Deepwater Ports Standards

Functional Objectives:
The Coast Guard jointly processes deepwater port (DWPs) license applications with MARAD. MARAD is responsible for licensing DWPs, including location siting and decommissioning, and the Coast Guard oversees several post-licensing activities, including the design, construction, and activation phases, operational procedures, risk assessments, security plans, safety and inspections. DWP regulations are found in 33 CFR Subchapter NN, with license process regulations found in Part 148 and the Coast Guard’s construction, design, and operational requirements found in Parts 149 - 150.
Currently, during jointly processing the license application, the Coast Guard assists MARAD by helping draft project Environmental Impact Statements under the National Environmental Policy Act. Per Deepwater Port Act Section 5(f), there is one EIS that covers all DWP license and permitting actions for each project.
The Maritime Administration is the lead federal agency for the licensing approval of Deepwater Ports. Specifics regarding the Deepwater Port Act (DWPA), compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as well as details on past and current deepwater port applications can be found on their website.
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