We have established with Sector Miami a structured On the Job Training (OJT) program for up to 6 apprentice PSCO's in two week training cycles. Geographic proximity to Sector Miami is, of course, conducive to this arrangement, however we can accommodate members from other areas to attend as well. We can work with District Offices to help locate funding for the attendance of out of area personnel. We can also work with other field units to develop their own FPVE training program and are available to provide deployable training upon request.

Here is a brief synopsis of the training resources that can be provided by the CSNCOE:

  • Provide resident training and structured OJT opportunities to industry, Coast Guard and other Government agencies at the NCOE.

  • Provide exportable (non-resident) training, structured OJT programs, and specialized just in time training to field units in order to help maintain competency and mission capability.

  • Interact directly with Prevention Chiefs, Inspection Division Chiefs (CID), Marine Inspection Training Officers (MITO) and Marine Inspectors to gather feedback on the Foreign Passenger Vessel Exam process and training program.

  • Evaluate Coast Guard's training effectiveness, efficiency, and needs of Coast Guard field units to perform their Marine Safety Mission within this field and develop targeted plans to raise competencies and resolve training inefficiencies.

  • Support Coast Guard field units training programs by serving as:
    1. National Verifying Officers for the Foreign Passenger Vessel Examiner competency.

    2. PQS certification board members for the Foreign Passenger Vessel Examiner competency.

If you feel your unit would benefit from this program, please contact us at csncoe@uscg.mil.