Towing vessels that comply with SOLAS Chapter II-2 (Construction – Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction) are deemed to be in compliance with Subchapter M fire protection requirements.
Towing vessels that comply with SOLAS Chapter III (Life-saving appliances and arrangements) are deemed to be in compliance with Subchapter M lifesaving requirements. In addition, towing vessels that operate on an international voyage would also need to meet the applicable requirements of 46 CFR Subchapter W.
Objective evidence of compliance with SOLAS Chapter II-2 and III could be a valid SOLAS Safety Equipment Certificate; however, other forms of objective evidence can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Towing vessels built to meet SOLAS requirements are deemed to be in compliance with 46 CFR Subchapter M Part 144 design and construction standards. Objective evidence of being built to meet SOLAS requirements for design and construction could be a valid SOLAS Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate; however other forms of objective evidence can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Classed towing vessel are deemed to be in compliance with Subchapter M structure, stability and watertight integrity standards outlined in 46 CFR 144 Subparts B and C.
Regulatory Cites:
46 CFR 136.112 Incorporation by reference
46 CFR 141.105 Applicability
46 CFR 142.205 Alternate standards
46 CFR 144.120 A classed vessel
46 CFR 144.130 A vessel built to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, requirements