USCG CVC2 seal
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USCG Main seal

Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance(CG-CVC)

Policy Letters


2029 | 2028 | 2027 | 2026 | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020
Number Program Subject
24-03 CG-CVC Application of Fishing Vessel Construction Requirements
24-02 CG-CVC Guidance for Vessel Requests to participate in hurricane relief operations
24-01 CG-CVC Guidance for determining the inspection status of publicly owned Oceanographic Research Vessels (ORV)
23-06 CG-CVC Guidance on Master Key Control requirements on Merchant Vessels
23-05(CH1) CG-CVC (Supersedes Policy Letter 23-05)>Guidance on Surveillance Requirements for certain commercial Vessels that do not carry passengers
23-04 CG-CVC Guidance on statutory information requirements within accommodation spaces on Merchant Vessels
23-03(CH1) CG-CVC (Supersedes Policy Letter 23-03)>"Covered Small Passenger Vessel" Fire Safety Interim Rule Implementation 
23-01 CG-CVC Hurricane Response
22-03 CG-CVC Hurricane Response(Canceled)
22-01(CH1) CG-CVC (Supersedes Policy Letter 22-01)>Guidelines for Human-Supervised Testing of Remote Controlled and Autonomous Systems on Vessels.
21-03 CG-CVC Use of Doublers on Towing Vessels
21-02 CG-CVC Foreign Passenger Vessel Examination COVID-19 Guidance (Canceled)
21-01(CH1) CG-CVC MARPOL ANNEX VI Regulation CH1(Canceled)
20-03 CG-CVC Carriage of Lithium-Ion Batteries on Small Passenger Vessels
20-02 CG-CVC Inspection Guidance for High Risk Small Passenger Vessels (Canceled)
20-01 (CH1) CG-CVC (Supersedes Policy Letter 20-01)>Sub Chapter M Enforcement Policy (Canceled)
2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
Number Program Subject
19-03 CG-CVC Guidance for Vessel Requests to Participate in Hurricane Relief Operations(Canceled)
19-02 CG-CVC Guidance on the Enforcement of Radar Observer Requirements Prior to 22 July 2019(Canceled)
19-01(CH 1) CG-CVC (Supersedes Policy Letter 19-01)Enforcement Guidance for Harbor Assist Towing Vessels When Operating Beyond the Boundary Line(Canceled)
18-01 (CH 2) CG-CVC (Cancelled: Incorporated into CG CVC-WI-013(7)Guidance On The Audit Scheme For Vessels Using A Towing Safety Management System (TSMS) Option
18-02 CG-CVC Guidelines For Evaluating Potential Courses Of Action When A Vessel Bound For A Port In The United States Has An Inoperable Ballast Water Management (BWM) System.
18-03 CG-CVC Uninspected Passenger Vessel (UPV) Safety Program Management; USCG Auxiliary UPV Examiner Augmentation
18-04 CG-CVC Guidance On Implementation Of New Standards For Fire Protection, Detection, And Extinguishing Equipment
17-10 CG-CVC Deficiency Recording And Reporting For Vessels Using A Towing Safety Management System (TSMS) Option
17-09 CG-CVC Issuance And Acceptance Of Electronic Certificates
17-08 CG-CVC Inspection Of Machinery Alarms On Small Passenger Vessels
17-08 (E1) CG-CVC Enclosure 1 For 2017-08: Inspection Of Machinery Alarms On Small Passenger Vessels
17-07 CG-CVC Required Plan Review And Design Verification Testing On Small Passenger Vessels
17-07 (Ref.B) CG-CVC Microprocessor And Computer Based Propulsion Engine Control Systems On Subchapter K and Subchapter T Boats
17-06 CG-CVC Guidance on Hurricane Maria Relief Vessels Response Posture And Efforts To Support The Commonwealth Of Puerto Rico And U.S. Virgin Islands (Canceled)
17-05 CG-CVC Guidelines For Voluntary Compliance With The International Convention For The Control And Management Of Ships' Ballast Water And Sediments, 2004
17-04 (Ch2) CG-CVC Subchapter M Third Party Organization (TPO) Guidance
17-03 CG-CVC Certification Of Inspection (COI) Phase-In Period For Existing Towing Vessels Using The TSMS Option Under Title 46, Code Of Federal Regulations (CFR) Subchapter M(Canceled)
17-02 (Ch2) CG-CVC (Cancelled: Incorporated into CG CVC-WI-013(7) Use Of Existing Safety Management Systems To Obtain An Initial Certificate Of Inspection Under 46 CFR Subchapter M
17-01 CG-CVC Use Of The Uninspected Towing Vessel (UTV) Decal To Meet Certain Requirements Regarding Issuance Of The Initial COI Under Subchapter M(Canceled)
16-06 CG-CVC Implementation Of The International Code For Ships Operating In Polar Waters (Polar Code)
16-05 (Ch-1) CG-CVC Risk-Based Decision Making (RBDM) for Small Passenger Vessel (SPV) Annual Inspection Activity (Canceled)
16-05 CG-CVC Risk-Based Decision Making (RBDM) For Small Passenger Vessel (SPV) Annual Inspection Activity (Canceled and Superseded by Policy Letter 16-05 Ch-1)
16-04 CG-CVC Conditional Occupancy Of Unmanned Barges Forming Part Of An Articulated Tug Barge (ATB) Combination (Canceled and Superseded by NVIC 02-81 Ch-2)
16-03 CG-CVC 5-Knot Demonstration Test Following Replacement Of On-Load Release Mechanisms For Lifeboats and Rescue Boats
16-02 CG-CVC Sea Strainers Constructed of Non-metallic Materials For Use On Small Passenger Vessels
16-01 CG-CVC Recommended Practices For Controlling Transient Fire Load In Very Low Fire Load (Type 5A) Spaces Aboard Inspected Passenger Vessels
15-06 (Ch-2) CG-CVC VHF-DSC Radio Equipment Installation Requirement For Inspected Passenger and Commercial Fishing Vessels
15-06 (Ch-1) CG-CVC VHF-DSC Radio Equipment Installation Requirement For Inspected Passenger and Commercial Fishing Vessels(Canceled and Superseded by Policy Letter 15-06 Ch-2)
15-06 CG-CVC VHF-DSC Radio Equipment Installation Requirement For Inspected Passenger and Commercial Fishing Vessels (Canceled and Superseded by Policy Letter 15-06 Ch-1)
15-05 CG-CVC Requirements For Out Of Water Survival Craft And Replacement Of Life Floats And Rigid Buoyant Apparatus(Canceled By MSIB 02-16)
15-04 CG-CVC Guidance on Port State Control Examinations for Foreign Flagged Yachts
15-03 CG-CVC Crediting Recent Service of Uniformed Service Personnel
15-02 CG-CVC Definition of Apprentice, Journeyman, Advanced Journeyman Marine Inspector
15-01 CG-CVC Enlisted Assistant Marine Inspector (EAMI) Qualification
14-03 CG-CVC Evaluating Sea Service Aboard Liftboats
13-05 CG-CVC Award for Excellence in Marine Inspections(Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Section A7)
13-04 (Ch-1) CG-CVC Distant Water Tuna Fleet Vessels Manning Exemption Guidance
13-04 CG-CVC Distant Water Tuna Fleet Vessels Manning Exemption Guidance(Superseded by 13-04 Ch-1)
13-03 CG-CVC International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code - Port State Control Guidance
13-02 CG-CVC MARPOL Annex VI International Energy Efficiency (IEE) Certificate Implementation Guidance
13-01 CG-CVC Interim Guidance For Revised MARPOL Annex V Implementation
12-08 CG-CVC Guidance Implementing the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships (Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Sections B3 and D1)
12-07 CG-CVC Guidance on Issuance of Endorsements and Approval of Training to meet the 2010 Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as Amended (STCW)
12-06 CG-CVC International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as Amended, Endorsement(s) as Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties and for Security-Awareness
12-05 CG-CVC Hours of Rest-Implementation of the 2010 Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (Superseded by MSM III)
12-04 (Ch-1) CG-CVC Guidelines for Compliance and Enforcement of the Emission Control Areas Established Within the United States Jurisdiction as Designated in Marpol Annex VI Regulation 14  (Canceled and Superseded by CVC-WI-022)
12-04 CG-CVC Guidelines for Compliance and Enforcement of the Emission Control Areas Established Within the United States Jurisdiction as Designated in Marpol Annex VI Regulation 14 (Canceled and Superseded by Policy Letter 12-04 Ch-1)
12-03 CG-CVC Endorsement of Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV) as Oil Spill Response Vessels (OSRV)
12-02 CG-543 Commercial Fishing Vessel (CFV) Safety Program Management; USCG Auxiliary CFV Examiner and Dockwalking Augmentation
12-01 CG-543 Alternate Compliance and Safety Agreement (ACSA) Program
11-15 CG-543 Processing of Merchant Mariner Credentials (MMC) for Mariners Not Requiring a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)
11-14 CG-543 CG-543 Policy Letter 11-14 Not Issued
11-13 CG-CVC Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (PSSC) Survey Training(Canceled)
11-12 CG-543 Sea Service on Vessels Measured Under Both the Regulatory Measurement System and Convention Measurement Systems
11-11 (Ch-1) CG-CVC Engineering Officer Endorsements on Commercial Fishing Industry Vessels
11-11 CG-543 Engineering Officer Endorsements on Commercial Fishing Industry Vessels(Superseded by 11-11 Ch-1)
11-10 CG-543 Cruise Vessel Security & Safety Act of 2010; Implementation of Training Standards and Curricula
11-09 CG-543 Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act (CVSSA) of 2010-Implementation Procedures
11-08 CG-543 Civilian Apprentice Marine Inspector (CAMI) Program(Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Section A7)
11-07 CG-543 Qualification Via ''The Hawsepipe'' for STCW Endorsements as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on Ships of 200 GRT/500 GT or More
11-06 CG-543 Risk-Based Targeting of Foreign Flagged Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) (Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Section G)
11-05 CG-543 Safety Requirements and Manning Exemption Eligibility on Distant Water Tuna Fleet Vessels(Superseded by 13-04)
11-04 CG-543 Compliance Verification of Alternative Security Programs for MTSA Regulated Vessels and Facilities
11-03 CG-543 Implementation of Revised Passenger Weight Standards for Existing Passenger Vessels
11-02 CG-543 Guidelines For Acceptance of Perko Navigational Light Fixtures on Uninspected Commercial Vessels
11-01 CG-543 Guidelines for Coast Guard Evaluations of Compliance with The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Vessel General Permint (VGP) for Discharges Incidental to the Normal Operation of Vessels
10-06 CG-543 Carriage of Lifesaving and Firefighting Equipment on Board Uninspected Towing Vessels in Excess of Subchapter C
10-05 CG-543 Electronic Navigation Publications Onboard U.S. Vessels (Superseded by NVIC 01-16)
10-04 CG-543 Restricted Endorsements for Merchant Mariner Credentials (MMC) as Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels (OUPV)
10-03 CG-543 Banning of Foreign Vessels (section D2 on page 804) (Superseded by MSM II, D.2)
10-02 CG-543 Existing Systems and Equipment on Uninspected Towing Vessels(Canceled)
10-01 CG-543 Single Voyage Load Line Authorizations
2009 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
Number Program Subject
09-04 CG-543 Marine Inspector/Port State Control Officer Certification Policy (Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Section A7)
09-03 CG-543 Existing Alternative Fire Detection Systems for Small Passenger Vessels Utilizing DC Power
09-02 CG-543 Guidelines for Requesting Alternate Planning Criteria Approval, One-time Waivers, and Interim Operating Authorization
09-01 CG-543 Guidelines for Ensuring Compliance with Annex VI to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) 73/78; Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships
07-04 CG-3PCV Regulatory Interpretations For Notice Of Arrival Regulation (Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Sections D4)
07-02 CG-543 Guidance On The Inspection, Repair And Maintenance Of LiftBoats(Enclosure (1), Paragraph 13 - Superseded by MSM III)
07-01 CG-3PCV U.S. Sailing Junior Big Boat Sailing Program
06-09 CG-3PCV Implementation of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships (MARPOL); 73/78; Annex I Revised (Canceled)
06-08 CG-PCV Enforcement actions for US and Foreign PAX ships having survival craft NFFS
06-06 CG-PCV Guidelines for Ships Reflagged Under the Maritime Security Program Participating in the Underwater Survery in Lieu of Drydocking Program(Canceled and Replaced by NVIC 01-13)
06-05 CG-PCV Regulatory Interpretation For Notice of Arrival Regulation (Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Sections D4)
06-04 CG-PCV Uninspected Commercial Vessel Safety Program Management; USCG Auxiliary Examiner And Dockwalking Augmentation(Canceled and Replaced by CG-543 Policy Letter 12-02)
06-03 CG-PCV Exemption Letters For Existing Fish Processing Vessels
06-01 CG-PCV Guidance for the Enforcement of MARPOL Annex I During Port State Control Examinations (Canceled)
05-03 CG-MOC Operating Requirements for Foreign Flagged Cruise Ships Using Lifeboats As Tenders (Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Sections D7)
05-02 CG-MOC Guidelines for interim voluntary Implementation of Annex VI to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from ships (MARPOL) 73/78; Prevention of air Pollution from Ships (Canceled: Superseded by Policy Letter 09-01)
04-13 CG-MOC Guidelines For The Inspection Of Oily Water Monitor and Separator Systems Revision 1; dated 24 Mar 2005
04-12 CG-MOC Issuing International Ship Security Certificates (ISSC) to vessels not subject to SOLAS
04-11 CG-MOC Guidelines Implementing Amendments To The International Convention For The Prevention Of Pollution From Ships (MARPOL) 73/78; Accelerated Single Hull Tanker Phase-Out Schedule And Condition Assessment Schemes>(Canceled)
04-08 CG-MOC Unserviceable Survival Craft on Commercial Fishing Vessels
04-07 CG-CVC Fishing Industry Vessel Third Party Examination Program (Canceled)
04-06 CG-MOC Guidance for Ballast Water Regulations
04-05 CG-MOC Guidance When Considering Exemptions From The SOLAS Requirement To Carry Voyage Data Recorders (VDR)
04-04 CG-MOC Status of Fisheries Observers/Agents Onboard Uninspected Passenger Vessels Engaged in Recreational Fishing With Regard to Number of Passengers Carried Onboard
04-02 CG-MOC Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Operator Requirements
03-03 CG-MOC Guidelines For Equivalent Compliance With (Revised) MARPOL 73/78 Annex IV (Sewage)
03-01 CG-MOC In-Service Inspection Program (ISIP) For Floating Facilities In the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) (Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Section G)
02-05 CG-MOC Navigation Safety Equipment Testing Required Under 33 CFR 164.25 For Cruise Ships (Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Section D7)(Canceled)
02-04 CG-MOC Enforcement of STCW 95 During Port State Control Exams
02-03 CG-MOC Enforcement of STCW 95 On U.S. Flag Vessels(Superseded by MSM III)
02-02 CG-MOC Fixed Platform Inspection Program (Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Section G)
02-01 CG-MOC Fishing Industry Vessel Third Party Examination Program (Canceled)
01-03 CG-MOC Pressure Vessel Internal Examination and Relief Valve Testing for Foreign Flagged MODUs Operating on the OCS (Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Section G)
01-02 CG-MOC Procedures for Waiver of Requirements on Citizenship Aboard Commercial Fishing Vessels(Canceled)
01-01 CG-MOC Cargo Ship Fixed Fire-Extinguishing System SOLAS Exemptions - MSC/Circ.671 (Canceled)
00-04 (Ch1) CG-MOC Watch keeping and work-hour limitations on Towing Vessels, Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV) & Crew Boats utilizing a two watch system(Superseded by MSM Vol. III)
00-02 CG-MOC Five Year Certificate of Inspection (COI) and SOLAS Survey Intervals
00-01 CG-MOC Acceptance of the International Code of Safety for high-speed craft (HSC Code) as equivalent to meeting Title 46, code of Federal Regulations (CFR), subchapter H or subchapter I (Canceled: Incorporated into MSM Vol. II)
Number Program Subject
99-03 CG-MOC Application of Emergency Control Systems for Tank Barges
99-002 CG-MOC Commercial Explosives Handling, Application of Quantity/Distance Tables
99-02 CG-MOC Enhanced Surveys on Tank Barges Over 5,000 GT
99-01 CG-MOC Guidance on Port State Control ISM code enforcement

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