Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVIC)

Background Information

A Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) provides detailed guidance about the enforcement or compliance with a certain Federal marine safety regulations and Coast Guard marine safety programs.  While NVIC's are non-directive, meaning that they do not have the force of law, they are important "tools" for complying with the law.  Non-compliance with a NVIC is not a violation of the law in and of itself, however non-compliance with a NVIC may be an indication that there is non-compliance with a law or regulation. 

NVIC's are used internally by the Coast Guard to ensure that inspections and other regulatory actions conducted by our field personnel are adequate, complete and consistent.  Likewise, mariners, the marine industry and the general public use NVIC's as means of determining how the Coast Guard will be enforcing certain regulations or conducting various marine safety programs.  NVIC's are issued by the Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy (CG-5P) and address a wide variety of subjects, including: vessel construction features; mariner training and licensing requirements; inspection methods and testing techniques; safety and security procedures; requirements for certain Coast Guard regulatory processes; manning requirements; equipment approval methods; and special hazards.

NVIC's are numbered consecutively by year, e.g., NVIC 7-02 would be the seventh NVIC issued in 2002.  The "zero" NVIC, numbered 00, is always the index of NVIC's in force or still current at the beginning of the calendar year.  For example, NVIC 00-07 is a list of all NVIC's in effect as of January 1, 2007.

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01-25DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/2020/2025/Final-HSC-NVIC-signed-011325.pdfNavigation

Guidance for improvement and enhancement of cooperative relationships through local harbor safety committees. 

01-18DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/2018/NVIC-01_18.pdfBallast WaterBallast Water Management for Control of Non-Indigenous Species in Waters of The United States2018
01-04DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/2004/NVIC_01-04.pdfBallast WaterShipboard Technology Evaluation Program (STEP) Experimental Ballast Water Treatment Systems2004
07-04 (CH-1) Ballast Water

Cancelled/Superseded by NVIC 01-18 Ballast Water Management for the Control of Aquatic Nuisance Species in the Waters of the United States

01-98DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1998/n1-98.pdfBarges

Loading Considerations for Existing Inland Tank Barges

10-97DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1997/n10-97.pdfCargo

Guidelines for Cargo Securing Manual Approval

05-94DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1994/n5-94.pdfCargo

Requirements for Vessels Carrying Bulk Grain Cargo

7-93DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1993/n7-93.pdfCommercial Fishing Vessel Safety

Guidelines for Acceptance of "Fishing Vessel Safety Instructors" and Course Curricula for Training "Fishing Vessel Drill Conductors"

01-92(CH-2)DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1992/n1-92ch2.pdfCommercial Fishing Vessel Safety

Change 2: Implementation of Lifesaving Equipment Requirements for Commercial Fishing Vessels

01-92(CH-1)DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1992/n1-92ch1.pdfCommercial Fishing Vessel Safety

Change 1: Implementation of Lifesaving Equipment Requirements for Commercial Fishing Vessels

01-92DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1992/n1-92.pdfCommercial Fishing Vessel Safety

Implementation of Lifesaving Equipment Requirements for Commercial Fishing Vessels

05-91DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1991/n5-91.pdfBarges

Inspection and Certification of River Barges Carrying Occupied Recreational Vehicles (RVS)

13-91(CH-1) Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety

Change 1: Fishing Industry Vessel Third Party Examination and Procedures for Designation of "Accepted Organizations" and "Similarly Qualified Organizations."

13-91 Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Fishing Industry Vessel Third Party Examination and Procedures for Designation of "Accepted Organizations" and "Similarly Qualified Organizations"1991
05-89DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1989/n5-89.pdfBarges

Guidelines for Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Vessel Type Cargo Aboard Tank Barges

02-87DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1987/n2-87.pdfBarges

Domestic Barge Transportation of Radioactive Materials/Nuclear Waste

05-86DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1986/n5-86.pdfCommercial Fishing Vessel Safety

Voluntary Standards for U.S. Uninspected Commercial Fishing Vessels

03-85DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1985/n3-85.pdfCargo

Bulk Liquid Cargo Finding Aid

12-83DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1983/n12-83.pdfBallast Water

Voluntary Standards for U.S. Uninspected Commercial Fishing Vessels

02-81(CH-1)DCO Documents/5p/5ps/NVIC/1981/n2-81.pdfBarges

Coast Guard Inspection Guidance Regarding Integrated Tug Barge Combinations

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