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Subpart A—General
§136.100 Purpose. §136.105 Applicability. §136.110 Definitions. §136.112 Incorporation by reference. §136.115 Equivalents. §136.120 Special consideration. §136.130 Options for documenting compliance to obtain a Certificate of Inspection. §136.172 Temporary compliance for existing towing vessels. §136.175 Approved equipment. §136.180 Appeals.
Subpart B—Certificate of Inspection
§136.200 Certificate required. §136.202 Certificate of Inspection phase-in period. §136.205 Description. §136.210 Obtaining or renewing a COI. §136.212 Inspection for certification. §136.215 Period of validity. §136.220 Posting. §136.230 Routes permitted. §136.235 Certificate of Inspection amendment. §136.240 Permit to proceed. §136.245 Permit to carry an excursion party or temporary extension or alteration of route. §136.250 Load lines.
§137.100 Purpose. §137.120 Responsibility for compliance. §137.130 Program for vessel compliance for the Towing Safety Management System (TSMS) option. §137.135 Reports and documentation required for the TSMS option.
Subpart B—Inspections and Surveys for Certification
§137.200 Documenting compliance for the Coast Guard inspection option. §137.202 Documenting compliance for the TSMS option. §137.205 External survey program. §137.210 Internal survey program. §137.212 Coast Guard oversight of vessel survey program for vessels under the TSMS option. §137.215 General conduct of survey. §137.220 Scope.
Subpart C—Drydock and Internal Structural Surveys
§137.300 Intervals for drydock and internal structural examinations. §137.302 Documenting compliance for the Coast Guard inspection option. §137.305 Documenting compliance for the TSMS option. §137.310 External survey program. §137.315 Internal survey program. §137.317 Coast Guard oversight of drydock and internal structural examination program for vessels under the TSMS option. §137.320 Vessels holding a valid load line certificate. §137.322 Classed vessels. §137.325 General conduct of examination. §137.330 Scope of the drydock examination. §137.335 Underwater survey in lieu of drydocking.
§138.100 Purpose. §138.115 Compliance.
Subpart B—Towing Safety Management System (TSMS)
§138.205 Purpose of a TSMS. §138.210 Objectives of a TSMS. §138.215 Functional requirements of a TSMS. §138.220 TSMS elements. §138.225 Existing safety management systems (SMSs).
Subpart C—Documenting Compliance
§138.305 TSMS certificate. §138.310 Internal audits for a TSMS certificate. §138.315 External audits for a TSMS certificate.
Subpart D—Audits
§138.400 General. §138.405 Conduct of internal audits. §138.410 Conduct of external audits.
Subpart E—Coast Guard or Organizational Oversight and Review
§138.500 Notification prior to audit. §138.505 Submittal of external audit results. §138.510 Required attendance.
§139.100 Purpose. §139.110 Organizations not subject to further approval. §139.115 General. §139.120 Application for approval as a TPO. §139.125 Approval of TPO. §139.130 Qualifications of auditors and surveyors. §139.135 Addition and removal of auditors and surveyors. §139.140 Renewal of TPO approval. §139.145 Suspension of approval. §139.150 Revocation of approval. §139.155 Appeals of suspension or revocation of approval. §139.160 Coast Guard oversight activities. §139.165 Documentation.
§140.100 Purpose. §140.105 Applicability and delayed implementation for existing vessels.
Subpart B—General Operational Safety
§140.205 General vessel operation. §140.210 Responsibilities of the master and crew.
Subpart C—[Reserved]
Subpart D—Crew Safety
§140.400 Personnel records. §140.405 Emergency duties and duty stations. §140.410 Safety orientation. §140.415 Orientation for individuals that are not crewmembers. §140.420 Emergency drills and instruction. §140.425 Fall overboard prevention. §140.430 Wearing of work vests. §140.435 First aid equipment.
Subpart E—Safety and Health
§140.500 General. §140.505 General health and safety requirements. §140.510 Identification and mitigation of health and safety hazards. §140.515 Training requirements.
Subpart F—Vessel Operational Safety
§140.600 Applicability. §140.605 Vessel stability. §140.610 Hatches and other openings. §140.615 Examinations and tests. §140.620 Navigational safety equipment. §140.625 Navigation underway. §140.630 Lookout. §140.635 Navigation assessment. §140.640 Pilothouse resource management. §140.645 Navigation safety training. §140.650 Operational readiness of lifesaving and fire suppression and detection equipment. §140.655 Prevention of oil and garbage pollution. §140.660 Vessel security. §140.665 Inspection and testing required when making alterations, repairs, or other such operations involving riveting, welding, burning, or like fire-producing actions. §140.670 Use of auto pilot.
Subpart G—Navigation and Communication Equipment
§140.700 Applicability. §140.705 Charts and nautical publications. §140.710 Marine radar. §140.715 Communications equipment. §140.720 Navigation lights, shapes, and sound signals. §140.725 Additional navigation equipment.
Subpart H—Towing Safety
§140.800 Applicability. §140.801 Towing gear. §140.805 Towing safety. §140.820 Recordkeeping for towing gear.
Subpart I—Vessel Records
§140.900 Marine casualty reporting. §140.905 Official logbooks. §140.910 Towing vessel record or record specified by TSMS. §140.915 Items to be recorded.
Subpart J—Penalties
§140.1000 Statutory penalties. §140.1005 Suspension and revocation.
§141.100 Purpose. §141.105 Applicability and delayed implementation for existing vessels.
Subpart B—General Requirements for Towing Vessels
§141.200 General provisions. §141.225 Alternate arrangements or equipment. §141.230 Readiness. §141.235 Inspection, testing, and maintenance. §141.240 Requirements for training crews.
Subpart C—Lifesaving Requirements for Towing Vessels
§141.305 Survival craft requirements for towing vessels. §141.310 Stowage of survival craft. §141.315 Marking of survival craft and stowage locations. §141.320 Inflatable survival craft placards. §141.325 Survival craft equipment. §141.330 Skiffs as survival craft. §141.340 Lifejackets. §141.350 Immersion suits. §141.360 Lifebuoys. §141.370 Miscellaneous life saving requirements for towing vessels. §141.375 Visual distress signals. §141.380 Emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB). §141.385 Line throwing appliance.
§142.100 Purpose. §142.105 Applicability and delayed implementation for existing vessels.
§142.205 Alternate standards. §142.210 Alternate arrangements or equipment. §142.215 Approved equipment. §142.220 Fire hazards to be minimized. §142.225 Storage of flammable or combustible products. §142.226 Firefighter's outfit. §142.227 Fire axe. §142.230 Hand-portable fire extinguishers and semi-portable fire-extinguishing systems. §142.235 Vessels contracted for prior to November 19, 1952. §142.240 Inspection, testing, maintenance, and records. §142.245 Requirements for training crews to respond to fires.
Subpart C—Fire Extinguishing and Detection Equipment Requirements
§142.300 Excepted vessels. §142.315 Additional fire-extinguishing equipment requirements. §142.325 Fire pumps, fire mains, and fire hoses. §142.330 Fire-detection system requirements.
§143.100 Purpose. §143.105 Applicability. §143.115 Definitions
Subpart B—Requirements for All Towing Vessels
§143.200 Applicability. §143.205 General. §143.210 Alternate design or operational considerations. §143.215 Existing vessels built to class. §143.220 Machinery space fire prevention. §143.225 Control and monitoring requirements. §143.230 Alarms and monitoring. §143.235 General alarms. §143.240 Communication requirements. §143.245 Readiness and testing. §143.250 System isolation and markings. §143.255 Fuel system requirements. §143.260 Fuel shutoff requirements. §143.265 Additional fuel system requirements for towing vessels built after January 18, 2000. §143.270 Piping systems and tanks. §143.275 Bilge pumps or other dewatering capability. §143.300 Pressure vessels. §143.400 Electrical systems, general. §143.410 Shipboard lighting. §143.415 Navigation lights. §143.450 Pilothouse alerter system. §143.460 Towing machinery.
Subpart C—Requirements for New Towing Vessels
§143.500 Applicability. §143.510 Verification of compliance with design standards. §143.515 Towing vessels built to recognized classification society rules. §143.520 Towing vessels built to American Boat and Yacht Council standards. §143.540 Pumps, pipes, valves, and fittings for essential systems. §143.545 Pressure vessels. §143.550 Steering systems. §143.555 Electrical power sources, generators, and motors. §143.560 Electrical distribution panels and switchboards. §143.565 Electrical overcurrent protection other than generators and motors. §143.570 Electrical grounding and ground detection. §143.575 Electrical conductors, connections, and equipment. §143.580 Alternative electrical installations. §143.585 General requirements for propulsion, steering, and related controls on vessels that move tank barges carrying oil or hazardous material in bulk. §143.590 Propulsor redundancy on vessels that move tank barges carrying oil or hazardous material in bulk. §143.595 Vessels with one propulsor that move tank barges carrying oil or hazardous material in bulk. §143.600 Alternative standards for vessels that move tank barges carrying oil or hazardous material in bulk. §143.605 Demonstration of compliance on vessels that move tank barges carrying oil or hazardous material in bulk.
§144.100 Purpose. §144.105 Applicability and delayed implementation. §144.120 A classed vessel. §144.125 A vessel with a load line. §144.130 A vessel built to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, requirements. §144.135 Verification of compliance with design standards. §144.140 Qualifications. §144.145 Procedures for verification of compliance with design standards. §144.155 Verification of compliance with design standards for a sister vessel. §144.160 Marking.
Subpart B—Structure
§144.200 Structural standards for an existing vessel. §144.205 Structural standards for a new vessel. §144.215 Special consideration.
Subpart C—Stability and Watertight Integrity
§144.300 Stability standards for an existing vessel. §144.305 Stability standards for a new vessel. §144.310 Lifting requirements for a new vessel. §144.315 Weight and moment history requirements for a vessel with approved lightweight characteristics. §144.320 Watertight or weathertight integrity. §144.330 Review of a vessel's watertight and weathertight integrity.
Subpart D—Fire Protection
§144.400 Applicability. §144.405 Fire hazards to be minimized. §144.410 Separation of machinery and fuel tank spaces from accommodation spaces. §144.415 Combustibles insulated from heated surfaces. §144.425 Waste receptacles. §144.430 Mattresses.
Subpart E—Emergency Escape
§144.500 Means of escape. §144.505 Location of escapes. §144.510 Window as a means of escape. §144.515 One means of escape required.
Subpart F—Ventilation
§144.600 Ventilation for accommodations. §144.605 Means to stop fans and close openings. §144.610 Ventilation in a vessel more than 65 feet in length.
Subpart G—Crew Spaces
§144.700 General requirements. §144.710 Overnight accommodations. §144.720 Crew rest consideration.
Subpart H—Rails and Guards
§144.800 Handrails and bulwarks. §144.810 Storm rails. §144.820 Guards in dangerous places. §144.830 Protection against hot piping.
Subpart I—Visibility
§144.905 Operating station visibility. §144.920 Window or portlight strength in a new vessel.
See TugSafe Central for guidance on other regulations that may be applicable to a towing vessel required to be inspected under 46 CFR Subchapter M.
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