Testing on Small Passenger Vessels
Reference (a) and Reference (b) are available as attachments within CG-CVC PL 17-07 or by clicking on the aforementioned links.
OSV CG-CVC 14-03 06Apr2015 Evaluating Sea Service aboard Liftboats
MODU CG-CVC Change Notice 30Jul2014 Policy Cancellations – COMDTCHANGENOTE 16000, CH-1 to MSM Vol III
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV CG-CVC Change Notice 24Jun2014 Policy Cancellations – COMDTCHANGENOTE 16000, CH-1 to MSM Vol II
MODU, OSV CG-CVC 13-02 05May2013 MARPOL Annex VI International Energy Efficiency (IEE) Certificate Implementation Guidance
MODU, OSV CG-CVC 13-01 26Feb2013 Interim Guidance for Revised MARPOL Annex V Implementation
MODU, OSV CG-CVC 12-08 15Oct2012 Guidance Implementing the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships (CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, OSV CG-CVC 12-05 11Oct2012 Hours of Rest – Implementation of the 2010 Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 
(SUPERSEDED, see 30Jul2014 Change Notice to MSM Vol III (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, OSV CG-CVC 12-04 25Jul2012 Guidelines for Compliance and Enforcement of the Emission Control Areas Established within the United States Jurisdiction as Designated in MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 14 (CANCELLED by CVC-WI-022(1) dated 13Jan2020; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
OSV CG-CVC 12-03 01Jun2012 Endorsement of Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV) as Oil Spill Response Vessels (OSRV)
MODU CG-543 11-06 08Jun2011 Risk-Based Targeting of Foreign Flagged Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) (CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV CG-543 11-04 13Apr2011 Compliance Verification of Alternative Security Program for MTSA Regulated Vessels and Facilities
MODU, OSV CG-543 11-01 11Feb2011 Guidelines for Coast Guard Evaluations of Compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Vessel General Permit (VGP) for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation of Vessels
MODU, OSV CG-543 10-05 26Nov2010 Electronic Navigation Publications onboard U.S. Vessels
MODU, OSV CG-543 10-01 04Mar2010 Use of Single Voyage Load Line Authorizations
MODU, OSV CG-543 09-02 12Aug2009 Industry Guidelines for Requesting Alternate Planning Criteria Approval, One Time Waivers and Interim Operating Authorization
MODU, OSV CG-543 09-01 04Feb2009 Guidelines for Ensuring Compliance with Annex VI to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) 73/78; Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (CVC-WI-022(1) applies to Annex VI Regulation 14; the Work Instruction takes precedence if it conflicts with Policy Letter 09-01)
OSV CG-543 07-02 04Mar2008 Guidance on the Inspection, Repair and Maintenance of Liftboats
MODU, OSV CG-3PCV 06-09 22Dec2009 Implementation of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) 73/78; Annex I Revised
OSV G-PCV 06-05 28Jul2006 Regulatory Interpretation for Notice of Arrival (CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, OSV G-MOC 05-02 03May2005 Guidelines for Interim Voluntary Implementation of Annex VI to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) 73/78; Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships
MODU, OSV G-MOC 04-13,
24Mar2005 Guidelines for the Inspection of Oily Water Monitor and Separator Systems
MODU G-MOC 04-12 23Dec2004 Issuing International Ship Security Certificates (ISSC) to Vessels not Subject to SOLAS
MODU, OSV G-MOC 04-06 10Aug2004 Guidance for Ballast Water Regulations
MODU, OSV G-MOC 04-05 29Mar2004 Guidance when Considering Exemptions from the SOLAS Requirement to Carry Voyage Data Recorders (VDR)
MODU, OSV G-MOC 04-02 17May2004 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Operator Requirements
MODU, OSV G-MOC 03-03 08Sep2003 Guidelines for Equivalent Compliance with (Revised) MARPOL 73/78 Annex IV (Sewage)
FOF G-MOC 03-01 11Feb2003 In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) for Floating Facilities in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) (CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, OSV G-MOC 02-03 12Jul2002 Policy for the Enforcement of the 1995 Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW 95) on board U.S. Flag Vessels 
(SUPERSEDED, see 30Jul2014 Change Notice to MSM Vol III (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
Fixed G-MOC 02-02 15Feb2002 Fixed Platform Inspection Program
MODU, Fixed, FOF G-MOC 02-01 08Feb2002 Regular Compliment Crew Determinations for Vessels Engaged in OCS Activities (CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU G-MOC 01-03 18Oct2001 Pressure Vessel Internal Examination and Relief Valve Testing for Foreign Flag MODUs Operating on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) (CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, OSV G-MOC 01-01 13Apr2001 Cargo Ship Fixed Fire-Extinguishing System SOLAS Exemptions
OSV G-MOC 4-00, 
26Apr2001 Watchkeeping and Work-Hour Limitations on Towing Vessels, Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV) & Crew Boats Utilizing a Two Watch System 
(SUPERSEDED, see 30Jul2014 Change Notice to MSM Vol III (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
OSV G-MOC 00-02 22May2000 Five-Year Certificate of Inspection (COI) and SOLAS Survey Intervals
MODU G-MOC 1-99 15Dec1998 Guidance on Port State Control ISM Code Enforcement
Office of Design and Engineering Standards (CG-ENGformerly CG-521, G-3PSE, G-PSE, and G-MSE)
OSV CG-ENG 01-24 10Apr2024 Guidance Regarding Devices that Alter Maneuvering Characteristics of Ships to Ensure Safe Operation in Waters of the United States
OSV CG-ENG 03-23 20Nov2023 Guidance for the U.S. Implementation of the Code for the Transport and Handling of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk on Offshore Supply Vessels - OSV Chemical Code
MODU, FOF, OSV CG-ENG 02-23 02Aug2023 USCG Acceptance of IMO Guidelines for Hydrostatic Testing of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Cylinders Associated with Fixed Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems
The referenced IMO guidelines are found in MSC.1/Circ.1318/Rev.1: Revised Guidelines for the Maintenance and Inspections of Fixed Carbon Dioxide Fire-Extinguishing Systems (click on name to access).
MODU, FOF, OSV CG-ENG 01-23 17Mar2023 Design Basis Agreement Submission Guidance
MODU, FOF, OSV CG-ENG 03-21 02Aug2021 Acceptance of Helicopter Safety Advisory Committee (HSAC) Recommended Practice (RP) 161, New Build Helideck Design Guidelines
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV CG-ENG 02-21 01Aug2021 Adoption of ANSI/CAN/UL 12402-4 (Level 100 lifejackets deemed equivalent to 46 CFR 160.055 life preservers)
MODU CG-ENG 01-20 23Jun2020 Third Party Foam Concentrate Analysis
MODU, FOF, OSV CG-ENG 01-18 01May2018 Equivalency Determination – FRP Gratings Conforming to ASTM F3059
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV CG-ENG 01-16 29Apr2016 Portable Accommodations Module (PAM) Guidance
MODU, FOF, OSV CG-ENG 03-15 03Sep2015 Acceptance of CAP-437, Standards for Offshore Helicopter Landing Areas
MODU, FOF, OSV CG-ENG 02-14 30Apr2014 Approval of Equivalencies to the Requirements for Odorizing Units on Fixed Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Systems
MODU, OSV CG-ENG 01-14 04Mar2014 Lifeboat Release Mechanisms: Policy on Implementation of New SOLAS Regulation III/1.5 and IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1392
FOF, FPSO CG-ENG 01-13 26Jun2013 Alternate Design and Equipment Standards for Floating Offshore Installations (FOI) and Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Units on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf
MODU, OSV CG-ENG 05-12 07Sep2012 Policy on the Implementation of Additional Personnel Safety Requirements for Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression Systems
OSV CG-ENG 03-12, CH-1 16May2022

Policy on the Implementation of IMO Resolution A.673(16), Guidelines for the Transport and Handling of Limited Amounts of Hazardous and Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk on Offshore Support Vessels, for New and Existing Offshore Supply Vessels 

Original CG-ENG Policy Letter 03-12, issued 15May2012 and CANCELLED by CG-ENG PL 03-12, CH-1, is available herepolicy is included here for historical reference purposes only)

MODU CG-ENG 02-12, CH-1 04Mar2018 Acceptance of the 2009 MODU Code (initially issued 07May2012, CH-1 issued to address substantial amendments to the 2009 MODU Code)
Office of Operating and Environmental Standards (CG-OESformerly CG-522, G-3PSO, G-PSO, and G-MSO)
FOF CG-OES 01-22 04Feb2022 Determination of Whether a Floating Outer Continental Shelf Facility (FOF) is a Vessel
See 87 FR 7716 released on 10Feb2022 for supplementary information.
MODU, Fixed, OSV CG-OES 02-20 14Oct2020 Commercial Diving Operations - Equivalent Levels of Safety
Office of Merchant Mariner Credentialing (CG-MMC)
FOF CG-MMC 01-22 04Feb2022 Merchant Mariner Credential Endorsements for Service on Floating Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Facilities
See 87 FR 7716 released on 10Feb2022 for supplementary information.
Marine Safety Center
MSC Technical Note (MTN)
OSV MSC MTN 1-19 07May2019 Guidance on the Carriage of greater than 36 Offshore Workers on Offshore Supply Vessels of less than 6000 GT ITC
OSV MSC MTN 01-18 16Jul2018 Guidance for Establishing Equivalency to UL 1104 Navigation Lights
OSV MSC MTN 02-11, CH-1 11Dec2020 Review of Vital Systems Automation and Dynamic Positioning System Plans
OSV MSC MTN 01-05, CH-1 08Dec2010 Determining Adequate Survivability Associated with Watertight Doors Kept Open during Navigation per SOLAS II-1/15.9.3
OSV MSC MTN 4-00 30Aug2000 Weather Criteria for Liftboat Leg Strength
OSV MSC MTN 03-00, CH-1 06Feb2014 Means of Escape from Main Machinery Spaces on Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV)
OSV MSC MTN 02-00, CH-2 19Mar2013 Longitudinal Extent of Machinery Spaces on Offshore Supply Vessels
OSV MSC MTN 01-10, CH-1 09May2022 Marine Safety Center Review of Systems Containing Plastic Pipe
Plan Review Guidance (PRG)
MODU, OSV MSC PRG E2-24 14Dec2021 Review of Dynamic Positioning Systems
MODU, OSV MSC PRG E2-07 13Oct2021 Review of Electrical One-Line Diagrams
National Maritime Center
OSV NMC 05-01 06Mar2001 Lifeboatmen and Proficiency in Survival Craft (PSC) Qualifications for Service on Vessels not Equipped with Lifeboats


District Eight (Gulf of Mexico) Policy

D8 policy letters that apply to OCS units are listed in the table below, grouped by issuing authority and ordered from newest to oldest (by policy number/original issue date). Click on the policy number to open the document (opens in a new window).

Note that policy letter numbers for all policies listed from 1999 and earlier do NOT have a policy number referenced on the letter itself, but the policy number listed was assigned by D8 for tracking purposes.

Applies to: Policy Number Date Issued Subject
MODU, Fixed, FOF Cancellation Notice 26Feb2024 Cancellation of D8(ocs) Policy Letter 01-2020 (Emergency Evacuation Drills on Manned Facilities with Lifeboats)
FOF Cancellation Notice 03Aug2023 Cancellation of D8(ocs) Policy Letter 02-2016 (Structural Integrity Management (SIM) Program)
FOF 01-2022, Rev 1 26Feb2024 Verification of Training and Drills for Personnel Assigned Special or Emergency Duties on Floating Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Facilities (FOFs)
Policy Letter 01-2022 (issued 03May2022) is available for historical reference purposes
MODU, Fixed, FOF 01-2020 19May2020 Emergency Evacuation Drills on Manned Facilities with Lifeboats
(CANCELLED 26Feb2024 by D8(do) Memo OCS-24010 dated 26Feb2024; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
FOF Cancellation Notice 23Aug2019 Policy Cancellation - Maritime Commons blog post detailing the cancellation of D8(ocs) Policy Letter 01-2016
FOF 01-2018 05Jun2018 Guidance on Spar Liferaft Installations
OSV 01-2017
01Sep2017 Temporary Emergency Berthing Vessels
Fixed 01-2017
23May2017 Means of Escape on Fixed Platforms
MODU, Fixed, FOF 04-2016,
Rev 1
07May2018 Lifesaving Inspection and Emergency Evacuation Drills on Manned Facilities (Including Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) (CANCELLED 19May2020 by D8(ocs) Policy Letter 01-2020; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
PL 04-2016 is also available for historical reference purposes
MODU, Fixed, FOF 03-2016 02Jun2016 Interim Coast Guard Eighth District Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Risk-Based Inspection Resource Allocation Methodology
FOF 04-2016,
Rev 1
07May2018 Lifesaving Inspection and Emergency Evacuation Drills on Manned Facilities (Including Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) 
(CANCELLED 19May2020 by D8(ocs) Policy Letter 01-2020; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)

Policy Letter 04-2016 is also available for historical reference purposes
MODU, Fixed FOF 03-2016 02Jun2016 Interim Coast Guard Eighth District Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Risk-Based Inspection Resource Allocation Methodology
FOF 02-2016 19Jan2016 Structural Integrity Management (SIM) Program as an Alternative Hull Inspection for Floating Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Facilities
(CANCELLED 03Aug2023 by 
D8(do) Memo OCS-23040policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
FOF 01-2016 19Jan2016 Interim Guidance on Life Extension (Continued Service) Requirements for Floating OCS Facilities
(CANCELLED 23Aug2019 by Maritime Commons blog post, linked in this table above; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, Fixed, FOF 01-2015 14Sep2015 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Emergency Evacuation Plan (EEP) Approvals
FOF 01-2014 10Oct2014 Guidance on Post-Hurricane Inspection Requirements for Floating Offshore Production Facilities
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV Cancellation Notice 11Jul2014 Policy Cancellations - Memo detailing the cancellation of D8(m) Policy Letters
OSV 05-10 19Nov2010 Eighth District Guidance Regarding Implementation of MARPOL Annex II and IMO Resolution A.673 for Existing OSVs
FOF 06-2004 22Dec2004 Guardrail and Storm Rail Requirements for Floating Offshore Installations (FOIs) (CANCELLED 11Jul2014 by D8 OCS Memo (linked in this table), incorporated into MSM Vol II, Sec G; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
FOF 05-2004 17Sep2004 Use of Hose Reels with Non-Collapsible Hard-Rubber Fire Hosed on Floating Offshore Installations (CANCELLED 11Jul2014 by D8 OCS Memo (linked in this table), incorporated into MSM Vol II, Sec G; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
FOF 03-2004 03May2004 In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) for Floating Facilities in the Outer Continental Shelf (CANCELLED 11Jul2014 by D8 OCS Memo (linked in this table), incorporated into MSM Vol II, Sec G; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
OSV 02-2004 02Apr2004 Foreign Crewmembers Working on board Offshore Supply Vessels
OSV 01-2004 30Jun2004 Machinery Automation Trial Period for Reduced Manning
Fixed 05-2003 03Dec2003 Means of Escape on Manned & Unmanned Fixed Platforms (CANCELLED 11Jul2014 by D8 OCS Memo (linked in this table), incorporated into MSM Vol II, Sec G; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, Fixed, FOF 04-2003 30Sep2003 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Emergency Evacuation Plan (EEP) Approvals (CANCELLED 11Jul2014 by D8 OCS Memo (linked in this table), incorporated into MSM Vol II, Sec G; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
OSV 01-2003 22Jan2003 Use of Dynamic Positioning (DP) by Offshore Supply Vessels (OSVs) for Oil and Hazmat Transfers
MODU, OSV 01-2002 25Oct2002 Delegation of Authority to OCMIs to Grant Drydock Extensions
OSV 09-2001 05Jul2001 Certification of Multi-Service OSVs
(CANCELLED 26Jun2023 by CVC-WI-032(1) and was incorporated as Enclosure (1) to the Work Instruction; included here for historical reference purposes only)

See CVC-WI-032(1) for current guidance for multi-certificated vessels.
FOF 08-2001 27Jul2001 Licensing Requirements for Personnel on Non-Self Propelled Floating OCS Facilities 
(CANCELLED by CG-MMC Policy Letter 01-22, dated 04Feb2022; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
FOF 03-2000,
20Oct2000 Policy on Manning of Non-Self Propelled Floating Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Facilities 
(CANCELLED by D8(do) Policy Letter 01-2022, dated 03May2022; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, Fixed, FOF 99-19 16Sep1999 MODU Lifeboat Release Gear Overload Tests (alternate testing apparatus)
OSV 99-18 25Aug1999 Rescue Boats on Liftboats
MODU 99-17 24Aug1999 MODU Berthing Sizes
OSV 99-16 19Aug1999 OSV Exemption from IMO Resolution A.673(16)
MODU, OSV 07-1999 14Jul1999 Loadline Extension Authority up to 150 Days for Approved Assignment Authority
MODU, FOF, OSV 99-06 03Mar1999 Issuing COI Amendments (CG-858) (CANCELLED 11Jul2014 by D8 OCS Memo (linked in this table), incorporated into MSM Vol II, Sec G; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
OSV 98-31 12Nov1998 Rescue Boat Requirements on OSVs
FOF 98-26 23Oct1998 OCS Facility Casualty Notification
OSV 98-21 09Oct1998 Persons Allowed on Liftboats
MODU, OSV 09-1998 25Sep1998 Detainment of Vessels after a Serious Marine Incident
FOF 98-14 27Jul1998 In Service Inspection Plans for Floating OCS Facilities
MODU 98-12 11Jun1998 Lifeboat Release Gear Tests
OSV 98-03 13Apr1998 Standardization of Evaluation and Crediting Sea Service on Liftboats
MODU, OSV 04-1998 06Apr1998 Drug and Alcohol Testing
OSV 97-20 16Jul1997 Tankerman Requirements on OSVs
MODU 97-17 30Jun1997 Manning Requirements for Non-Self Propelled MODUs
OSV 97-14 30May1997 6000 GT ITC Tonnage Issues for OSVs
OSV 97-13 30May1997 Transfer of Excess Fuel from Crew Boats
OSV 97-12 22May1997 Route Restrictions on Liftboats Operating in the Gulf of Mexico (CANCELLED 11Jul2014 by D8 OCS Memo, incorporated into MSM Vol II; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
OSV 97-11 14May1997 Coastwise Trade Determination
MODU, OSV 08-1997 13Aug1997 Testing of Liferaft Hydrostatic Release
MODU 97-08 21Apr1997 Accepting Classification Society Exams of Selected MODU Structures (CANCELLED 11Jul2014 by D8 OCS Memo (linked in this table), incorporated into MSM Vol II, Sec G; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
Fixed CCGD8INST 16711.1 14Mar1997 Fixed Platform Inspection Program
MODU 97-05 10Mar1997 STCW Applicability to MODUs
MODU, OSV 11-1995 20Nov1995 Eighth District Drug and Alcohol Policy
MODU 08-1989 22Aug1989 MODU Tailshaft Drawing Intervals


Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVICs)

NVICs that apply to OCS units are listed in the table below, ordered from newest to oldest (by NVIC number). Click on the NVIC number to open the document (opens in a new window). ALL NVICs can be found on the Official NVIC Page.

Applies to: NVIC Number Date Issued Subject
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 02-24 21Feb2024 Reporting Breaches of Security, Suspicious Activity, Transportation Security Incidents and Cyber Incidents
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 01-24 20Feb2024 Guidelines for Qualification for National Endorsements for Lifeboatman and Lifeboatman-Limited and STCW Endorsements for Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats and Proficiency in Survival Craft-Limited
(Voluntarily for fixed platforms and floating OCS facilities that choose to maintain Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) LB /PSC endorsements.)
Fixed, FOF 01-20 26Feb2020 Guidelines for Addressing Cyber Risks at Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) Regulated Facilities
OSV 03-19 20Nov2019 Maintenance, Thorough Examination, Operational Testing, Overhaul and Repair of Lifeboats and Rescue Boats, Launching Appliances and Release Gear (NVIC 03-19 superseded NVIC 04-07)
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 02-19, 
22Jul2024 CH-2 to Guide to Marine Equipment Approvals Covered by a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) (NVIC 02-19 superseded NVIC 08-04, CH-1)
OSV 01-18 01Mar2018 Ballast Water Management for Control of Non-Indigenous Species in Waters of the United States
OSV 04-17, 
22Nov2023 CH-5 to Guidelines on Qualification for National and STCW Endorsements for Service as Assistant Engineer and Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch on Offshore Supply Vessels, NVIC 04-17, COMDTPUB 16721
OSV 03-17, 
22Nov2023 CH-5 to Guidelines on Qualification for National and STCW Endorsements for Service as Master and Chief Mate on Offshore Supply Vessels, NVIC 03-17, COMDTPUB 16721
OSV 02-17, 
22Nov2023 CH-5 to Guidelines on Qualification for National and STCW Endorsements for Service as Chief Engineer on Offshore Supply Vessels, NVIC 02-17, COMDTPUB 16721
OSV 01-17, 
22Nov2023 CH-5 to Guidelines on Qualification for National and STCW Endorsements for Service as Mate on Offshore Supply Vessels, NVIC 01-17, COMDTPUB 16721
OSV 03-16, 
28Oct2021 CH-4 to Guidelines for Credentialing Officers of Towing Vessels, NVIC 03-16, COMDTPUB 16721 (NVIC 03-16 superseded NVIC 04-01)
OSV 01-16, 
21May2020 CH-2 to Use of Electronic Charts and Publications in lieu of Paper Charts, Maps and Publications, NVIC 01-16, COMDTPUB 16700.4
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 01-15 21Jul2015 Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 4 Marine Casualty Reporting Procedures Guide with Associated Standard Interpretations
(46 CFR Part 4 is not specifically applicable to fixed and floating OCS facilities but referenced through 33 CFR 140.203 and 146.35.)
OSV 02-13, 
15Sep2017 CH-1 to Guidance Implementing the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, NVIC 02-13, COMDTPUB P16700.4
OSV 1-09, 
18Aug2018 CH-1 to Voluntary Compliance with International Sewage Regulations in Annex IV to MARPOL 73/78
OSV 01-08 28Jan2008 Shipboard Inspection and Testing of Immersion Suits
OSV 02-07 09Mar2007 Guidance on the Coast Guard’s Roles and Responsibilities for Offshore Renewable Energy Installations (OREI)
OSV 01-05, incl
13Jan2006 Interim Guidance for the Development and Review of Response Plans for Nontank Vessels
Fixed, FOF, OSV 10-04 20Aug2004 Guidelines for Handling of Sensitive Security Information (SSI)
OSV 03-04 07Jan2004 Guidance for the Development of Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plans for Noxious Liquid Substances Pursuant to Regulation 16 of Annex II of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) on U.S. Flag Vessels and Compliance Determinations on Foreign Flag Vessels
Fixed, FOF 05-03 15Dec2003 Implementation Guidance for the Maritime Security Regulations Mandated by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 for Outer Continental Shelf Facilities
OSV 04-03, incl
CH-1 thru 3
23Apr2008 Guidance for Verification of Vessel Security Plans on Domestic Vessels in Accordance with the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) Regulations and International Ship & Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
MODU, OSV 9-01 30Nov2001 Guidance on STCW Quality Standards Systems (QSS) for Merchant Mariner Courses or Training Programs
OSV 8-01, 
24Apr2017 Approval of Navigation Equipment for Ships
MODU, FOF, OSV 6-01 25May2001 Protective Equipment Required for Firefighter’s Outfits
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 09-00,
10Feb2005 CH-1 to NVIC 09-00; Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing System Safety
MODU, OSV 7-00 04Aug2000 Clarification of the Application of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978, as amended, to Vessels less than 200 Gross Register Tons (GRT)
MODU, OSV 3-00 11May2000 Manning and Training Guidance for Fast Rescue Boats on United States Vessels
MODU, OSV 10-99 10Sep1999 Interpretations of SOLAS Chapter II-2
MODU, OSV 5-99,
13Oct2006 Guidance Regarding Voluntary Compliance with the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (International Safety management (ISM) Code)
MODU, OSV 3-99 29Jan1999 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) Equipment Requirements for Commercial Vessels
OSV 2-99 - Guidance on the Streamlined Inspection Program
OSV 10-97 07Nov1997 Guidelines for Cargo Securing Manual Approval
MODU, FOF, OSV 9-97,
02Jul2010 CH-1 to NVIC 9-97, Guide to Structural Fire Protection
MODU, FOF, OSV 3-97 - Stability Related Review Performed by the American Bureau of Shipping for U.S. Flag Vessels
MODU, OSV 3-95 19Jul1995 Periodic Inspection and Testing of Fixed Halon Fire Fighting Equipment aboard Merchant Vessels
MODU, OSV 02-95,
02Oct2018 The Alternate Compliance Program (ACP)
MODU, OSV 9-94 23Nov1994 Guidelines for Training and Certification in the Use of Marine Radar
MODU, OSV 6-94,
- Guidance for Issuing International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificates under Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78)
MODU, OSV 2-94 15Mar1994 Guidance Regarding Voluntary Compliance with the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (CANCELLED, see MSM Vol II; included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 1-94 21Jan1994 Marking of Life Preservers and PFDs
MODU, OSV 11-93,
21Nov2003 CH-3 to NVIC 11-93, Applicability of Tonnage Measurement Systems to U.S. Flag Vessels
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 13-92 15Dec1992 Captain of the Port Zone Boundaries 
(CANCELLED 15Jul2021, see 
86 FR 37238included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, FOF, OSV 11-92 23Oct1992 Guidance for Acceptance of the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBBI) National Board Inspection Code (NBIC) for Repairs and Alterations to Boilers and Pressure Vessels
MODU, FOF, OSV 10-92,
04May2006 CH-2 to NVIC 10-92, Coast Guard Recognition of Registered Professional Engineer Certification of Compliance with Coast Guard Requirements
OSV 5-92 27Jul1992 Guidelines for Wire Rope Towing Hawsers
MODU, FOF, OSV 3-92 24Feb1992 Recommended Program for Protection of Merchant Mariners from Occupational Health Problems
MODU, OSV 2-92 04Feb1992 Survival Equipment for Lifeboats and Liferafts
MODU 11-91 16Jul1991 Ocean Tow of Jackup Drilling Units
OSV 8-91 21May1991 Initial and Subsequent Inspection of Existing, Uncertificated Offshore Supply Vessels, Including Liftboats
MODU, OSV 7-89 08Jan1990 Maneuvering Information
MODU, OSV 4-89 27Nov1989 Introduction to Human Factors Engineering
MODU, FOF, OSV 3-89 07Sep1989 Guidelines for the Presentation of Stability Information for Operating Personnel
MODU, OSV 2-89 14Aug1989 Guide for Electrical Installations on Merchant Vessels and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
MODU, OSV 1-89 15Mar1989 Underwater Survey Guidance
MODU 3-88,
28Jan2000 CH-1 to NVIC 3-88, Issuance of Letters of Compliance to Foreign Documented Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Operating on the Outer Continental Shelf of the United States (CANCELLED, see MSM Vol II, Sec G; included here for historical reference purposes only)
Original NVIC 3-88 (amended by CH-1) can be viewed 
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 6-87 21Sep1987 Recommended Procedures for Control of Asbestos and Other Respiratory Hazards on board Merchant Vessels, Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Facilities and Deepwater Ports
OSV 5-87 13Mar1987 Guidance on Implementation of Annex II of the MARPOL Protocol of 73/78 for Vessels Carrying Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) in Bulk
MODU, FOF, OSV 11-86 05Sep1986 Guidelines Governing the Use of Fiberglass Pipe (FGP) on Coast Guard Inspected Vessels
OSV 10-86 05Aug1986 Guidelines Governing the Use of Fiberglass Pipe (FGP) on Coast Guard Inspected Vessels
MODU, OSV 7-86 30Apr1986 Information on the Adequacy and Currency of Nautical Charts
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 4-86 28Mar1986 Hydraulic Release Units for Liferafts, Life Floats and Buoyant Apparatus and Alternate Float-Free Arrangements
MODU, OSV 1-86 15Jan1986 Shipment and Discharge of Seamen
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 4-85 incl Ch-1 and 2 09Oct1986 Recalls and Other Corrective Measures for Lifesaving Equipment
MODU, FOF, OSV 11-84 20Dec1984 Guidelines for New Construction or Major Modification of U.S. Flag Vessels in Foreign Shipyards
MODU, FOF, OSV 8-84 23Aug1984 Recommendations for the Submittal of Merchant Vessel Plans and Specifications
MODU, Fixed, FOF 7-84 07Aug1984 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Citizenship Requirements; Exemptions from
OSV 6-84 25Jun1984 Automated Main and Auxiliary Machinery; Supplemental Guidance on
MODU, OSV 4-84 24Apr1984 Equivalent Determination for Existing, Installed Oil-Water Separators which Have Not Received U.S. Coast Guard Approval
MODU, OSV 2-84 06Apr1984 Amendments to the 1974 Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Treaty
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 1-84 03Apr1984 Lack of Topstitching on Some Type I Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)
MODU, FOF, OSV 10-83 29Sep1983 Stability Approval and the Issuance of Stability Letters 
(CANCELLED 15Jul2021, see 
86 FR 37238included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, OSV 9-83 14Sep1983 Coast Guard Guidance Regarding Requirement for Charts and Publications 
(CANCELLED 15Jul2021, see 
86 FR 37238included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, OSV 8-83 09Aug1983 Guidance for Compliance with Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78)
MODU, OSV 5-83 28Apr1983 Unified Interpretations of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
Fixed, FOF, OSV 1-83 10Feb1983 Painters for Life Floats and Buoyant Apparatus
OSV 13-82 24Jun1982 Cross Reference List between the IMO Chemical Code and 46 CFR Part 153
MODU, FOF, OSV 10-82, 
18Sep1989 CH-2 to NVIC 10-82, Acceptance of Plan Review and Inspection Tasks Performed by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) for New Construction or Major Modification of U.S. Flag Vessels
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 7-82 13Apr1982 Sample Format of Vessel or Facility Station Bill
OSV 14-81 02Dec1981 Stability Tests; Waiving of for "Sister Vessels"
MODU, OSV 10-81, 
05Oct1981 Coast Guard Certification and Inspection of Certain Categories of Existing Vessels
MODU, FOF, OSV 9-81 10Aug1981 Coast Guard Guidance Regarding Shipboard Helicopter Facilities
OSV 8-81, CH-1 23Mar1988 Change 1 to NVIC 8-81, Initial and Subsequent Inspection of Uncertificated Existing Offshore Supply Vessels under P.L. 96-378
(CANCELLED 21May1991 by NVIC 8-91; included here for historical reference purposes only)
OSV 8-81 27Jul1981 Initial and Subsequent Inspection of Uncertificated Existing Offshore Supply Vessels under P.L. 96-378
(CANCELLED 21May1991 by NVIC 8-91; included here for historical reference purposes only)
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 6-81 18Jun1981 Lifeboat Weight Tests
OSV 5-81 26May1981 Literature Concerning Hazardous Cargoes
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 7-80 02Apr1980 Use of Fire Detection Systems which are Not approved under 46 CFR 161.002
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 2-80 07Feb1980 Poured-Metal Socket Connections for Lifeboat Falls
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 1-80 14Jan1980 Inspection of Viking On-Load Release Gear on Watercraft America
MODU 4-78, 
15Dec1978 Inspection and Certification of Existing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (Note that there is no record of CH-1 being officially promulgated. 4-78 was published as an Appendix to 46 CFR Subchapter I-A and changes would have had to follow the rulemaking process. Therefore, CH-1 is provided solely for historical reference purposes.)
OSV 1-78 - Automation of Offshore Supply Vessels of 100 Gross Tons and Over
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 5-77 20Dec1977 Inspection of Hydraulic Starting Systems for Lifeboats and Survival Capsules
MODU, OSV 7-74 06Dec1974 Oil-Water Separators; Acceptance of
MODU, OSV 6-72, 
22Aug1972 Guide to Fixed Fire-Fighting Equipment aboard Merchant Vessels
MODU, OSV 6-70 23Aug1970 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems for Use in Galley Ventilating Equipment
MODU 12-69 12Dec1969 Special Examination in lieu of Drydocking for Large Mobile Drilling Units
MODU, FOF, OSV 1-69 08Jan1969 Automated Main and Auxiliary Machinery
MODU 8-68 15Nov1968 Classification of Vessels as Self-Propelled
(CANCELLED by CH-1 to Marine Safety Manual, Vol II on 07Jul2014; included here for historical reference purposes only; content can be found at 
COMDTINST 16000.70, section A.6.F (page A6-6))
MODU, OSV 7-68 28Oct1968 Notes on Inspection and Repair of Steel Hulls
MODU, FOF, OSV 3-68 21Mar1968 Tensile Fasteners
MODU, FOF, OSV 3-67 17May1967 Alteration of Ship’s Structure which May Affect the Adequacy of Installed Safety Devices
MODU, OSV 1-66 25Jan1966 Requirements for Hull Structural Steel - Structural Continuity
MODU, Fixed, FOF, OSV 2-63 24Jan1963 Guide for Inspection and Repair of Lifesaving Equipment
MODU, OSV 2-62 29Jan1962 Watertight Bulkheads in All Inspected Vessels, Maintenance of Watertight Integrity


Sortable test table...


National Policy

National policy letters that apply to OCS units are listed in the table below, grouped by issuing authority and ordered from newest to oldest (by policy number/original issue date). Click on the policy number to open the document (opens in a new window).

Policy No. Office Date Issued Subject SPV OSV MODU Fixed FOF FPSO NME
Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVCformerly CG-543, G-3PCV, G-PCV, and G-MOC)              
23-23 CG-CVC 26Oct2023 "Covered Small Passenger Vessel" Fire Safety Interim Rule Implementation   x          
23-01 CG-CVC 29Aug2023 Guidance for Vessel Requests to Participate in Hurricane Relief Operations (policy expires 31Jan2024)   x          
22-03 CG-CVC 29Sep2022 Guidance for Vessel Requests to Participate in Hurricane Relief Operations (EXPIRED 31Jan2023; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)   x          
18-04 CG-CVC 03Apr2018 Guidance on Implementation of New Standards for Fire Protection, Detection and Extinguishing Equipment   x x x x    
17-09 CG-CVC 27Nov2017 Issuance and Acceptance of Electronic Certificates   x x        
17-08 CG-CVC 19Oct2017 Inspection of Machinery Alarms on Small Passenger Vessels   x          
17-07 CG-CVC 19Oct2017 Required Plan Review and Design Verification Testing on Small Passenger Vessels
Reference (a) and Reference (b) are available as attachments within CG-CVC PL 17-07 or by clicking on the aforementioned links.
14-03 CG-CVC 06Apr2015 Evaluating Sea Service aboard Liftboats   x          
Change Notice CG-CVC 30Jul2014 Policy Cancellations – COMDTCHANGENOTE 16000, CH-1 to MSM Vol III     x        
Change Notice CG-CVC 24Jun2014 Policy Cancellations – COMDTCHANGENOTE 16000, CH-1 to MSM Vol II   x x x x    
13-02 CG-CVC 05May2013 MARPOL Annex VI International Energy Efficiency (IEE) Certificate Implementation Guidance   x x        
13-01 CG-CVC 26Feb2013 Interim Guidance for Revised MARPOL Annex V Implementation   x x        
12-08 CG-CVC 15Oct2012 Guidance Implementing the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships (CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)   x x        
12-05 CG-CVC 11Oct2012 Hours of Rest – Implementation of the 2010 Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 
(SUPERSEDED, see 30Jul2014 Change Notice to MSM Vol III (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
  x x        
12-04 CG-CVC 25Jul2012 Guidelines for Compliance and Enforcement of the Emission Control Areas Established within the United States Jurisdiction as Designated in MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 14 (CANCELLED by CVC-WI-022(1) dated 13Jan2020; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)   x x        
12-03 CG-CVC 01Jun2012 Endorsement of Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV) as Oil Spill Response Vessels (OSRV)   x          
11-06 CG-543 08Jun2011 Risk-Based Targeting of Foreign Flagged Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) (CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)     x        
11-04 CG-543 13Apr2011 Compliance Verification of Alternative Security Program for MTSA Regulated Vessels and Facilities   x x x x    
11-01 CG-543 11Feb2011 Guidelines for Coast Guard Evaluations of Compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Vessel General Permit (VGP) for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation of Vessels   x x        
10-05 CG-543 26Nov2010 Electronic Navigation Publications onboard U.S. Vessels   x x        
10-01 CG-543 04Mar2010 Use of Single Voyage Load Line Authorizations   x x        
09-02 CG-543 12Aug2009 Industry Guidelines for Requesting Alternate Planning Criteria Approval, One Time Waivers and Interim Operating Authorization   x x        
09-01 CG-543 04Feb2009 Guidelines for Ensuring Compliance with Annex VI to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) 73/78; Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (CVC-WI-022(1) applies to Annex VI Regulation 14; the Work Instruction takes precedence if it conflicts with Policy Letter 09-01)   x x        
07-02 CG-543 04Mar2008 Guidance on the Inspection, Repair and Maintenance of Liftboats   x          
06-09 CG-3PCV 22Dec2009 Implementation of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) 73/78; Annex I Revised   x x        
06-05 G-PCV 28Jul2006 Regulatory Interpretation for Notice of Arrival (CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II; policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)   x          
05-02 G-MOC 03May2005 Guidelines for Interim Voluntary Implementation of Annex VI to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) 73/78; Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships   x x        
G-MOC 24Mar2005 Guidelines for the Inspection of Oily Water Monitor and Separator Systems   x x        
04-12 G-MOC 23Dec2004 Issuing International Ship Security Certificates (ISSC) to Vessels not Subject to SOLAS     x        
04-06 G-MOC 10Aug2004 Guidance for Ballast Water Regulations   x x        
04-05 G-MOC 29Mar2004 Guidance when Considering Exemptions from the SOLAS Requirement to Carry Voyage Data Recorders (VDR)   x x        
04-02 G-MOC 17May2004 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Operator Requirements   x x        
03-03 G-MOC 08Sep2003 Guidelines for Equivalent Compliance with (Revised) MARPOL 73/78 Annex IV (Sewage)   x x        
03-01 G-MOC 11Feb2003 In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) for Floating Facilities in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) (CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)         x    
02-03 G-MOC 12Jul2002 Policy for the Enforcement of the 1995 Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW 95) on board U.S. Flag Vessels 
(SUPERSEDED, see 30Jul2014 Change Notice to MSM Vol III (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
  x x        
02-02 G-MOC 15Feb2002 Fixed Platform Inspection Program       x      
02-01 G-MOC 08Feb2002 Regular Compliment Crew Determinations for Vessels Engaged in OCS Activities (CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)     x x x    
01-03 G-MOC 18Oct2001 Pressure Vessel Internal Examination and Relief Valve Testing for Foreign Flag MODUs Operating on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) (CANCELLED, see 25Jun14 Change Notice to MSM Vol II (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)     x        
01-01 G-MOC 13Apr2001 Cargo Ship Fixed Fire-Extinguishing System SOLAS Exemptions   x x        
G-MOC 26Apr2001 Watchkeeping and Work-Hour Limitations on Towing Vessels, Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV) & Crew Boats Utilizing a Two Watch System 
(SUPERSEDED, see 30Jul2014 Change Notice to MSM Vol III (linked in this table); policy is included here for historical reference purposes only)
00-02 G-MOC 22May2000 Five-Year Certificate of Inspection (COI) and SOLAS Survey Intervals   x          
1-99 G-MOC 15Dec1998 Guidance on Port State Control ISM Code Enforcement     x        
Office of Design and Engineering Standards (CG-ENGformerly CG-521, G-3PSE, G-PSE, and G-MSE)              
01-24 CG-ENG 10Apr2024 Guidance Regarding Devices that Alter Maneuvering Characteristics of Ships to Ensure Safe Operation in Waters of the United States   x          
03-23 CG-ENG 20Nov2023 Guidance for the U.S. Implementation of the Code for the Transport and Handling of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk on Offshore Supply Vessels - OSV Chemical Code   x          
02-23 CG-ENG 02Aug2023 USCG Acceptance of IMO Guidelines for Hydrostatic Testing of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Cylinders Associated with Fixed Gas Fire Extinguishing Systems
The referenced IMO guidelines are found in MSC.1/Circ.1318/Rev.1: Revised Guidelines for the Maintenance and Inspections of Fixed Carbon Dioxide Fire-Extinguishing Systems (click on name to access).
  x x   x    
01-23 CG-ENG 17Mar2023 Design Basis Agreement Submission Guidance   x x   x    
03-21 CG-ENG 02Aug2021 Acceptance of Helicopter Safety Advisory Committee (HSAC) Recommended Practice (RP) 161, New Build Helideck Design Guidelines   x x   x    
02-21 CG-ENG 01Aug2021 Adoption of ANSI/CAN/UL 12402-4 (Level 100 lifejackets deemed equivalent to 46 CFR 160.055 life preservers)   x x x x    
01-20 CG-ENG 23Jun2020 Third Party Foam Concentrate Analysis     x        
01-18 CG-ENG 01May2018 Equivalency Determination – FRP Gratings Conforming to ASTM F3059   x x   x    
01-16 CG-ENG 29Apr2016 Portable Accommodations Module (PAM) Guidance   x x x x    
03-15 CG-ENG 03Sep2015 Acceptance of CAP-437, Standards for Offshore Helicopter Landing Areas   x x   x    
02-14 CG-ENG 30Apr2014 Approval of Equivalencies to the Requirements for Odorizing Units on Fixed Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing Systems   x x   x    
01-14 CG-ENG 04Mar2014 Lifeboat Release Mechanisms: Policy on Implementation of New SOLAS Regulation III/1.5 and IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1392   x x        
01-13 CG-ENG 26Jun2013 Alternate Design and Equipment Standards for Floating Offshore Installations (FOI) and Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Units on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf         x x  
05-12 CG-ENG 07Sep2012 Policy on the Implementation of Additional Personnel Safety Requirements for Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression Systems   x x        
03-12, CH-1 CG-ENG 16May2022

Policy on the Implementation of IMO Resolution A.673(16), Guidelines for the Transport and Handling of Limited Amounts of Hazardous and Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk on Offshore Support Vessels, for New and Existing Offshore Supply Vessels 

Original CG-ENG Policy Letter 03-12, issued 15May2012 and CANCELLED by CG-ENG PL 03-12, CH-1, is available herepolicy is included here for historical reference purposes only)

02-12, CH-1 CG-ENG 04Mar2018 Acceptance of the 2009 MODU Code (initially issued 07May2012, CH-1 issued to address substantial amendments to the 2009 MODU Code)     x        
Office of Operating and Environmental Standards (CG-OESformerly CG-522, G-3PSO, G-PSO, and G-MSO)              
01-22 CG-OES 04Feb2022 Determination of Whether a Floating Outer Continental Shelf Facility (FOF) is a Vessel
See 87 FR 7716 released on 10Feb2022 for supplementary information.
02-20 CG-OES 14Oct2020 Commercial Diving Operations - Equivalent Levels of Safety   x x x x    
Office of Merchant Mariner Credentialing (CG-MMC)              
01-22 CG-MMC 04Feb2022 Merchant Mariner Credential Endorsements for Service on Floating Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Facilities
See 87 FR 7716 released on 10Feb2022 for supplementary information.
Marine Safety Center              
MSC Technical Note (MTN)              
MTN 1-19 MSC 07May2019 Guidance on the Carriage of greater than 36 Offshore Workers on Offshore Supply Vessels of less than 6000 GT ITC   x          
MTN 01-18 MSC 16Jul2018 Guidance for Establishing Equivalency to UL 1104 Navigation Lights   x          
MTN 02-11, CH-1 MSC 11Dec2020 Review of Vital Systems Automation and Dynamic Positioning System Plans   x          
MTN 01-05, CH-1 MSC 08Dec2010 Determining Adequate Survivability Associated with Watertight Doors Kept Open during Navigation per SOLAS II-1/15.9.3   x          
MTN 4-00 MSC 30Aug2000 Weather Criteria for Liftboat Leg Strength   x          
MTN 03-00, CH-1 MSC 06Feb2014 Means of Escape from Main Machinery Spaces on Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV)   x          
MTN 02-00, CH-2 MSC 19Mar2013 Longitudinal Extent of Machinery Spaces on Offshore Supply Vessels   x          
MTN 01-10, CH-1 MSC 09May2022 Marine Safety Center Review of Systems Containing Plastic Pipe   x          
Plan Review Guidance (PRG)   x          
PRG E2-24 MSC 14Dec2021 Review of Dynamic Positioning Systems   x x        
PRG E2-07 MSC 13Oct2021 Review of Electrical One-Line Diagrams   x x        
National Maritime Center              
05-01 NMC 06Mar2001 Lifeboatmen and Proficiency in Survival Craft (PSC) Qualifications for Service on Vessels not Equipped with Lifeboats   x          


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