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Expand List item 901Collapse List item 901  Part 90 - General Provisions

Subpart 90.01—Authority and Purpose

§90.01-1   Purpose of regulations.
§90.01-7   Right of appeal.
§90.01-15   OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.

Subpart 90.05—Application

§90.05-1   Vessels subject to requirements of this subchapter.
§90.05-5   Specific application noted in text.
§90.05-7   Ocean or unlimited coastwise vessels on inland and Great Lakes routes.
§90.05-10   Application to vessels on an international voyage.
§90.05-20   Applicability to offshore supply vessels.
§90.05-25   Seagoing barge.
§90.05-35   Flammable and combustible liquid cargo in bulk.

Subpart 90.10—Definition of Terms Used in This Subchapter

§90.10-1   Anniversary date.
§90.10-2   Approved.
§90.10-3   Barge.
§90.10-5   Carrying freight for hire.
§90.10-7   Commandant.
§90.10-9   Coast Guard District Commander.
§90.10-11   Coastwise.
§90.10-12   Gas free.
§90.10-13   Great Lakes.
§90.10-14   Headquarters.
§90.10-15   Industrial personnel.
§90.10-16   Industrial vessel.
§90.10-19   Lakes, bays, and sounds.
§90.10-20   Liftboat.
§90.10-21   Marine inspector or inspector.
§90.10-23   Motorboat.
§90.10-25   Ocean.
§90.10-27   Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI).
§90.10-29   Passenger.
§90.10-30   Pilot boarding equipment and point of access.
§90.10-33   Rivers.
§90.10-35   Recognized classification society.
§90.10-36   Seagoing barge.
§90.10-37   Vessel.
§90.10-38   Specially suitable for vehicles.
§90.10-40   Offshore supply vessels.
§90.10-42   Tankerman.

Subpart 90.15—Equivalents

§90.15-1   Conditions under which equivalents may be used.

Subpart 90.20—General Marine Engineering Requirements

§90.20-1   Marine engineering details.

Subpart 90.25—General Electrical Engineering Requirements

§90.25-1   Electrical engineering details.

Subpart 90.27—Lifesaving Appliances and Arrangements

§90.27-1   Lifesaving appliances and arrangements.

Subpart 90.35—American Bureau of Shipping's Standards

§90.35-1   Standards to be used.
§90.35-5   Where obtainable.

Expand List item 902Collapse List item 902  Part 91 - Inspection and Certification

Subpart 91.01—General Provisions; Certificate of Inspection

§91.01-1   Preemptive effect.
§91.01-2   When required.
§91.01-5   Posting.
§91.01-10   Period of validity for a Certificate of Inspection.
§91.01-15   Temporary certificate.
§91.01-20   Expired certificate.
§91.01-25   Emergency carriage of more than 16 persons in addition to the crew on vessels not engaged in international voyages.

Subpart 91.05—Permit To Proceed to Another Port for Repair

§91.05-1   When issued.
§91.05-5   To whom issued.
§91.05-10   Conditions of permit.
§91.05-15   Posting.

Subpart 91.15—Inspection of Vessels

§91.15-1   Standards in inspection of hulls, boilers, and machinery.
§91.15-5   Alternate compliance.

Subpart 91.20—Initial Inspection

§91.20-1   Prerequisite of certificate of inspection.
§91.20-5   When made.
§91.20-10   Plans.
§91.20-15   Scope of inspection.
§91.20-20   Specific tests and inspections.

Subpart 91.25—Inspection for Certification

§91.25-1   Prerequisite of reissuance of certificate of inspection.
§91.25-5   Application for a Certificate of Inspection.
§91.25-7   Incorporation by reference.
§91.25-10   Scope of inspection.
§91.25-15   Lifesaving equipment.
§91.25-20   Fire extinguishing equipment.
§91.25-25   Hull equipment.
§91.25-30   Electrical engineering equipment.
§91.25-35   Marine engineering equipment.
§91.25-37   Tanks containing dangerous cargoes.
§91.25-38   Pollution prevention.
§91.25-40   Sanitary inspection.
§91.25-45   Fire hazards.
§91.25-50   Inspector not limited.

Subpart 91.27—Annual and Periodic Inspections

§91.27-1   Annual and periodic inspections.
§91.27-5   Certificate of Inspection: Conditions of validity.
§91.27-13   Alternative annual inspection for offshore supply vessels less than 400 gross tons in foreign ports.
§91.27-15   Inspectors not limited.

Subpart 91.30—Inspection After Accident

§91.30-1   General or partial survey.

Subpart 91.35—Sanitary Inspections

§91.35-1   When made.

Subpart 91.40—Drydocking

§91.40-1   Definitions relating to hull examinations.
§91.40-3   Drydock examination, internal structural examination, cargo tank internal examination, and underwater survey intervals.
§91.40-5   Notice and plans required.

Subpart 91.43—Integral Fuel Oil Tank Examinations

§91.43-1   When required.

Subpart 91.45—Repairs and Alterations

§91.45-1   Notice required.
§91.45-5   Inspection required.

Subpart 91.50—Special Operating Requirements

§91.50-1   Inspection and testing required when making alterations, repairs, or other such operations involving riveting, welding, burning or like fire-producing actions.

Subpart 91.55—Plan Approval

§91.55-1   General.
§91.55-5   Plans and specifications required for new construction.
§91.55-10   Plans required for alterations of existing vessels.
§91.55-15   Procedure for submittal of plans.
§91.55-20   Number of plans required.

Subpart 91.60—Certificates Under International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea, 1974

§91.60-1   Application.
§91.60-5   Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate.
§91.60-10   Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate.
§91.60-15   Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate.
§91.60-25   Exemption Certificate.
§91.60-30   Safety Management Certificate.
§91.60-35   Availability of Certificates.
§91.60-40   Duration of Convention certificates.
§91.60-45   American Bureau of Shipping.

Expand List item 903Collapse List item 903  Part 92 - Construction and Arrangement

Subpart 92.01—Hull Structure

§92.01-1   Application.
§92.01-2   Incorporation by reference.
§92.01-5   Vessels subject to load line.
§92.01-10   Structural standards.
§92.01-15   Special consideration.
§92.01-90   Vessels contracted for prior to November 19, 1952.

Subpart 92.03—Navigation Bridge Visibility

§92.03-1   Navigation bridge visibility.

Subpart 92.05—General Fire Protection

§92.05-1   Fire hazards to be minimized.
§92.05-5   Woodwork insulated from heated surfaces.
§92.05-10   Lamp room construction.
§92.05-15   Segregation of spaces containing the emergency source of electric power.

Subpart 92.07—Structural Fire Protection

§92.07-1   Application.
§92.07-5   Definitions.
§92.07-10   Construction.
§92.07-90   Vessels contracted for prior to July 1, 1968.

Subpart 92.10—Means of Escape

§92.10-1   Application.
§92.10-5   Two means required.
§92.10-10   Location.
§92.10-15   Vertical ladders not accepted.
§92.10-20   No means for locking doors.
§92.10-25   Stairway size.
§92.10-30   Dead end corridors.
§92.10-35   Public spaces.
§92.10-40   Access to lifeboats.
§92.10-45   Weather deck communications.
§92.10-90   Vessels contracted for prior to November 19, 1952.

Subpart 92.15—Ventilation

§92.15-1   Application.
§92.15-5   Vessels using fuel having a flashpoint of 110 degrees or lower.
§92.15-10   Ventilation for closed spaces.
§92.15-15   Ventilation for crew quarters and, where provided, passenger spaces.
§92.15-90   Vessels contracted for prior to November 19, 1952.

Subpart 92.20—Accommodations for Officers and Crew

§92.20-1   Application.
§92.20-5   Intent.
§92.20-10   Location of crew spaces.
§92.20-15   Construction.
§92.20-20   Sleeping accommodations.
§92.20-25   Washrooms and toilet rooms.
§92.20-30   Messrooms.
§92.20-35   Hospital space.
§92.20-40   Other spaces.
§92.20-45   Lighting.
§92.20-50   Heating and cooling.
§92.20-55   Insect screens.
§92.20-90   Vessels contracted for prior to November 19, 1952.

Subpart 92.25—Rails and Guards

§92.25-1   Application.
§92.25-5   Where rails required.
§92.25-10   Storm rails.
§92.25-15   Guards in dangerous places.
§92.25-90   Vessels contracted for prior to July 1, 1969.

Expand List item 904Collapse List item 904  Part 93 - Stability
Expand List item 905Collapse List item 905  Part 95 - Fire Protection Equipment

Subpart 95.01—Application

§95.01-1   General.
§95.01-2   Incorporation by reference.
§95.01-5   Equipment installed but not required.

Subpart 95.05—Fire Detection and Extinguishing Equipment

§95.05-1   Fire detection, manual alarm, and supervised patrol systems.
§95.05-3   Sample extraction smoke detection systems.
§95.05-5   Fire main system.
§95.05-10   Fixed fire extinguishing systems.
§95.05-15   Hand portable fire extinguishers and semiportable fire extinguishing systems.

Subpart 95.10—Fire Main System, Details

§95.10-1   Application.
§95.10-5   Fire pumps.
§95.10-10   Fire hydrants and hose.
§95.10-15   Piping.
§95.10-90   Installations contracted for prior to May 26, 1965.

Subpart 95.13—Steam Smothering Systems

§95.13-1   Application.

Subpart 95.15—Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems, Details

§95.15-1   Application.
§95.15-5   Quantity, pipe sizes, and discharge rates.
§95.15-10   Controls.
§95.15-15   Piping.
§95.15-20   Carbon dioxide storage.
§95.15-25   Discharge outlets.
§95.15-30   Alarms.
§95.15-35   Enclosure openings.
§95.15-40   Pressure relief.
§95.15-50   Lockout valves.
§95.15-60   Odorizing units.
§95.15-90   Installations contracted for prior to November 19, 1952.

Subpart 95.16—Fixed Clean Agent Gas Extinguishing Systems, Details

§95.16-1   Application.
§95.16-5   Controls.
§95.16-10   Piping, fittings, valves, nozzles.
§95.16-15   Extinguishing agent: Quantity.
§95.16-20   Extinguishing agent: Cylinder storage.
§95.16-25   Manifold and cylinder arrangements.
§95.16-30   Enclosure openings.
§95.16-35   Pressure relief.
§95.16-40   Locked spaces.
§95.16-45   Pre-discharge alarms and time delay devices.
§95.16-50   Instructions.
§95.16-60   System piping installation testing.
§95.16-90   Installations contracted for prior to July 9, 2012.

Subpart 95.17—Foam Extinguishing Systems, Details

§95.17-1   Application.
§95.17-5   Quantity of foam required.
§95.17-10   Controls.
§95.17-15   Piping.
§95.17-20   Discharge outlets.
§95.17-25   Additional protection required.
§95.17-90   Installations contracted for prior to November 19, 1952.

Subpart 95.30—Automatic Sprinkler Systems, Details

§95.30-1   Application.

Subpart 95.50—Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers and Semiportable Fire Extinguishing Systems, Arrangements and Details

§95.50-1   Application.
§95.50-5   §95.50-5   [Reserved]
§95.50-10   Location.
§95.50-20   Semi-portable fire extinguishers.
§95.50-80   Location and number of fire extinguishers required for vessels constructed prior to August 22, 2016.
§95.50-90   Vessels contracted for prior to November 19, 1952.

Subpart 95.60—Fire Axes

§95.60-1   Application.
§95.60-5   Number required.
§95.60-10   Location.

Expand List item 906Collapse List item 906  Part 96 - Vessel Control and Miscellaneous Systems and Equipment
Expand List item 907Collapse List item 907  Part 97 - Operations

Subpart 97.01—Application

§97.01-1   General; preemptive effect.
§97.01-2   Incorporation by reference.

Subpart 97.05—Notice to Mariners and Aids to Navigation

§97.05-1   Duty of officers.
§97.05-5   Charts and nautical publications.

Subpart 97.07—Notice and Reporting of Casualty and Voyage Records

§97.07-1   Notice and reporting of casualty and voyage records.

Subpart 97.10—Persons Allowed in Pilothouse and on Navigation Bridge

§97.10-1   Application.
§97.10-5   Persons excluded.

Subpart 97.11—Stability Letter

§97.11-1   Posting.

Subpart 97.12—Bulk Solid Cargoes

§97.12-1   Definition of a bulk solid cargo.
§97.12-3   Guidance for the master.
§97.12-5   Bulk solid cargoes that may liquefy.
§97.12-10   Cargo securing manuals.

Subpart 97.13—Station Bills

§97.13-1   Muster lists, emergency signals, and manning.

Subpart 97.15—Tests, Drills, and Inspections

§97.15-1   Application.
§97.15-3   Steering gear, whistle, and means of communication.
§97.15-5   Drafts and load line markings.
§97.15-7   Verification of vessel compliance with applicable stability requirements.
§97.15-10   Sanitation.
§97.15-15   Examination of boilers and machinery.
§97.15-17   Loading doors.
§97.15-20   Hatches and other openings.
§97.15-30   Emergency lighting and power systems.
§97.15-35   Emergency training, musters, and drills.
§97.15-55   Requirements for fuel oil.
§97.15-60   Firefighting equipment, general.
§97.15-75   Test of inflatable hopper gate seals on Great Lakes bulk dry cargo vessels.

Subpart 97.16—Auto Pilot

§97.16-1   Use of auto pilot.

Subpart 97.19—Maneuvering Characteristics

§97.19-1   Data required.

Subpart 97.20—Whistling

§97.20-1   Unnecessary whistling prohibited.

Subpart 97.25—Searchlights

§97.25-1   Improper use prohibited.

Subpart 97.27—Lookouts

§97.27-5   Master's and officer's responsibility.

Subpart 97.30—Reports of Accidents, Repairs, and Unsafe Equipment

§97.30-1   Repairs to boilers and pressure vessels.
§97.30-5   Accidents to machinery.
§97.30-10   Notice required before repair.

Subpart 97.33—Communication Between Deckhouses

§97.33-1   When required.

Subpart 97.34—Work Vests

§97.34-1   Application.
§97.34-5   Approved types of work vests.
§97.34-10   Use.
§97.34-15   Shipboard stowage.
§97.34-20   Shipboard inspections.
§97.34-25   Additional requirements for hybrid work vests.

Subpart 97.35—Logbook Entries

§97.35-1   Application.
§97.35-3   Logbooks and records.
§97.35-5   Actions required to be logged.

Subpart 97.36—Display of Plans

§97.36-1   When required.

Subpart 97.37—Markings for Fire and Emergency Equipment, Etc.

§97.37-1   Application.
§97.37-3   General.
§97.37-5   General alarm bell contact maker.
§97.37-7   General alarm bells.
§97.37-9   Carbon dioxide and clean agent alarms.
§97.37-10   Fire extinguishing system branch lines.
§97.37-11   Carbon dioxide warning signs.
§97.37-13   Fire extinguishing system controls.
§97.37-15   Fire hose stations.
§97.37-20   Self-contained breathing apparatus.
§97.37-23   Hand portable fire extinguishers.
§97.37-25   Emergency lights.
§97.37-33   Instructions for changing steering gear.
§97.37-35   Rudder orders.
§97.37-42   Markings for lifesaving appliances, instructions to passengers, and stowage locations.
§97.37-47   Portable magazine chests.
§97.37-50   Ventilation alarm failure.
§97.37-60   Watertight doors.
§97.37-90   Vessels contracted for prior to November 19, 1952.

Subpart 97.40—Markings on Vessels

§97.40-1   Application.
§97.40-5   Hull markings.
§97.40-10   Draft marks and draft indicating systems.
§97.40-15   Load line marks.

Subpart 97.45—Carrying of Excess Steam

§97.45-1   Master and chief engineer responsible.

Subpart 97.47—Routing Instructions

§97.47-1   All persons must comply.

Subpart 97.50—Compliance With Provisions of Certificate of Inspection

§97.50-1   Master or person in charge responsible.

Subpart 97.53—Exhibition of Merchant Mariner Credential

§97.53-1   Officers.

Subpart 97.55—De-Energizing of Cargo Hold Lighting Circuits When Grain or Other Combustible Bulk Cargo Is Carried

§97.55-1   Master's responsibility.
§97.55-5   Warning notice posted.

Subpart 97.80—Operation of Vehicles in Enclosed Locations

§97.80-1   Special operating conditions.

Subpart 97.90—Pilot Boarding Operations

§97.90-1   Pilot boarding operation.

Subpart 97.95—Person in Charge of Transfer of Liquid Cargo in Bulk

§97.95-1   General.

Expand List item 908Collapse List item 908  Part 98 - Special Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Certain Dangerous Cargoes in Bulk

Subpart 98.01—General

§98.01-1   Applicability.
§98.01-3   Incorporation by reference.

Subpart 98.25—Anhydrous Ammonia in Bulk

§98.25-1   Applicability.
§98.25-5   How anhydrous ammonia may be carried.
§98.25-10   Design and construction of cargo tanks.
§98.25-15   Markings.
§98.25-20   Installation of cargo tanks.
§98.25-30   Lagging.
§98.25-35   Refrigerated systems.
§98.25-40   Valves, fittings, and accessories.
§98.25-45   Liquid level gaging device.
§98.25-50   Filling and discharge pipes.
§98.25-55   Cargo piping.
§98.25-60   Safety relief valves.
§98.25-65   Filling density.
§98.25-70   Venting.
§98.25-75   Ventilation.
§98.25-80   Cargo hose.
§98.25-85   Electrical bonding.
§98.25-90   Special operating requirements.
§98.25-95   Tests and inspections.
§98.25-97   Nondestructive testing.

Subpart 98.30—Portable Tanks and Intermediate Bulk Containers

§98.30-1   Applicability.
§98.30-2   Incorporation by Reference.
§98.30-3   Definitions.
§98.30-4   Vessels carrying MPTs.
§98.30-5   Vessels carrying portable tanks other than MPTs.
§98.30-6   Vessels carrying IBCs.
§98.30-7   Materials authorized for transfer to and from a portable tank.
§98.30-8   Materials authorized for transfer to and from an IBC.
§98.30-9   Lifting a portable tank or IBC.
§98.30-10   Smoking.
§98.30-11   Gaskets and lining.
§98.30-12   Stowage of portable tanks and IBCs.
§98.30-13   Pipe connections, and filling and discharge openings.
§98.30-14   Cargo pumps.
§98.30-15   Ground connection.
§98.30-16   Requirements for ships carrying NLSs in portable tanks and IBCs.
§98.30-17   Leakage containment.
§98.30-18   Qualifications of person in charge.
§98.30-19   Supervision by person in charge.
§98.30-21   Inspection prior to transfer.
§98.30-23   Requirements for transfer; general.
§98.30-25   Requirements for transfer; cargo handling system.
§98.30-27   Connections.
§98.30-29   Piping incompatible products.
§98.30-31   Conditions for pumping.
§98.30-33   Warning signals.
§98.30-35   Warning sign at gangway.
§98.30-37   Firefighting requirements.
§98.30-39   Alternate fire extinguishing system.

Subpart 98.31—Control of Pollution From NLS Cargoes on Oceangoing Offshore Supply Vessels

§98.31-5   Applicability.
§98.31-10   Certificate of inspection and NLS certificate endorsements.
§98.31-15   Operating requirements.

Subpart 98.33— Portable Tanks and IBCs for Certain Grade E Combustible Liquids and Other Regulated Materials

§98.33-1   Applicability.
§98.33-3   Cargoes authorized.
§98.33-5   Portable tanks and IBCs authorized.
§98.33-7   Pipe and hose connections.
§98.33-9   Stowage.
§98.33-11   Smoking.
§98.33-13   Cargo-handling systems.
§98.33-15   Transfers.

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Expand List item 825Collapse List item 825  AIS
Expand List item 826Collapse List item 826  Ballast Water Management
Expand List item 827Collapse List item 827  Communications
Expand List item 828Collapse List item 828  Documentation
Expand List item 829Collapse List item 829  Drug & Alcolol Testing
Expand List item 831Collapse List item 831  Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)
Expand List item 832Collapse List item 832  FCC
Expand List item 833Collapse List item 833  Hazardous Condition
Expand List item 834Collapse List item 834  Inland Navigation Rules on Board
Expand List item 835Collapse List item 835  Lifesaving (Part 199)
Expand List item 836Collapse List item 836  Load Lines
Expand List item 837Collapse List item 837  Manning & Watchstanding
Expand List item 838Collapse List item 838  Marine Casualty Reporting
Expand List item 839Collapse List item 839  Marine Sanitation Device (MSD)
Expand List item 840Collapse List item 840  MARPOL Annex V
Expand List item 841Collapse List item 841  MARPOL Annex VI
Expand List item 842Collapse List item 842  Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC)
Expand List item 843Collapse List item 843  MTSA
Expand List item 844Collapse List item 844  Navigation Equipment
Expand List item 845Collapse List item 845  Navigation Lights & Shapes
Expand List item 847Collapse List item 847  Navigation Publications
Expand List item 849Collapse List item 849  Oil Pollution Prevention Records/Documents
Expand List item 848Collapse List item 848  Oil Pollution Prevention
Expand List item 850Collapse List item 850  Records for Towline for Towing Astern
Expand List item 851Collapse List item 851  Registration
Expand List item 852Collapse List item 852  Sound Producing Devices
Expand List item 853Collapse List item 853  Terminal Gear for Towing Astern
Expand List item 854Collapse List item 854  Tests & Inspections
Expand List item 855Collapse List item 855  Towline and Terminal Gear for Towing Alongside & Pushing Ahead
Expand List item 856Collapse List item 856  Towline for Towing Astern
Expand List item 857Collapse List item 857  VTS Rules
Expand List item 858Collapse List item 858  Western Rivers (WR) Exception

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