Office of Marine Environmental
Response Policy (CG-MER)


U.S. Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, SE, STOP 7516
Washington, DC 20593

Domestic Preparedness and Planning Division (CG-MER-4)


CG-MER-4 serves as program manager for preparedness and planning initiatives including development of area contingency plan (ACP) and regional contingency plan (RCP) policies and ensures plans under the national response system align with the National Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP). In Alignment with the ACP review process, CG-MER-4 leads the national review panel each year and ensures recommended updates are established within the revised plan. Additionally, CG-MER serves as program manager for the Spills of National Significance (SONS) Program training and exercise activities and supports 5RI as the chair of the SONS Executive Steering Committee. CG-MER-4 serves as the Coast Guard’s liaison for quality partnerships with MER related industry stakeholders.  Additionally, CG-MER-4 administers the Vessel Response Plan (VRP) Program, to include review and approval of VRPS and shipboard oil pollution emergency plans (SOPEP) as well as designing and implementing improvements to the program (e.g. Western Alaska Planning Criteria, and alternate planning criteria). MER-4 provides the Coast Guard representative for the Preparedness for Response Exercises Program (PREP) and the PREP Compliance, Coordination and Consistency Committee (PREP4C), and manages the Government Initiated Unannounced Exercise (GIUE) Program for all CG units.  Finally, CG-MER-4 serves as the CG’s administrator and principal representative for the National Response Team (NRT) and as the chair for the Preparedness Committee.