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Liquefied Gas Carrier - Annual Gas Carrier Surveyor Workshop (GCSW)

Dates:                 As per Event Calendar link.

Location:             As per Event Calendar link.  (Typically Houston Area)

Presenters:         A collaboration of Class, Flag and USCG Members

Seats available:  TBD  (Typically 50 max)

Prerequisites:     1) Be a liquefied gas Class or Flag State Surveyor or liquefied gas SME of a Class Society

The LGC NCOE conducted our first Gas Carrier Surveyor Workshop (GCSW) (Training/Information Exchange) in Houston, TX - 2017 at Sector Houston.  Since then the workshop has grown in interest and has resulted in our compliance partners, Flag and Class Societies, taking turns hosting the workshop. The purpose of the GCSW is to conduct a professional exchange of information within the safety net of Flag and Class surveyors.  All members of the workshop are invited to present.  We typically use presentations from the USCG Gas Carrier Inspector course to keep the conversation on methodical course track as we interpret applicable U.S. and International Maritime Organization (IMO) Liquefied Gas Carrier requirements; and how they are applied when conducting foreign gas carrier exams.

We invite and encourage attending Flag State and Class Society surveyors to share their personal lessons learn with attending Coast Guard members.


To better your experience, you may wish to:

1) Bring your electronic or printed copy of the USCG FGCE TTP found HERE (228 pages)
2) Bring your electronic or printed copy of the IGC Codes (2016 and 1993 Edition)
3) Bring your electronic or printed copy of the IGF Codes (2016 Edition)


Note: You can three-hole punch the TTP, or some have found it nice to take the TTP to a document printing franchise where they can spiral bind books for a small fee ($10).


What to expect:

This is a three-day event. Two days for Gas Carriers, and now an additional day to discuss Low Flashpoint Fuel vessels.  In addition, we want to ensure there is time for discussion back and forth; we want to share our experiences and we want to hear from you too.

Below provides an idea of topics to be covered, subject to change.
Day One:

Lesson 1 -   Intro/LGC NCOE
Lesson 2 -   LNG General Overview
Lesson 3-1  Vessel Pre-Exam
Lesson 3-2  Docs/Pubs
Lesson 3-3  Instrumentation
Lesson 3-4  Health/Safety
Lesson 3-5  Cargo System

Day Two:

Lesson 3-6    Environmental Control Sys
Lesson 3-7    Lifesaving
Lesson 3-8    Electrical
Lesson 3-9    Cargo Area Vent/Air Lock
Lesson 3-10  Gas Fuel Supply
Lesson 3-11  Firefighting

Day Three: 

Low Flashpoint Fuel  (IGF Code)

Topic 1:  Training Resource and Job Aids
Topic 2:  Risk Assessment
Topic 3:  In Service Tank Inspection Plan / Review
Topic 4:  Electrical
Topic 5:  Lessons Learned
Topic 6:  Upcoming Projects

Presentations from Class and Flag

Also, a special thanks to our past Gas Carrier Surveyor Workshop (GCSW) hosts:

  ​2024 - DNV-GL                 Katy, Texas
  2020 - DNV-GL                 Katy, Texas (Cancelled - Covid)
  2019 - ABS                       Spring, Texas
  2018 - Lloyds Registry     Houston, Texas
  2017 - (USCG)                 Houston, Texas




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