Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVIC)

1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980


Number                                            Description
08-89 Recommendations Concerning Emergency Towing of Tankers
07-89 Maneuvering Information
05-89 Guidelines for Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Vessel Type Cargo Tanks Aboard Tank Barges
04-89 Introduction to Human Factors Engineering
03-89 Guidelines for the Presentation of Stability Information for Operating Personnel
02-89 Guide for Electrical Installations on Merchant Vessels and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
01-89 Underwater Survey Guidance
Cancelled/Incorporated into MSM Vol. II Issuance of Letters of Compliance to Foreign Documented Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Operating on the Outer Continental Shelf of the United States
02-88 Inerting Requirements for Chemical Tankers and Gas Carriers
01-88 CH-1 Ch-1 to 01-88, International Load Line Certificates for Small Passenger Vessels Operating Within 20 Miles of the Mouth of a Harbor of Safe Refuge
01-88 International Load Line Certificates for Small Passenger Vessels Operating Within 20 Miles of the Mouth of a Harbor of Safe Refuge
08-87 Notes on Design, Construction, Inspection and Repair of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Vessels with Change Included
07-87 Guidance on Waterborne Transport of Oil Field Wastes
06-87 Recommended Procedures for Control of Asbestos and Other Respiratory Hazards on Board Merchant Vessels, Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Facilities and Deepwater Ports
05-87 Guidance on Implementation of Annex II of the MARPOL Protocol of 73/78 for Vessels Carrying Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) in Bulk
04-87 (CH-1) Report of Inadequate Reception Facilities
02-87 Domestic Barge Transportation of Radioactive Materials/Nuclear Waste
13-86 Use of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listed Fire Extinguishers
12-86 Replacement of Flame Safety Lamps with combination Oxygen/Combustible Gas Indicators
11-86 Guidelines Governing the Use of Fiberglass Pipe (FGP) on Inspected Vessels
10-86 Equivalence to Minimum Bow Height Requirements for Load Line Assignment
08-86 Cancelled Coast Guard Relationships with Classification Societies for U.S. Flag Vessels
07-86 Information on the Adequacy and Currency of Nautical Charts
05-86 Voluntary Standards for U.S. Uninspected Commercial Fishing Vessels
04-86 Hydraulic Release Units for Life Rafts, Life Floats and Buoyant Apparatus, and Alternate Float-Free Arrangements
01-86 Shipment and Discharge of Seamen
11-85 Superseded by 33 CFR 164.38 Coast Guard Guidance Regarding Requirements for Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) and device to Indicate Speed and Distance.
10-85 Oversight of Technical and Administrative Aspects of Load Line Assignment
Recall and Other Corrective Measures for Lifesaving Equipment
03-85 Bulk Liquid Cargo Finding Aid
02-85 Notification to the U.S. Coast Guard for Enforcement of Load Line Requirements
11-84 Guidelines for New Construction or Major Modification of U.S. Flag Vessels in Foreign Shipyards
09-84 Electrical Installations in Agricultural Dust Locations
08-84 Recommendations for the Submittal of Merchant Vessel Plans and Specifications
07-84 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Citizenship Requirement; Exemptions from
06-84 Automated Main and Auxiliary Machinery; Supplemental Guidance On
04-84 Equivalent Determination for Existing, Installed Oil-Water Separators which have Not Received U.S. Coast Guard Approval
02-84 Amendments to the 1974 Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Treaty
01-84 Lack of Topstitching on Some Type I Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)
13-83 Coast Guard Retention of Commercial Vessel Plan Review Case Files
12-83 Intact Stability of Towing and Fishing Vessels; Research Results
11-83, CH-1 Regulations for Very Large 46 CFR Subchapter T Passenger Vessels
10-83 Cancelled/Superseded Stability Approval and the Issuance of Stability Letters
09-83 Cancelled/Superseded Coast Guard Guidance Regarding Requirement for Charts and Publications.
08-83 Guidance for Compliance with Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as Modified by the Protocol of 1978 Relating Thereto (MARPOL 73/78)
05-83 Unified Interpretation of the International Convention on the Load Lines, 1986
03-83 Voluntary Qualification for U.S. Merchant Marine Entry-Ratings
01-83 Painters for Life Floats and Buoyant Apparatus
18-82 Form B Load Lines; Procedures for Issuance of Certificates
17-82 Intact Stability of Small Vessels; Recommendations
16-82 Appeal of Coast Guard Commercial Vessel Decisions and Actions
13-82 Cross Reference List Between the IMO Chemical Code and 46 CFR Part 153
12-82 Recommendations on Control of Excessive Noise
11-82 Deck Foam Systems for Polar Solvents
10-82 w/ CH-2 Acceptance of Plan Review and Inspection Tasks Performed by the American Bureau of Shipping for New Construction or Major Modifications of U.S. Flag Vessels
CH-1 Part A,
CH-1 Part B
Cancelled/Superseded by NVIC 1-09 MSD Certification
08-82 Load Line Certificates
07-82 Sample Format of Vessel or Facility
06-82 Superseded by 46 CFR 160.151 Servicing and Inspection of Inflatable Life Rafts Utilizing Voluntary Third-Party Inspection Origination
05-82 Fixed Ballast
04-82 Cancelled Uninspected Commercial Vessel Safety
02-81 w/ CH-2 Coast Guard Inspection Guidance Regarding Integrated Tug Barge Combinations
14-81 w/ CH-1 Stability Tests; Waiving of for "Sister Vessels."
10-81 Coast Guard Certification and Inspection of Certain Categories of Existing Vessels
09-81 Coast Guard Guidance Regarding Shipboard Helicopter Facilities
06-81 Lifeboat Weight Tests
05-81 Literature Concerning Hazardous Cargoes
01-81 w/ CH-1 Guidance for Enforcement of the Requirements of the Port and Tanker Safety Act of 1978(PTSA) Pertaining to SBT, CBT, COW, IGS, Steering Gear, and Navigation Equipment for Tank Vessels
11-80 Structural Plan Review Guidelines for Aluminum Small Passenger Vessels
09-80 Superseded by 46 CFR 160.151 Servicing Requirements of Inflatable Life Rafts/
08-80 Superseded/Cancelled by NVIC 9-97 Fire Hazard of Polyurethane and Other Organic Foams
07-80 Use of Fire Detection Systems Which are Not Approved Under 46 CFR 161.002
02-80 Poured Metal Socket Connections for Lifeboat Falls
01-80 Inspection of Viking On-Load Release Gear on Watercraft America Lifeboats

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