USCG CVC2 seal
USCG 5P seal
USCG Main seal

Domestic & Offshore Compliance (CG-CVC-1)



Name Description
#16-04 Ch 2:Drilling Mud (06/30/04) Should vessels certificated under 46 CFR Subchapter D that transport, or facilities regulated under 33 CFR Part 154 that handle waste drilling mud be exempted from the requirements in 33 CFR Parts 104 and 105?
#21-04: Slops, Heels, and Other Residuals (05/06/04) Are vessels carrying slops and residuals required to comply with MTSA?
#22-04: Declarations of Security (05/20/04) When is a Declaration of Security (DOS) required?
#32-04: Coupled T-Boats (06/17/04) Is a Vessel Security Plan required for two T-Boats coupled together if the aggregate passenger capacity exceeds 150 persons?
#36-04: Vessel Security Plan Amendments (06/17/04) Vessel Security Plan Amendments.
#38-04: Excursion Vessels (06/30/04) What are the security requirements for a vessel that is considering becoming an excursion vessel?

CG-840 Inspection Books

These Inspection Books are used by Marine Inspectors during the course of their inspections. Vessel operators are also encouraged to use them in preparation for applicable Coast Guard inspections. They are not a substitute for nor do they in any way alter regulatory requirements. The PDF files are intended to be printed using a duplex printer and double sided along the short edge. The document can then be assembled into a book.

File Downloads
ITV Job Aid Nov 18 PDF  
Barge Inspection PDF MS Word
Drydock Inspection & Underwater Inspection PDF MS Word
Hull Inspection PDF MS Word
Machinery Inspection PDF MS Word
Offshore Supply Vessel PDF
Small Passenger Vessel K PDF MS Word
Small Passenger Vessel T PDF MS Word
Tankship PDF MS Word
  • Published updated versions of the Small Passenger Vessel T, and Small Passenger Vessel K Inspection Books. These have been updated to include Drug & Alcohol Programs and EPA Vessel General Permits.
  • Added each book in MS Word format in response to several requests. The MS Word format will facilitate online reading.

Marine Inspection Notice

ID Description
01-14 Caribbean Port State Control Regimes Announce 2014 Concentrated Inspection Campaign
05-13 Updates to the Certificate of Compliance Form (CG-3585)
04-13 Caribbean Port State Control Regimes Announce 2013 Concentrated Inspection Campaign
03-13 Issuance of a Certificate of Compliance (COC) to a Double Bottom, Single Sided Chemical Tank Ship Carrying OPA 90 Oils in the Center Tanks Only
02-13 Regional Port State Control Regimes Announce 2013 Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign
01-13 Notice Of Arrival on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
08-12 Procedural Clarification: Port of Registry
07-12 Clarification of authority to issue cargo gear certificates
06-12 Regional Port State Control regimes Announce Joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign
05-12A Ballast Water Reporting, Recordkeeping and Compliance Verification During Vessel Inspections and Port State Control Exams
05-12 Manning Guidance for School Ships Operated by the State Maritime Academies (SMA)
04-12 Cancellation of MIN 03-12
03-12 CANCELLED Additional Logbook and Entry Requirements: CANCELLED
02-12 Visual Examination in Lieu of Hydrostatic Testing for Clean Agent Pre-engineered Fixed Fire Suppression System Cylinders
01-12 ATEX Certified Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas on U.S. Ships
06-11 HillerSafe Fire Detection Systems on Uninspected Towing Vessels
05-11 USCG Lifesaving Equipment Inspection and SOLAS Harmonization
04-11 Recommended Batteries for ACR Electronics SM-2 Automatic Crew-Overboard Light
03-11 Guidance for CG Marine Inspectors and Port State Control Officers on Hazardous Conditions in Cargo Pump rooms
02-11 Recommended Guidance and Procedures for High Voltage Shore Power Installations on U.S. Flag Ships
01-11 This Marine Inspection is provided to assist Marine Inspectors in the evaluation of Simplified Stability Tests (SSTs) pending revision of the SST form (CG-4006)
04-10 Military Sealift Command Single Hull Tankers (T-AO)
03-10 Implementation of NVIC 9-97 Change 1; Guide To Structural Fire Protection
02-10 Application of IMO Resolution MSC.256(84) to U.S. Flag SOLAS Ships
01-10 This Marine Inspection is provided to assist Marine Inspectors in the evaluation of Hillersafe Fire Detection Systems on Uninspected Towing Vessels
01-08 Portable foam applicator requirements for SOLAS vessels

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