The Extension Policy Letter, and Highlights and Tips for Application document, provide guidance and instructions to vessel owners and operators applying for extended compliance dates for implementing approved Ballast Water Management (BWM) methods.
- NOTE 06 Sept 2017: Excel spreadsheet has been removed until further notice; Coast Guard units should rely on MISLE entries and/or vessel documentation to show it has an active extension.
- NOTE 06 March 2017: Updated Highlights and Tips for Application document to reflect new application requirements.
- NOTE 23 Dec 2016: Updated Highlights and Tips for Application document to reflect changes due to Coast Guard type approval of multiple types of Ballast Water Management Systems (attached).
- NOTE 02 Dec 2016: Updated Excel spreadsheet to require additional information, and to remove option for batch applications. As stated in Marine Safety Information Bulletin 14-16, "Now that a type approved BWMS is available, any owner/operator requesting an extension must provide the Coast Guard with an explicit statement supported by documentary evidence (e.g., a delay in commercial availability) that installation of the type approved system is not possible for purposes of compliance with the regulatory implementation schedule."
- NOTE 16 Sept 2016: Updated Excel spreadsheet to revise column titles (to reduce confusion about original and extended compliance dates), and to request additional information if a vessel has installed a Ballast Water Management System.
USCG BWM Extensions: Highlights and Tips for Application
BWM Extension Application v.20170323