In order to ensure our PRGs provide the most up-to-date guidance, we revise them when appropriate. If you download these files to your local drives, be advised that they may be superseded by future revisions.

 PRG  Title  Revision Date
 C1-01  Review of Sistership Determination and Extension of Plan Approvals  26JAN16
 C1-03  Crane Lifting Calculations  05AUG16
 C1-05  OSV General Arrangements  03AUG17
 C1-06  OSV Stability  13FEB13
 C1-08  OSV Structural Fire Protection  30MAR12
 C1-09  Non-tank Barge General Arrangements, Structures, and Structural Fire Protection  11JUL22
 C1-10  Review of Miscellaneous Barge Stability  12AUG16
 C1-12  Inland Tank Barge Structures and Longitudinal Strength  02JAN20
 C1-13  Inland Tank Barge Stability  20FEB20
 C1-14  Oceangoing Tank Barge Structures and Longitudinal Strength  13FEB14
 C1-15  Oceangoing Tank Barge Stability  21FEB20
 C1-16  Tank Barge General Arrangements  15OCT19
 C1-17  Oil Field Waste Barge General Arrangement, Structures, and Stability  22SEP22
 C1-20  Oil Spill Response Vessel Stability  11JUL22
 C1-21  Tankship Stability and Hypothetical Oil Outflow  23JAN12
 C1-22  Review of Tankship General Arrangements  23JAN12
 C1-23  Tankship Structural Fire Protection  30MAR12
 C1-24  Oil and Chemical Tankship Structures  02MAY12
 C1-25  Chemical Tankship General Arrangements  19MAR12
 C1-26  Chemical Tankship Structural Fire Protection  02MAY12
 C1-27  Chemical Tankship Lightship and Stability  29FEB16
 C1-28  Gas Carrier Plan Review Information Sheet  25NOV19
 C1-29  Gas Carrier General Arrangements  11JUN18
 C1-30  Gas Carrier Stability  21SEP22
 C1-31  Gas Carrier Structural Fire Protection  21SEP22
 C1-32  Gas Carrier and Barge Structures  21SEP22
 C1-40  Inland Tank Barge Cargo Authority  21SEP22
 C1-41  Gas Carrier Barge Cargo Authority  21SEP22
 C1-42  Oceangoing Tank Barge Cargo Authority  29OCT21
 C1-43  Generation of Subchapter O Endorsement  06AUG24
 C1-44  Procedures and Arrangements Manual  15OCT19
 C1-46  Vapor Control System  28SEP21
 C2-30  Liftboat Submissions to the MSC  05APR21
 C2-33  MODU Stability  18OCT16
 C2-36  MODU General Arrangements  18OCT16
 E1-02  Bilge and Ballast Systems  10JUL20
 E1-03  Watermist Fire Suppression Systems  16FEB17
 E1-04  Compressed Air Systems  16DEC13
 E1-05  Engine Cooling Systems  16FEB17
 E1-06  Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression Systems  7AUG17
 E1-07  Engine Exhaust Systems  27JUL10
 E1-08  Clean Agent Fire Suppression Systems  16FEB17
 E1-09  Fire Main Systems  16APR18
 E1-10  Fuel Oil Systems  10OCT24
 E1-11  Foam Fire Suppression Systems  16FEB17
 E1-12  Fluid Power and Control Systems  28JUL10
 E1-15  Industrial Systems  13DEC10
 E1-16  Independent Tanks  1AUG17
 E1-17  Lubricating Oil Systems  16DEC13
 E1-18  Main and Auxiliary Boiler Systems  22APR21
 E1-19  Pressure Vessels  16FEB17
 E1-21  Potable Water Systems  18FEB16
 E1-24  Sanitary Sewage Systems  10JUL20
 E1-26  Steering Gear Piping Systems  10JUL20
 E1-27  Automatic Sprinkler Systems  10JUL20
 E1-28  Fired Thermal Fluid Heaters  20APR18
 E1-29  Vents And Sounds  03OCT22
 E1-32  Refrigeration Machinery  27JUL10
 E1-35  Miscellaneous Piping Systems  12DEC13
 E1-37  Ballast Water Management Systems  02APR21
 E2-01  Vital System Automation  23SEP21
 E2-02  General Emergency Alarm & Public Address Systems  13APR16
 E2-03  Sound Powered Phones  8OCT14
 E2-04  Coordination Study  04NOV10
 E2-05  Design Verification Test Procedures  28AUG21
 E2-06  Electrical Load Analysis  19OCT21
 E2-07  Electrical One-Line Diagram  13OCT21
 E2-08  Emergency Generators and Switchboards  14JUN16
 E2-09  Fire Detection Systems  11JUN14
 E2-11  Electrical Plans - Barges  14JUN16
 E2-12  Hazardous Locations  30SEP21
 E2-14  Lighting Systems And Components  05NOV21
 E2-15  Motor Circuits, Controllers, & Protection  15JAN16
 E2-17  Periodic Safety Test Procedures  21OCT21
 E2-18  Qualitative Failure Analysis  27OCT21
 E2-19  Short Circuit Analysis  02APR21
 E2-20  Steering-Gear Electrical Systems  07APR16
 E2-21  Ship Service Generator Switchboard  07JUN10
 E2-22  Boiler Control System  13DEC21
 E2-23  Electrical Plans - Small Passenger Vessels  26MAY21
 E2-24  Dynamic Positioning Systems  14DEC21
 E2-25  Maritime Security Program (MSP) Reflaggings  28OCT24
 GEN-02  Submission of Stability Test Results  28MAY20
 GEN-03  Steel & Aluminum Structures  12NOV21
 GEN-04  Ventilation Systems  21APR22
 GEN-05  Stability Test Procedures  16OCT18
 GEN-06  Major Conversion Determinations  29FEB24
 H1-01  Review Of Stability For Small Passenger Vessels (T)  25SEP23
 H1-07  General Arrangement Plans For Small Passenger Vessels (T)  09JAN24
 H1-12  Structural Plans For Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Vessels  07SEP21
 H1-13  Structural Plans For Wooden Vessels  01AUG24
 H1-14  Stability For Uninspected Oceanographic Research Vessels (C)  07APR22
 H1-15  Review of Rigging Systems for Sailing Vessels  14APR16
 H1-17  Stability Review for Sailing School Vessels (R)  08JUN11
 H2-03  Passenger Vessel Stability (K & H)  27OCT17
 H2-04  Stability (Subchapter I)  27MAR18
 H2-06  Trim and Stability (TS) Booklets  07NOV17
 H2-08  General Arrangements (H, I, K, R, and U)  05JAN18
 H2-09  Review and Documentation of Performance Based Design (PBD) Submissions  06APR16
 H2-10  Means Of Escape (Subchapter H)  05JAN18
 H2-11  Emergency Evacuation Plans (NVIC 8-93)  24JAN18
 H2-12  Emergency Evacuation Plans (Subchapter K)  09JAN24
 H2-13  Structural Fire Protection  24JAN18
 H2-14  Fire Load Calculations  24JAN18
 H2-15  Fire Control Plans  13SEP21
 H2-16  Initial Certificate of Compliance (ICOC) Plans  20JUL18
 H2-18  IMO High-Speed Craft Code General Arrangements, Structural Fire Protection, and Means of Escape  25MAR22
 H2-19  Review of IMO High-Speed Craft Code Stability  13SEP21
 H2-20  Fishing Vessel Stability  17JUN13
 SOLAS-01  Curved or Winding Stairs in Escape Path  22JAN24
 SOLAS-02  Roller Shutters in A-60 Bulkheads  25MAR22
 SOLAS-03  CO2 Bottle Storage  21APR22
 SOLAS-04  Furniture and Storage in Category 3, 9, and 5/9 Spaces  21DEC17
 SOLAS-05  Use of Flammable Gas Storage Lockers  23JUL18
 SOLAS-06  Low Location Lighting  05APR16
 SOLAS-07  Galley Range, Grease Duct Structure  06APR16
 SOLAS-08  Openings in Watertight Divisions on High-Speed Craft Code Vessels  05JAN18
 SOLAS-09  Extent of Damage Applied to High-Speed Craft Code Vessels  05JAN18
 SOLAS-11  Suppression In Galley Ducts  05APR16
 SOLAS-13  Protection of Deck Openings in Two Deck Spaces  07MAR22
 SOLAS-14  Regulation 17 Alternative Design Documentation  16JUN20
 SOLAS-24  Pool Machinery Spaces  21APR22
 SOLAS-25  Room-In-Room Construction  23MAR22
 SOLAS-26  Access to Stairway Enclosures  27JUL18
 SOLAS-28  Retractable Roofs  27JUL18
 SOLAS-29  Overhanging Decks  25MAR22
 SOLAS-30  Technical Spaces Behind Linings  23MAR22
 SOLAS-32  Engine Control Rooms  21APR22
 SOLAS-33  Aluminum - GRP Plate Use  21APR22
 SOLAS-37  Refrigerators  21APR22
 SOLAS-38  Public Bathrooms In Stairs  25MAR22
 SOLAS-39  Cooking Appliances on Open Decks  23MAR22
 SOLAS-42  Categorization of Pantries  21OCT21
 SOLAS-44  30% Open Requirement for Common Spaces  23MAR22
 SOLAS-45  Space Categorization  25MAR22
 SOLAS-47  Use of Combustible Material  25MAR22
 SOLAS-49  Locks and Latches in Doors in Escape Paths  06JUN22
 SOLAS-50  MIST Protected Storage  25MAR22
 SOLAS-52  Integrity of Two-Deck Spaces  26OCT17
 SOLAS-53  Regulation 38 Alternate Design Documentation during the ICOC  12NOV21
 SOLAS-54  Review of Decorative Doors in Escape Paths  02OCT23
 DVG  Title  Revision Date
 E1-36  Machinery Systems on Towing Vessels  26MAR21
 H1-04  Review of Stability for Towning Vessels  23MAR23
 H1-18  General Arrangement Plans for Towing Vessels  04JUN24



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