The Policies Division
The Office of Search and Rescue's Policy Division is responsible for the development, coordination, administration, and evaluation of SAR policies, procedures, plans, agreements, and requirements for program implementation. The Policy Division maintains the Coast Guard Addendum to US Supplement to the IAMSAR Manual, initiates, coordinates, and evaluates SAR program-related assessments and RDT&E projects. Provides USCG SAR requirements, guidance and information to those who direct, provide support or provide facilities and equipment for the SAR program, and work closely with them to ensure program goals are achieved. The Policy Division analyzes and reports on program objectives, goals and standards relative to measured results in support of budgetary and policy decisions, and responds to program inquiries and tasking. The Policy Division provides direction, guidance and performance standards to facility managers and operational commanders responsible for SAR operations, and ensures proper coordination is carried out with those outside the Coast Guard who provides or support SAR operations. Finally, the Policy Division actively participates in the policy, planning and development of SAR communications and capabilities to ensure those systems and capabilities properly support the SAR mission.