ATTENTION* Apply for your MMC at least 90 days in advance.

How to Apply for a Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC)

Step 1: TWIC

Step 2: Submit Complete Application

Step 3: Transit from REC to NMC

Step 4: Application Evaluated

Step 5: Credential Mailed

Need to submit an MMC application?

*NOTE: If you have a First-Class Pilotage or Local Limited Merchant Mariner Credential application, submit to your local Regional Examination Center responsible for the routes requested.  ALL other Merchant Mariner Credential applications, submit directly to NMC by clicking the below button.  Please send any documents in Adobe PDF format only, and include your Last Name, First Name, Mariner Reference Number (or last digits of your SSN)  in the subject line of your e-mail.

Submit to NMC

Need to send additional information (AI) for an EXISTING MMC application?

Submit MMC AI


Original MMC definition: The first credential issued to an applicant.

Steps to Apply for an Original MMC