Navigation Equipment Technical Section

Systems Engineering Division (CG-ENG-3)

The navigation equipment technical section provides for type approval of marine navigation equipment such as compass, rate of turn, sounding, and night vision equipment as well as automatic identification systems (AIS), voyage data recorders (VDR), and long range information & tracking for ships (LRIT).  Approval procedures are covered in Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) No. 08-01.

Approval Series:

The following table lists navigation equipment by U.S. Coast Guard approval series number.  Normally this number would correspond to a specific U.S. regulation that provides for such approvals.  In this case, however, international regulations implemented a requirement for type approval.  Therefore, there is no corresponding cite in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulation (CFR).  Any listed equipment having yes in the MRA column may be approved using the US/EC Mutual Recognition Agreement procedures.  Navigation equipment for which no MRA exists may also be approved using either an independent laboratory accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard or an EU notified body as provided for in NVIC 08-01.

Equipment MRA
165.101 Magnetic Compass Yes
165.102 Transmitting Magnetic Heading Device (TMHD) Yes
165.103 Gyrocompass Yes
165.105 Speed & Distance Indicator Yes
165.106 Rate of Turn Indicator Yes
165.107 Echosounding Yes
165.110 Heading Control System Yes
165.111 Auto-Tracking Aid Yes
165.112 Track Control Yes
165.115 Radar Equipment with Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) Yes
165.116 Radar Equipment with Automatic Tracking Aid (ATA) Yes
165.117 Radar Equipment with Electronic Plotting Aid (EPA) Yes
165.120 Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) Yes
165.121 Electronic Plotting Aid Yes
165.122 Chart Facilities for Shipborne Radar No
165.123 Electronic Chart Display & Information System (ECDIS) No
165.124 ECDIS Back-up Equipment No
165.125 Raster Chart Display System (RCDS) No
165.130 Global Positioning System (GPS) Yes
165.131 Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) Yes
165.132 Differential GPS (DGPS) No
165.133 Differential GLONASS (DGLONASS) No
165.134 Combined GPS/GLONASS Receiver No
165.135 Loran-C Yes
165.136 Chayka Yes
165.140 Integrated Bridge System Yes
165.141 Integrated Navigation System No
165.142 Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) No
165.150 Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) Yes
165.151 Simplified VDR No
165.155 Automatic Identification System (AIS) Yes
165.156 AIS-B/CS No
165.160 Radar Reflector Yes
165.165 Sound Reception System No
165.166 Daylight Signaling Lamp No
165.203 Gyrocompass for High Speed Craft Yes
165.207 Long Range Information and Tracking for Ships (LRIT) No
165.210 Automatic Steering Aid (autopilot) for High Speed Craft No
165.218 Radar Equipment with Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) for High Speed Craft No
165.219 Radar Equipment with Automatic Tracking Aid (ATA) for High Speed Craft No
165.251 Night Vision for High Speed Craft No

Approval Procedures:

Send applications for equipment approval to the Systems Engineering Division (CG-ENG-3) and including the following:

  • Signed cover letter requesting U.S. Coast Guard Type Approval of equipment.
  • Signed test report, including any certificates.
  • Example of equipment markings & labeling.
  • Copy of manufacturer quality system manual & guidelines.

Approved Equipment & Laboratories:

Navigation equipment type approved by the U.S. Coast Guard are issued a Certificate of Approval that is valid for five years and then entered into the Coast Guard Maritime Information Exchange (CGMIX).  This online searchable database is the official listing of all equipment and laboratories that have been accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard.

Contact the Systems Engineering Division (CG-ENG-3):

Commandant (CG-ENG-3)
U.S. Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE STOP 7509
Washington, D.C. 20593-7509
Tel: +1 (202) 372-1375

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