Mobile Training: Operational Training in your Country
U.S. Coast Guard Mobile Training Teams (MTT) cover multiple USCG mission areas. Mobile, or exportable, training — where the Coast Guard comes to you — is one of our most versatile and cost-effective international training tools. Every year, we train more than 1,000 International Military Students (IMS) in more than 40 countries.
The U.S. Coast Guard can work with your organization to develop your own organic training capability. In addition, any of the MTTs may be held regionally with two or more participating nations to promote regional cooperation. The U.S. Coast Guard works with the host nation and the U.S. embassy to customize the logistics, such as the location, the number of students, the dates of the training, and more.
The training and technical assistance teams are primarily from the USCG International Mobile Training Branch (MTB), based at Training Center Yorktown in Virginia. However, for specialized courses, some teams may include members of the Mobile Training Branch with other Coast Guard military personnel, civilians, or contractors who have either the required expertise or skills that complement the focus of the training.
MTTs conduct training in English. If needed, the U.S. embassy will work with your nation to arrange for an interpreter and the translation of course materials. USCG Mobile Education and Training (MET) and MTTs are provided on an unclassified basis only.
US Coast Guard International Training Handbook