Exam Code: GLI05
Endorsement: Master or Mate of LT 200 GRT
Modules: Q100 - Q341


Examination Modules and Topics: Click on Module Title for Sample Exam
Grey Boxes Represent Major Topic Headings In Accordance With 46 CFR Subchapter B

Q100-Rules of the Road: International and Inland Q300-Rules of the Road: Inland Q340-Deck General Q341-Deck Safety
Watchkeeping Watchkeeping Seamanship Wake Reduction Watchkeeping Basic Firefighting and Prevention
COLREGS Inland Navigational Rules Marlinspike Seamanship Cargo Handling and Stowage Basic Principles, Watchkeeping Emergency Procedures
Inland Navigational Rules   Purchases, Blocks, & Tackle Cargo Stowage and Security, including Cargo Gear Stability, Construction, and Damage Control Collision
    Vessel Maneuvering and Handling Tank Vessel and Fuel Oil Operations Principles of Vessel Construction Temporary Repairs
    Vessel Handling in Rivers & Estuaries Maritime Law Trim and Stability Passenger/Crew Safety in Emergencies
    Maneuvering in Shallow Water National Maritime Law Vessel Structural Members 7 Fire or Explosion
    Interaction with Bank/Passing Ship Credentialing of Seaman Damage Control 7 Abandon Ship Procedures
    Berthing and Unberthing Shipboard Management and Training: Vessel Power Plants: Emergency Steering 7
    Anchoring and Mooring Ship Sanitation Marine Power Plant Operating Principles7 Rescuing Survivors from Ship/Aircraft in Distress
    Dragging of, Clearing Fouled Anchors Vessel Alteration/Repair/Hot Work Marine Engineering Terms7 Man Overboard Procedures
    Heavy Weather Operations 3 Safety Small Engine Operations & Maintenance Emergency Towing
    Maneuvering for Launching of Lifeboats and Liferafts in Heavy Weather 3 Ship's Business Fire Prevention and Firefighting Appliances Communications
    General: Turn Circle, Pivot Point, Advance and Transfer Certificates and Documents Required Organization of Fire Drills Signals: Storm/Wreck/Distress/Special
        Classes and Chemistry of Fire Lifesaving
        Firefighting Systems Lifesaving Appliance Regulations 7
        Firefighting Equipment & Regulations 7 Lifesaving Appliance Operation 7
3 Only on Great Lakes specific modules taken for "Great Lakes and Inland" routes .
7 Only for officer endorsements of 100 GRT or more.