Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVIC)


Plan Review

Number Description
03-08 Provides Guidance for Plan Review and Examinations of Foreign Passenger Vessels that Embark Passengers in U.S. ports or call at U.S. ports with U.S. Citizens as Passengers

01-05 (CH-1)

Interim Guidance for the Development and Review of Response Plans for Non-Tank Vessels
03-04 Guidance for the Development of Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan for Noxious Liquid Substances Pursuant to Preventions of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) on U.S. Flag Vessels and Compliance Determinations on Foreign Flag Vessels
04-03 (CH-1) Change 1: Guidance for Verification of Vessel Security Plans on Domestic Vessels in Accordance with the Regulations Mandated by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 and International Ship & Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
04-03 (CH-2) Change 2: Guidance for Verification of Vessel Security Plans on Domestic Vessels in Accordance with the Regulations Mandated by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 and International Ship & Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
04-03 (CH-3) Change 3: Guidance for Verification of Vessel Security Plans on Domestic Vessels in Accordance with the Regulations Mandated by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 and International Ship & Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
04-94 Elimination of Coast Guard Plan Review for Non-Critical Engineering Systems and Cargo Barges
08-84 Recommendations for the Submittal of Merchant Vessel Plans and Specifications
13-83 Coast Guard Retention of Commercial Vessel Plan Review Case Files
10-82 (CH-2) Change 2: Acceptance of Plan Review and Inspection Tasks Performed by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) for New Construction or Major Modification of U.S Flag Vessels
11-80 Structural Plan Review Guidelines for Aluminum Small Passenger Vessels

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