Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVIC)

2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 


Number Description
03-19 Maintenance, Thorough Examination, Operational Testing, Overhaul and Repair Of Lifeboats and Rescue Boats, Launching Appliances and Release Gear
Guide to Marine Equipment Approvals Covered by a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA)
04-18 Guidelines for Drafting the Marine Transportation System Recovery Plan
03-18 (CH-4) CH-4 to Guidelines on Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Master of Vessels of Less Than 500 Gross Tons (GT), NVIC 3-18, COMDTPUB 16721
CH-5 to Guidelines on Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch of Vessels of Less Than 500 GT, NVIC 02-18, COMDTPUB 16721
01-18 Ballast Water Management for Control of Non-Indigenous Species in Waters of The United States
06-17 Pipeline and Hose Testing Guidance for Marine Transportation Related Facilities Handling Oil or Hazardous Material in Bulk

05-17 (CH-1)

CH-1 to Reporting and Investigation of Marine Casualties Where the United States is a Substantially Interested State (SIS)
04-17 (CH-5) CH-5 to Guidelines on Qualification for National and STCW Endorsements for Service as Assistant Engineer and Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch on Offshore Supply Vessels, NVIC 04-17, COMDTPUB 16721
03-17 (CH-5) CH-5 to Guidelines on Qualification for National and STCW Endorsements for Service as Master and Chief Mate on Offshore Supply Vessels, NVIC 03-17, COMDTPUB 16721
02-17 (CH-5) CH-5 to Guidelines on Qualification for National and STCW Endorsements for Service as Chief Engineer on Offshore Supply Vessels, NVIC 02-17, COMDTPUB 16721
01-17 (CH-5) CH-5 to Guidelines on Qualification for National and STCW Endorsements for Service as Mate on Offshore Supply Vessels, NVIC 01-17, COMDTPUB 16721
03-16 (CH-6) CH-6 Guidelines for Credentialing Officers of Towing Vessels, NVIC 03-16, COMDTPUB 16721
02-16 Inspection Guidance for Sail Rigging and Masts on Inspected Sailing Vessels
01-16 (CH-2) CH-2 Use of Electronic Charts and Publications in lieu of Paper Charts, Maps and Publications
01-15 Marine Casualty Reporting Procedures Guide with Associated Standard Interpretations
24-14 (CH-5) CH-5 to Guidelines for Qualifications for STCW Endorsements as Electro-Technical Rating on Vessels Powered by Main Propulsion Machinery of 750 kW/1000 HP or More, NVIC 24-14, COMDTPUB 16721
23-14 (CH-4) CH-4 to Guidelines for Qualifications for STCW Endorsements as Electro-Technical Officer on Vessels Powered by Main Propulsion Machinery of 750 kW/1000 HP or More, NVIC 23-14, COMDTPUB 16721
CH-2 to Guidelines for Qualifications for STCW Endorsements for Officers and Ratings on Oil, Chemical, and Liquefied Gas Tank Vessels
CH-1 to Guidelines for Qualifications for STCW Endorsements for Vessel Security Officers, Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties, and Security Awareness
20-14 Guidelines for Qualifications for High-Speed Craft Type-Rating Endorsements
19-14 (CH-5) CH-5 to Policy on Qualified Assessors, NVIC 19-14, COMDTPUB
18-14 (CH-5) CH-5 to Guidelines on Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Able Seafarer-Engine, NVIC 18-14, COMDTPUB 16721
17-14 (CH-8) CH-8 To Guidelines on Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch in a Manned Engine Room or Designated Duty Engineer in A Periodically Unmanned Engine Room on Vessels Powered by Main Propulsion Machinery Of 750KW/1000 HP Propulsion Power or more (OPERATIONAL LEVEL), NVIC 17-14, COMDTPUB 16721
16-14 (CH-5) CH-5 to Guidelines on Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Chief Engineer Officer and Second Engineer Officer on Ships Powered by Main Propulsion Machinery of 750 kW/1000 HP Propulsion Power or More and Less Than 3000 kW/4000 HP Propulsion Power (MANAGEMENT LEVEL), NVIC 16-14, COMDTPUB 16721
15-14 (CH-6) CH-6 to Guidelines on Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Chief Engineer Officer and Second Engineer Officer on Ships Powered by Main Propulsion Machinery of 3000 kW/4000 HP Propulsion Power or More (MANAGEMENT LEVEL), NVIC 15-14, COMDTPUB 16721
14-14 (CH-6) CH-6 to Guidelines on Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Able Seafarer-Deck, NVIC 14-14, COMDTPUB 16721
13-14 (CH-5) CH-5 to Guidelines on Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Master or Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch of Vessels of Less than 500 GT Limited to Near-Coastal Waters, NVIC 13-14, COMDTPUB 16721
12-14 (CH-7) CH-7 to Guidelines on Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on Vessels Of 500 GT Or More, NVIC 12-14, COMDTPUB 16721
11-14 (CH-5) CH-5 To Guidelines on Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Master or Chief Mate on Vessels Of 500 GT or More and Less than 3000 GT (MANAGEMENT LEVEL), NVIC 11-14, COMDTPUB 16721
10-14 (CH-5) CH-5 To Guidelines on Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Master or Chief Mate on Vessels Of 3,000 GT Or More, (MANAGEMENT LEVEL), NVIC 10-14, COMDTPUB 16721
09-14 (CH-1) CH-1 to Guidelines for Qualification for STCW Endorsements for Advanced Firefighting
08-14 (CH-1) CH-1 to Guidelines for Qualifications for STCW Endorsements in Basic Training (Formerly Basic Safety Training)
07-14 (CH-7) CH-7 to Guidelines for Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Rating Forming Part of an Engineering Watch, NVIC 07-14, COMDTPUB 16721
06-14 (CH-6) CH-6 to Guidelines for Qualification for STCW Endorsements as Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch, NVIC 06-14, COMDTPUB 16721
CH-1 to Guidelines for Qualification for STCW Endorsements Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats
04-14 (CH-2) Cancelled / Superseded by 01-24.  CH-2 to Guidelines for Qualification for STCW Endorsements for Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats
03-14 (CH-2) CH-2 to Guidelines for Approval of Training Courses and Programs, NVIC 03-14, COMDTPUB 16721
02-14 Cancelled Grandfathering and Transitional Provisions for Merchant Mariner Credentials
01-14 Cancelled/Superseded by Merchant Mariner Medical Manual (COMDTINST M16721.48) Guidance on the Issuance of Medical Certificates
02-13 (CH-1) Guidance Implementing the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
02-13 Superseded by 02-13 Ch-1 Guidance Implementing the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
Inspection and Certification of Vessels Under the Maritime Security Program (MSP)
01-13 Superseded by 01-13 Ch-1 Inspection and Certification of Vessels Under the Maritime Security Program (MSP)
00-13 Cancelled NVIC 2013 Index
02-11 Kite Propulsion Systems
01-11 Guidance Related to Waterfront Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities
00-11 Index of Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars
03-10 New SOLAS Requirements for Lifejackets and Immersion Suits Effective 1 JULY 2010
02-10 Guidance for the Implementation and Enforcement of the Salvage and Marine Firefighting Regulations for Vessel Response Plans

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