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Gas Carrier PQS Training Resources


The following links are provided to assist marine inspectors in support of the Gas Carrier Practical Qualification Standards (PQS). The primary source to find supporting Foreign gas carrier examiner documents is the CG Learning Management System at the link below. 

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner    (Note: Click link and log in with CAC card, then click link again)

CG Learning Management System Foreign gas carrier examiner PQS, Job Aid, Training Aid, and Industry Indoctrination Guide.  (Internal Access)

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The following links are for those who may not have access to the CG Learning Management System

Gas Carrier FGC Examiner Performance and Qualification Standard (PQS) training workbook (Sep 2021)

Workbook used by Coast Guard marine inspectors to identify and track completion of FGC Examiner Performance and Qualification Standard (PQS) training items. 

Gas Carrier FGCE PQS Industry Indoctrination Guide

To provide guidance for Coast Guard Port State Control Examiners working toward attainment of the Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) competency on meeting the industry indoctrination requirement of the PQS, established in ALCOAST 336/13.

Gas Carrier FGCE Inspection Job Aid (Jan 2022)

This examination book is intended to be used as an inspection job aid by Coast Guard Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) during Certificate of Compliance examinations of foreign-flagged liquefied or compressed gas tank vessels and cargo monitors. This book contains an extensive list of possible examination items. It is not, however, the Coast Guard’s intention to "examine" all items listed.

Gas Carrier FGCE Training Aid (Nov 2015) 

This is a condensed version of the FGC Examiner Performance and Qualification Standard (PQS) workbook. This Training Aid is intended to be used by Coast Guard Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner trainees during examinations of foreign flagged vessels subject to Port State Control. This Training Aid provides a quick  reference for all the steps necessary to complete specific examination tasks listed in the FGCE Job Aid.

Gas Carrier FGCE PQS Deferment

How to defer a PQS training requirement(s) identified in the FGC Examiner Performance and Qualification Standard (PQS) workbook above.