Regional Exam Centers (REC) pre-screen applications, administer examinations, conduct oversight of Coast Guard approved courses, and support community outreach programs. It is important that you provide the Regional Exam Center with a complete application package to avoid delay.

You MUST have a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) before applying for a credential.

REC Oakland exam services will be by appointment only.  Appointments for counter services are highly recommended as we cannot guarantee that walk-ins will be accommodated.  Late arrivals for examination appointments may not be permitted and could require rescheduling to another appointment date; if allowed to test after arriving late, an applicant will only receive the amount of time remaining within the exam session.

In all cases, applicants and visitors who are experiencing or demonstrating symptoms indicating an illness will not be permitted to enter the REC/MU and will need to reschedule their appointment.

For an examination appointment: applicants shall bring a photo ID. Applicants are encouraged to bring their own #2 pencils, a non-programmable calculator and plotting equipment, if applicable, as we cannot guarantee that these items will be available at the REC. No other personal belongings are allowed in the examination room. Examinations will not be administered unless an applicant has paid all applicable user fees and has an approved-to-test (ATT) letter.

Applicants may submit an application via email which is the preferred method to, or by fax or mail.

Applicants are encouraged to pay their user fees prior to arrival at the REC using

Medical applications and supporting medical documentation should be sent via e-mail to . Please include your full name in the subject line and ensure attachments are in PDF format.

Awaiting Information (AI) Documentation – To ensure fastest processing please send AI documentation to

Current letters from the NMC requesting Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) AI documentation instruct mariners to send the information to Please use the address instead. These letters are in the process of being changed to instruct mariners to send AI documentation to the new MMC Awaiting Info e-mail address. 

If submitting AI documentation via e-mail, please ensure all attachments are in Adobe PDF format. Submitting documentation in formats other than Adobe PDF will cause processing delays.

Exam Room Hours are 07:30 to 11:00 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Monday through Friday (Excluding all Federal Holidays).

Counter Service Hours are from 07:30 to 11:00 a.m. and 11:45 to 3:15 p.m. Monday through Friday (Excluding all Federal Holidays).


  1. Call the NMC contact center at 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662); or
  2. Email REC Oakland at RECOAKLAND@USCG.MIL;
  3. When scheduling an appointment, applicants MUST include the following information:
  1. Full name;
  2. Mariner Reference Number (MRN);
  3. Date(s) requesting exam or come in person counter service;
  4. Cell phone number (For confirmation purposes).

General Building Access Requirements:  The REAL ID Act of 2005 prohibits Federal agencies from accepting, for official purposes, driver's licenses and identification cards from states not meeting the Act's minimum standards. On May 7, 2025, Federal agencies will be prohibited from accepting driver's licenses and identification cards from the listed states for accessing federal facilities and military installations. In order to gain access to an REC, you will be required to provide a valid driver's license or identification card from a state that meets the Act's minimum standards OR by providing some form of currently valid federal identification (passport, TWIC, MMC, etc.). Failure to provide proof of acceptable identification will prevent you from entering the REC to conduct business which may affect your credential and/or application. 

Parking: There is metered parking near the building and several parking garages within one block walking distance.