Foreign & Offshore Compliance Division (CG-CVC-2)

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Title Description
ADCI/USCG MTA for Marine Inspectors and Investigators Training This Mutual Training agreement between the Association of Diving Contractors International and the US Coast Guard signed on February 13, 2013, seeks to improve commercial dive safety by providing mutual training between the ADCI and US Coast Guard marine inspectors and investigators.
BSEE/USCG MOA OCS-03 for Oil Disch Planning The purpose of MOA OCS-03 between the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement and the US Coast Guard is to clarify the roles and responsibilities for each agency for oil discharge research, planning, preparedness, response, and abatement activities for offshore facilities and certain vessels that may be used for responding to discharges on the OCS.
BSEE/USCG MOA OCS-07 on SEMS-SMS The purpose of this MOA is to:

1. Establish a process to determine areas relevant to safety and environmental management within the shared USCG and BSEE regulatory space where joint policy or guidance is needed;

2. Ensure that any future OCS safety and environmental management regulations do not conflict; and

3. Foster a consistent and efficient shared approach and inform joint policy or guidance on safety and environmental management systems by BSEE and the Coast Guard.
BSEE/USCG MOA OCS-08 on MODUs The purpose of this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is to identify responsibilities of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) (together, participating agencies) for regulation, inspection, and oversight of systems and sub-systems on mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs).
BSEE/USCG MOU for Outer Continental Shelf Activities This MOU was designed to promote interagency cooperation to improve safety and environmental protection in the offshore environment.
MMS(BSEE)/USCG MOA OCS-01 for Agency Responsibilities The purpose of MOA OCS-01between the Minerals Management Service (now Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement) and the US Coast Guard is to identify responsibilities of each agency for systems and sub-systems on mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs ) and fixed and floating offshore facilities and establish understandings related to civil penalties, accident investigations, and oil spill planning, preparedness and response.
MMS(BSEE)/USCG MOA OCS-02 for Civil Penalties The purpose of MOA OCS-02 between the Minerals Management Service (now Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement) and the US Coast Guard is to identify responsibilities and provide guidance regarding the pursuit, assessment and collection of Civil Penalties. It replaces Section 2 (Civil Penalties) of MOA OCS-01 of 30Sep2004.
MMS(BSEE)/USCG MOA OCS-04 for Floating Offshore Facilities The purpose of MOA OCS-04 between the Minerals Management Service (now Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement) and the US Coast Guard is to clarify the roles and responsibilities for each agency and provide guidance for the appropriate agency approval of systems and sub-systems for floating offshore facilities.
USCG/ADCI Quality Partnership MOU A Quality Partnership MOU was established between the Coast Guard and the Association of Diving Contractors International on 27Jun 2011 with the purpose of promoting safety within the commercial diving industry and protecting the marine environment.